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Mountain ranges / Prekmurje / Church of St. Ana in Boreča / Otovci (football pitch) - Church of St. Ana in Boreča

Otovci (football pitch) - Church of St. Ana in Boreča

Starting point: Otovci (football pitch) (310 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,80975°N 16,16524°E
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 85 m
Altitude difference po putu: 135 m
Map: Pomurje 1:40.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 177
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Number of pictures: 22
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
We drive to Murska Sobota and then continue our journey to Hodoš. A little after Mačkovci, turn left towards Otovcim. Follow the main road through Otovce, or keep slightly to the right. There is a bit of a climb and two longer bends, then from the junction behind the bus station continue right towards the Smodiš tourist farm (Vidonci on the left), at which you turn left downhill and then immediately right. Follow the road downhill to the football field, where you park in a suitable place.
Path description:
From the junction by the football field, continue on cart track, which branches off the road to the north-east. After some 10 steps, cart track enters the woods and splits.
Continue along the right-hand cart track, with occasional local markers along the way. The path ahead starts to climb, and at a higher level go slightly right, where you continue to follow the occasional markings. There are a few minutes of fairly undulating path, and when you reach the wider cart track, take a sharp left. Then follow the forest cart track, which is mostly easy to climb. There are a few small junctions where you follow a wider path, along which local signs are more frequent. Then cart track widens into a forest road, still climbing gently for the most part. After a while, the road drops slightly and leads to a wider dirt road, which you follow to the right.
Just a little further on, we reach a marked crossroads, where the signs for the Church of St Anne in Boreča direct us slightly left, onto a road which leads us to the church in 5 minutes of further walking.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in September 2021.
zemljovid puta - Church of St. Ana in Boreča
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Discussion about the trail Otovci (football pitch) - Church of St. Ana in Boreča
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