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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Mala Boka / Most Boka - Mala Boka

Most Boka - Mala Boka

Starting point: Most Boka (300 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3183°N 13,4948°E
Destination: Mala Boka (440 m)
Time of walking: 15 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 140 m
Altitude difference po putu: 140 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 4.363
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 9
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
From Kobarid drive to Bovec or vice versa. There is a parking lot in front of and behind the Boka Bridge.
Path description:
Along the road, on the left bank of the Boke, you will see signs for the Boke spring, which direct you to an initially winding path that turns into a lane of a forest. After a few minutes' walk, the path climbs slightly and leads to an unmarked crossroads, where we continue along the unmarked path on the right. The path turns slightly further to the right and lays completely flat. After a few minutes of further walking, the path leads us to the torrential riverbed of the Mala Boka. Continue left along the riverbed, but a steep rocky step stops us crossing. From the point where the steep rocky step stops our passage, we can easily observe the entrance to the Pigeon Cave, which is a kind of entrance to the more well-known Mala Boka.
Without caving equipment and a guide, access to the cave is not possible.
zemljovid puta - Mala Boka
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Discussion about the trail Most Boka - Mala Boka
VanSims2. 04. 2015
Odcep (rdeča črta na skali levo spodaj je ključna orientacija) na sliki pet vodi direktno do vhoda v jamo, brez hoje po strugi (primerna torej za vsakogar) kot je opisano v opisu.

Ena možnost pa je, da že kako minuto od glavne ceste na (označenem) razpotju zavijemo desno. Ta pot dejansko pripelje do struge in kot piše v opisu, zavijemo levo in gremo po strugi naprej (hoja po skalah, še posebej mokrih zahteva nekoliko spretnosti in previdnosti) dokler ne pridemo do 'skalne stopnje' iz opisa, ki pa je delo človeških rok. Od tam se vhod bolj slabo vidi, jo pa lahko vsak povprečen gornik, ki obvlada nekje I, I+ stopnjo plezanja, komot spleza po levi strani in pride na mesto kamor pride pot iz odcepa na sliki 5.

Opis je torej en, slike pa drugo oz. malo pomešano. Seveda lahko naredimo krožno pot, po strugi do jame in dol po 'normalki'.
VanSims2. 04. 2015
Se opravičujem, mišljen je bil odcep na sliki 6.
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