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Pesek / Pese - Kokoš

Starting point: Pesek / Pese (430 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,6258°N 13,8999°E
Destination: Kokoš (670 m)
Time of walking: 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 240 m
Altitude difference po putu: 244 m
Map: Slovenska Istra 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: Karletto
Views: 13.843
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 7
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Koper take the exit Kozina and then continue along the regional road from Kozina towards Bazovica / Basovizza (Itali). Just after the national border you will reach Pesek / Pese, where you park near the village church.
The starting point is on the right side of the parking lot, where you can see a dirt track.
Path description:
The marked trail first leads from the starting point along a macadam road with a view of Slavnik to the south-east and a partial view of the Gulf of Trieste and the Glinščice valley to the west. After 15 minutes you will reach a marked crossroads where you leave the dirt road and follow the signs through the forest. The route is easy and marked. In 30 min you will reach the official summit Kokoš (674m).

zemljovid puta - Kokoš
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Pesek / Pese - Kokoš2
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Pesek / Pese - Kokoš5
Pesek / Pese - Kokoš6
Pesek / Pese - Kokoš7
Discussion about the trail Pesek / Pese - Kokoš
Karletto27. 03. 2010
Pardon zdaj sem ugotovil, da ne gre za Via Alpina R2. Pot 28 se začne nekje pri morju, čez Kokoš in konča nekje na Tržaškem Krasu.
Karletto21. 01. 2011
No, če se na vrhu povzpnete na zid, boste videli celo SLO obalo. Žal je bil posnetek narejen ob mraku.
B215. 08. 2012
Od cerkvice na Pesku se na Kokoš lahko vzpnemo tudi po trasi "Vertikale" - planinske poti SPD Trst, ki je označena z belo - modrimi markacijami... Omenjena pot pri zapornici nad cerkvico zavije desno proti vasi Gročana in sledi asfaltu. Čez kakih petnajst minut (moramo paziti na oznake)pa zavije levo in v gozd, kjer sledi starim kolovozom in vodi mimo nekdanjih ledenic (obzidane jame, kjer so shranjevali led), ter zaraščenih košenic in opuščenih kalov,ter se počasi vzpne do podrte zgradbe, ki je na sliki št.7. Od tu dalje ob požarnem zidu, ki je sedaj na naši levi do Kokoši.
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