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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Veliko Kladivo / Mrzli studenec - Veliko Kladivo

Mrzli studenec - Veliko Kladivo

Starting point: Mrzli studenec (1280 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4146°N 14,3314°E
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 814 m
Altitude difference po putu: 900 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 40.215
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 67
Number of comments: 9
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Ljubelj exit. Continue into the centre of Tržič and follow the road through Dolžanovo gorge to the village Jelendol, where the signs for mountain pasture Kofce, Šija and Pungrat direct you to the left. The road then loses its asphalt surface and starts to climb steeply. Follow this road in the route mountain pasture Kofce at the crossroads. When you see the signs for Kofce and the chapel on the roadside, park in the roadside parking lot (about 4. 7 km from Jelendol).
If you miss this starting point, you can reach the house at Kofce by two other nearby paths which are well marked (you can also take a worse road).
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the footpath towards the Kofcah home and the chapel. After about 20 minutes of walking, the relatively steep path leads us out of the forest to a clearing at the edge of which we see the chapel.
Continue along the cart track, which climbs through the lane of the forest and leads us higher up to the grassy slopes of the mountain pasture of Kofce. From here it is only a few minutes' pleasant walk to the mountain lodge at Kofce.
From the mountain lodge, continue in the direction of Veliki vrh and Kladiva along the initially slightly less visible path, which begins to climb over a meadow. After a 15-minute walk from the house at Kofce you reach a nice viewpoint at the cross.
The path then descends gently and leads us in a few minutes to the steeper slopes of Košuta. The path then climbs over lane of dwarf pines, where it leads to a crossroads. Continue to the right (straight on the big peak) along the path which after a few metres is joined by the unmarked but marked mountain pasture Šija path. Continue left up the path, which climbs steeply and quickly leads to an exposed passage. Without fixed safety gear, cross a short, but crumbly and slightly exposed ledge after which enter lane of dwarf pines. The way ahead climbs over a short lane of dwarf pines and then continues along the side ridge of Košuta. The increasingly scenic and rather steep path joins the ridge path higher up.
Continue right towards Kladiv (left Veliki vrh, straight up Kofce gora 10 steps) on the path which starts to descend gently along the edge of the ridge. The very scenic ridge trail, which runs along and along the main ridge, is slightly exposed in places, but in dry conditions the passages do not cause any problems.
A little further on, the path approaches an undistinguished peak (Malo Kladivo) which leads to a short steep climb.
From Malo Kladivo the path starts to descend and quickly leads us to a small saddle between the two Kladivo. Here, an easy unmarked trail with mountain pasture Šija (possibility of return) joins us from the right, and we continue straight on the trail, which starts to climb steeply up the top slope of the Kladivo. After 10 minutes of steep and dangerous walking, the trail leads us to a scenic peak. Starting point - Kofce 30 minutes, Kofce - Kofce gora 1:00, Kofce gora - Kladivo 45 minutes.
zemljovid puta - Veliko Kladivo
On the way: Dom na Kofcah mountain hut (1488m), Kofce gora (1967m), Malo Kladivo (2036m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Mrzli studenec - Veliko Kladivo
Parkeljc2. 07. 2010
Danes sem si privoščil podvig po opisani poti. Do V. Kladiva čez M. Kladivo sem potreboval nekaj manj kot uro in pol, nato pa po grebenu proti zahodu čez goro Kofce in Toplar do V. vrha. Za to pot sem potreboval cca 50 min, nato pa sestop do planine Kofce še dobrih 40 in do izhodišča še 15 minut. Lepa tura, ni kaj, a zaradi popoldanske sopare sem ostal brez jasnega razgleda. Bo treba prej vstat, nasmeh.
istrumel27. 12. 2015
včeraj bila gor,vreme neverjetno lepo,razgledi tudi,na Kofcah pa mravljišče ljudi,prekrasen pobeg iz megle.
Zgembo7. 10. 2016
Lepa turistična tura nasmeh
evo nekaj fotk
KSG16. 10. 2020
Prehojeno letos. Zelo lepa pot, v kombinaciji z Velikim vrhom. Nekaj foto - vtisov s poti je zbranih tukaj:
orchigu4. 09. 2021 22:07:48
Danes prehojena krozna pot Mrzli studenec - dom na Kofcah - Veliki vrh/Kosuta - Toplar - Kofce gora - Mali turn - Malo kladivo - planina Sija - Mrzli studenec. Fenomenalna krozna tura, je pa na poti med Sijo in do Kladiva podrta smreka in malo zdrsljiva pot, kamni se "luscijo" od zemlje tko da je treba malo pazit kam stopimo. Za dol je ta pot mogoce kar malo naporna za sklepe. Na poti sva srecala tudi modrasa :O krozna tura je bila kar celodnevna z daljsima postankoma na obeh kocah ter krajsimi na vrhovih pa vmes za kaksno fotko, hoje s povprecnim tempom skupno 4h20min (sva pa avto pustila malo nizje, tko da je bilo po cesti tistih 20minut gor in dol). Prehodila sva z dvema psickama, ki sta sicer navajeni hribov (gorski resevalki), ampak so sli gor tud mali kuzki. Ogromen obisk, obe koci na polno zasedeni na tako lepo soncno nedeljo. Struklje pa po mojem skromnem mnenju bolj priporocam na Siji nasmeh
Cesta do Mrzlega studenca odprta, spodaj na novo urejena, visje gor pa na enih delih klasicno hribovsko malo razrita, ampak se da - tudi z znizanim avtom mežikanje
Salsagirl14. 06. 2022 06:23:14
Zanima me, kakšna je cesta do Mrzlega studenca. In kot sem zasledila, ni nikjer kapelice, samo označba zanjo je.
Lapuh20713. 07. 2023 08:12:33
V vročini zadnjih dni smo se odločili, da krenemo ob napovedi jasne in še bolj vroče srede nekam v Košuto. Še v temi smo se odpravili proti Gorenjski, a opazili bliskanje nekje v Julijcih zmeden Kaj kmalu je postalo jasno, da prihaja konkretna nevihta in tam nekje okrog Kranja nas je res dobro opralo. Ker pa na AC ne obračamo, smo nadaljevali proti Jelendolu in potem tja gor v levo. Pri Mrzlem studencu je le še kapljalo, na Kofcah pa tudi kapelj ni bilo več. Bili smo edini, ki smo se vzpenjali na greben, če izvzamemo par gamsov. Pot je čisto v redu, razgledi so postajali vse boljši in na Velikem Kladivu smo se celo sončili. Ob sestopu na Šijo pa je vreme spet začelo žugati in smo pohiteli na štruklje. Od in do Kofc smo ves čas hodili čisto sami, štruklje pa smo pojedli v veliki družbi, v domu, ker je zunaj spet začelo prati. Malo mokri nazaj do avta.
PS cesta od Jelendola gor je glede na letošnje vreme še kar...
PPS Aha, Salsagirl: kapelica je še kar naprej tam, kjer je bila. Morda bi pa veljalo obiskat optika velik nasmeh
Salsagirl9. 09. 2023 17:20:16
Lapuh207 - drži, kapelica je še vedno tam, kjer je bila. Ne rabim optika. velik nasmehnasmeh

Danes sem šla na Veliko Kladivo. Kjer se začne makadam, je cesta na večih delih porazna. Ne veš, kje bi peljal. Žal je deževje naredilo svoje.
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