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Miklavž pri Ormožu - Jeruzalem

Starting point: Miklavž pri Ormožu (232 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4634°N 16,2117°E
Destination: Jeruzalem (338 m)
Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 106 m
Altitude difference po putu: 106 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 11.398
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 27
Number of comments: 6
Access to the starting point:
a) From Ormož, drive towards Ljutomer. Shortly after Ormož, you will come to a crossroads where you turn right in the direction of Miklavž pri Ormož. Just after Miklavž pri Ormožu, in a slight right turn, we will see a sign on the road Žuga, which directs us to the left onto a narrower local road, along which we then park.
b) From Ljutomer, drive towards Lendava. Shortly after Stročja vas, the road to Miklavž pri Ormož turns off to the right. Take the road mentioned above and follow it to a slight left turn, in the middle of which the road to the hamlet of Žuga branches off to the right (the road to the hamlet of Žuga branches off to the right before you enter the village of Miklavž pri Ormožu). Continue as described above.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the road along which we parked, which quickly leads us out of the forest and onto the grassy slopes. At first, the completely gently sloping road soon leads us to a hamlet with a few houses, and then past a larger chapel, which we notice slightly to the right of the path, leads to a small crossroads, where we continue straight along the macadam road (on the right road we can get to the aforementioned chapel). The road gradually begins to climb gently, and then at one of the individual houses turns to the right and for a few steps even descends gently. There is a short crossing to the right, and then the deteriorating road turns to the left, where it starts to climb moderately. The road, which continues to climb moderately, leads us higher up to extensive vineyards, along the edge of which we then climb in a few minutes to an asphalted road, which we follow to the right. After a short walk along the above-mentioned road, you will soon reach the summit, where the Church of the Sorrowful Mother of God stands.
zemljovid puta - Jeruzalem
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Miklavž pri Ormožu - Jeruzalem27
Discussion about the trail Miklavž pri Ormožu - Jeruzalem
vitica10. 11. 2009
Prelepa si ti Prlekija!
Nisem prepričan če še je tam skrinjica in žig, prav zagotovo pa je vseskupaj v TIC pisarni na vrhu!nasmeh
andrejjerina10. 11. 2009
Res je, vse skupaj dobiš v pisarni TIC. LP Andrej
Janiel7427. 02. 2012
Glede na to, da za Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah ni opisane nobene poti, sprašujem tukaj, ali je kdo v zadnjem času uporabil žig, ki naj bi bil tam? (vtipkaj Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah). Da ne vozim zastonj tako daleč? Hvala
Janiel7427. 02. 2012
Tole je tekst:
Žig razširjene slovenske planinske poti, se nahaja cca. 50 m nižje v smeri proti Lenartu v Slovenskih goricah (nasproti hiše s št. 96 bomo opazili leseno brunarico, za njo pa zasebno hišo, na dvorišču katere se nahaja vpisna skrinjica z žigom).
marinka674. 01. 2015
Vso svojo mladost sem preživela v tem kraju, pa zdaj prvič slišim za zaselek Žuga. Ko sem bila jaz majhna, smo temu rekli Slančaves. Bom povprašala sorodnike, nekaj jih še imam tam blizu.
sh4. 01. 2015
Marinka, imaš kar prav.
Nekdo je pomešal napis na cesti z imenovanjem kraja, saj je tam še vedno Slenčaves. Zaselka Žuga ni, na cesto so obeležili samo rojstvo nekega otroka in mislim, da tega napisa na cesti tudi ni več, vsaj prejšnji teden ga ni bilo opaziti. Opis bi bilo treba popraviti oz spremeniti.
Po novem je odcep označen tudi s planinsko tablo, ki je pritrjena na prometni znak.
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