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Mountain ranges / Gorski Kotar and Istria / Perun / Mošćenička Draga - Perun

Mošćenička Draga - Perun

Starting point: Mošćenička Draga (10 m)
Destination: Perun (880 m)
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 870 m
Altitude difference po putu: 880 m
Map: Istra 1:100.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: mvrenc
Views: 14.837
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 34
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
Mošćenička Draga is reached by the regional road from Rijeka towards Pula.
Path description:
Description in Croatian.
From the very centre of Mošćenička Draga, along the Potoskoja Vala (named after the village of Potok), to the swollen village of Trebišća. The journey to Trebišć takes about one sat. From the village there is a path leading to Vojak, the top of Učka, and then the path from the local water supply, which is sharply diverted by the lijeom side of the vale, by the right side of the sea, and then randomly to the plateau below the very top of Perun. From the plateau, the path is divided by the same side, and the southern side is used to reach the summit itself. From the top there is no view of the sea, because of the high Montenegrin mountains, or a view opens up across the Učka and westwards across the saddle of Bodaj and Istria.
The walk to the top of Perun, from the snow, tok 3,5 sata. The hike to Mošćenica and Mošćenica Draga, and tok 3 sata. From the very centre of Mošćenica water 753 steps to Sveti Ivan beach and then Lungo marem to the very centre of Mošćenička Draga
zemljovid puta - Perun
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Discussion about the trail Mošćenička Draga - Perun
Lj13. 03. 2011
Tole pot smo prehodile prejšnji konec tedna. Pot je dobro označena, v dvomih smo bile le pod vasjo Potoki, kjer se je levo odcepila strma steza, označena s knafeljčevo markacijo,vendar slediti je treba modre oznake. Idiličen, zapuščen zaselek Trebišća je tudi sam zase cilj, vreden truda. Pot je vseskozi tako lepo speljana, da ne pomnim, da sem kdaj tako neopaženo naredila skoraj 900 m višinske razlike. Od vasi Potoki naprej so ob poti zanimive in lične informativne table, ki nas seznanjajo s staroslovansko zgodovino in legendami. S Peruna smo sestopale v smeri Moščenice, ta smer pa je bila skromno označena in smo po sreči res prišle v Moščenice od koder se po 750 stopnicah vrneš na izhodišče v Moščeničko Drago. Nepozaben izlet, ki ga upam še ponovimo, vendar z vračanjem po smeri vzpona in delno krožno iz Trebišća do izhodišča. Priporočam!
MiR5. 02. 2013
Če je kdo hodil kaj iz Trebišća na Perun ali na Vojak, lepo prosim, kakšne so kaj snežne razmere. Je dosti snega oziroma ali je pot shojena. Hvala za vašo pomoč oziroma odgovore. Srečno!
Lj7. 02. 2013
Bi tudi mene zanimalo. Lani tak čas je bila pot brez snega, vendar tako poledenela, da smo prišli le do Trebišća. Pomagala bi tudi informacija o snežnih razmerah na Učki, če kdo ve?
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