Medvedova konta - Blejska koča na Lipanci
Starting point: Medvedova konta (1410 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3748°N 13,9409°E |
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Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 220 m
Altitude difference po putu: 220 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 51.520
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lesce and follow the road in the direction of Bled, where you will be directed to the right at the semaphorised crossroads marked for Pokljuka. Follow this road, which takes us through a few villages in the lower part and later starts to climb steeply, to Mrzle Studenec (a mountain located just 50 m after the junction where the road to Bohinj branches off to the left). In the middle of the mountain pasture, a road branches off the main road to the right, leading to Medvedova konte, Pri Rupah and mountain pasture Zajavornik. Turn right here and follow the road to the next crossroads, where you continue to the right in the direction of Medvedova kontra (straight ahead to the Zajavornik mountain). After a short climb, the road descends and leads to the next crossroads, where you continue to the left in the direction of Blejska hut. Follow this road to the parking lot in front of the ramp, no further driving is allowed.
In winter, the road to this starting point is usually not passable.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along a worse road closed with a barrier, which quickly turns into cart track. The moderately steep cart track is soon joined by a path with mountain pasture to Zajavornik and the Pri Rupah monument. The ascent continues along the very wide cart track, which leads us in a slight climb to the grazing area mountain pasture Lipanca in a few minutes. Here the path turns right and leads us in a moderate ascent along the right-hand lower edge of the above-mentioned mountain pasture. Then crossing the grassy slope, the path leads us back into the forest and makes a sharp right turn at the NOB memorial plaque, after which we reach the shepherd's and mountaineer's hut at mountain pasture Lipanca.
Discussion about the trail Medvedova konta - Blejska koča na Lipanci
tamala29. 02. 2008 |
Super izlet, brez napora, lepo položna pot. Moram pohvalit oskrbnike koče, zelo prijazen odnos do strank. Jutri se verjetno spet odpravimo sem. Lep pozdrav.
živica5. 11. 2010 |
Zanima me,ali je koča ob vikendih odprta tudi v jesensko-zimskem času? Hvala za inf.
heinz5. 11. 2010 |
Blejska koča je stalno odprta. Sicer pa si informacije o kočah lahko prebereš tudi na straneh PZs-ja.
živica12. 11. 2010 |
O hvala..vse najdla
stefanb12. 11. 2010 |
Koča je res stalno odprta, razen takrat ko Jože koristi letni dopust . In to je, po meni znanih podatkih (vsaj tako mi je oskrbnik Jože zaupal) ta in naslednji teden. V zimskem času se zgodi tudi, da je koča kakšen dan med tednom zaprta, ker mora oskrbnik obnoviti zaloge hrane, pijače in energentov.
andrejpo12. 11. 2010 |
Ravno prejšnji vikend sem bil na Lipanci. Oskrbnik je rekel, da bo koča zaprta od 8. 11. do konca meseca novembra. Lep pozrav
Breda11. 04. 2011 |
Danes, 10.4.2011 sem bila gor. Z avtom se ne da do Medvedove konte, ker je na mestih na cesti še sneg. Avto sem pustila pri odcepu za Planino Klek, od koder je do parkirišča še 2km. Tudi na poti do koče je na mestih še nekaj snega. Koča je pa odprta stalno, vse dni, celo leto.
krengorenc14. 08. 2012 |
Pot je lepa, slabo označena! Kdor pa hvali hrano v koči, pa naj gre spet gor!! Neprijazen oskrbnik, žena enaka!Današnji meni: ričet ali kranjska klobasa! Ponudi ričet z klobaso, a moraš vzeti celo klobaso (par)! Ni čudno, če so ljudje samo pili, pa še to večinoma kar so imeli s seboj! Nikoli več!!
Katrca27. 12. 2023 14:46:04 |
Nečaka (star je 3 leta) bi rada peljala na Blejsko kočo z Medvedove konte. Zanima me kakšna je trenutno pot do izhodišča ... je kopna, prevozna? Hvala za odgovore.
mirank27. 12. 2023 15:58:47 |
Saj imaš opis od včeraj kako je do vrha....