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Mountain ranges / Polhograjsko hribovje and Ljubljana / Mengeška koča on Gobavica / Mengeš - Mengeška koča on Gobavica (on trim trail)

Mengeš - Mengeška koča on Gobavica (on trim trail)

Starting point: Mengeš (320 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1669°N 14,5681°E
Name of path: on trim trail
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 113 m
Altitude difference po putu: 113 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 27.226
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 14
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
a) First drive to Trzin, then continue to Mengeš and Kamnik. When you reach the roundabout at the beginning of Mengeš, take the Mengeš exit and then continue driving through the centre of the town. When you reach the main crossroads, where the road to Brnik turns slightly left and the road to Kamnik turns slightly right, take a sharp left onto the narrower road towards Mengeš, the cottage on Gobavica. Continue past the kindergarten, and follow the road to the beginning of the forest, where we park in a marked and asphalted parking lot.
b) From Kamnik or Komenda, take the road to Mengeš, then just after the junction where the two roads join, turn right onto the narrower road towards the Mengeš hut on Gobavica. Continue past the kindergarten and follow the road to the beginning of the forest, where you park in a marked and asphalted parking area.
Path description:
At the end of the parking lot we arrive at a crossroads of several paths, and we choose the left one (straight marked and shortest path to Mengeš hut, right Mengeš hut on the asphalt road), i. e. the one with the markings for the trim track. At first, a gently sloping path crossing the slopes to the right leads past the trim track exercises and then, higher up, joins the other marked path from Mengeš. Here, a few metres before a nearby residential house, turn right and then climb steeply across a small meadow. The path then returns to the forest and after a few minutes of further walking leads to the Mengeš hut on Gobavica.
zemljovid puta - Mengeška koča on Gobavica
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
Mengeš - Mengeška koča on Gobavica1
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Discussion about the trail Mengeš - Mengeška koča on Gobavica (on trim trail)
VanSims13. 05. 2012
Pot je, če nič drugega, zaradi tabel in orodij trim steze večji del lahko sledljiva, malo pa bi dopolnil nekoliko pomanjkliv opis na koncu:

Ko pred tisto stanovanjsko hišo zavijemo desno(sliki 9 in 10), nekaj časa še nadaljujemo po trim stezi mimo desete in enajste vaje. Potem pridemo do dvanajste in namesto, da bi pred to vajo šli desno gremo naravnost, kjer pridemo do križišča, kjer zavijemo ostro levo(priključimo se na markirano pot v prvem opisu Mengeš - Gobavica).

Pot je po trim stezi markirana z zeleno-belimi markacijami, po priključku na pot v prvem opisu pa z običajnimi rdeče-belimi.

Pa prosil bi, če se držite tistega kar piše na tabli na sliki 3. Nas je veliko rekreativcev in trimčkarjev tam.

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