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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Punta di Montemaggiore / Montemaggiore - Punta di Montemaggiore

Montemaggiore - Punta di Montemaggiore

Starting point: Montemaggiore (819 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2681°N 13,37°E
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 794 m
Altitude difference po putu: 820 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 10.731
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Number of pictures: 46
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
First, drive to the Kobarid centre, then continue to the Robič border crossing. Near the village of Staro selo, leave the main road leading to the Robič border crossing and turn right towards Breginj. Continue on the main ascending road until Breginj, where after the church in the village, turn right in the route "Most na Nadiži". Follow the road to the bridge (the bridge is the link between Slovenia and Itali), then on the other side of the bridge, turn right. The narrow and steep road then leads to the village of Plastišča / Platischis, and we follow it to the next hamlet of Bona / Bonis. Here we continue to the right (towards Montemaggiore) and the road leads us past the equestrian park into the forest, where it starts to climb steeply. Higher up, you come to a small crossroads where you take a sharp right. The road then leads through the village of Brezje / Montemaggiore. At a sharp left turn, a dirt road branches off to the right. At the junction there are also signs and markings for route 742. Park in a suitable place near the junction.
Path description:
In the village Brezje, turn right onto the dirt road after the "Pta di Montemaggiore" signs. The road soon begins to descend gently and leads to a marked crossroads. Here, leave the forest road and take the narrow path up to the left. The path begins to climb and passes through a beech forest. The path then turns slightly to the right, crosses a few streams and then leads out of the forest. Here, a second path from the village of Brezje joins us from the left. At the crossroads, continue to the right and cross a short scree slope under a rocky base. The path then leads us into a pine forest through which we climb for some time. From the forest the path leads us to grassy slopes from which we open up beautiful views towards Breškemu Jalovec, Stolu and Matajurju. You can also see the sea. Then climb up the grassy slopes, which gradually become steeper. Later, the path turns to the right and crosses the steep slopes below Jalovec. Continue ascending, crossing steep grassy slopes, and later the path also leads through some very short sections of forest. This path then soon leads us to the main ridge, where there is also a marked crossroads.
At the crossroads, continue left along the ridge, straight down the trail towards the Tanamea / Tam na mierze (There at the Border) saddle, and to the right the trail leads along the ridge towards the Gnjilica, Nad Ohojami summit and onwards towards Musco.
We then continue along the grassy ridge to the west. The ridge becomes slightly narrower in the last part and there is only a short, slightly steeper climb to the top of Breški Jalovec.
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