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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Končnikov vrh / Panoramarestaurant Oben - Končnikov vrh

Panoramarestaurant Oben - Končnikov vrh

Starting point: Panoramarestaurant Oben (1693 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,5426°N 14,7744°E
Time of walking: 1 h 20 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 416 m
Altitude difference po putu: 425 m
Map: Koroška 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 8.175
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Number of pictures: 26
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
a) Cross Border crossing Jezerski vrh into Austria, then after about 6 km after Železna Kapla / Bad Eisenkappel turn right towards Velikowiec / Völkermarkt. Follow the main road towards Velikowiec for 2 km, then turn right again, this time towards Pliberk / Bleiburg. Continue along the Podjuna valley, then turn right at the next major junction towards Pliberk. The road continues through several roundabouts, and we follow it towards the Peca / Petzen ski resort. We continue through Bistrica near Pliberk / Feistritz near Bleiburg to the large parking lot at the bottom station of the cable car to Peca. From the parking lot, walk to the lower station of the circular cable car, buy a ticket there and take the cable car to the upper station. From Border crossing Jezerski vrh to the starting point is about 40 km.
b) From Dravograd or Slovenj Gradec, drive to Ravne na Koroškem and then continue in the direction of Border crossing Holmec. Once in Austria, first drive towards Pliberk / Bleiburg, then follow the signs for the Peca / Petzen ski resort. Continue through a few villages, and we follow the road to the large parking lot at the bottom station of the lift to Peca. From the parking lot we walk to the bottom station of the circular cable car, buy a ticket and take the cable car to the top station. From Border crossing Holmec to the starting point is about 8 km.
Path description:
From the top station of the cable car, follow the signs "P12 Kordeschkopf". At first you follow the slope cart track, then the path turns right and starts to climb up along the ski slope. The path then briefly turns left off the ski slope into the woods before climbing back up along the edge of the ski slope. When you reach the top of the ski slope, continue left and then climb for a short distance up along dwarf pines. Later, the dwarf pines becomes a little thinner and then there is a short climb up a grassy slope to a crossroads on the boundary ridge (near Knips' Saddle).
At the crossroads continue right (left Petzen) and climb quickly to Končnikov vrh.
zemljovid puta - Končnikov vrh
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Bistriška špica/Feistritzer Spitze ( 45 min), Kordeževa glava (Peca)
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Discussion about the trail Panoramarestaurant Oben - Končnikov vrh
seinfeld13. 12. 2016
Sem opravil to pot v soboto 10.decembra. S čisto normalnim tempom sem bil gor v 55 minutah, na Kordeževo glavo sem potreboval še pol ure. Zgoraj omenjeni časi so zelo pretirani.
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