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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Črna prst / Petrovo Brdo - Črna prst

Petrovo Brdo - Črna prst

Starting point: Petrovo Brdo (803 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2157°N 13,9997°E
Destination: Črna prst (1844 m)
Time of walking: 4 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1041 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1325 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
Views: 13.792
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 104
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
From Železniki drive to Tolmin or vice versa, and follow the road to Petrovo Brdo, where you can park at the parking lot next to the Petrovo Brdo mountain hut. The mountain lodge is located in the immediate vicinity of the crossroads where the road to Soriška mountain pasture branches off.
Path description:
At the mountain lodge, we see signs for Črna prst, which direct us to a very steep path. After a short steep climb, we come to a wide cart track, which we follow to the right and which quickly leads us to a torrential stream. The marked cart track soon turns slightly to the left and then climbs quite steeply through the forest. After about half an hour's walk, you will come to the mountain signposts where the crossroads is marked.
Continue in the route Črna prst (Kup and Podbrdo to the left) and follow the ascending cart track, which turns to the right at a higher altitude and becomes completely flat. After a few minutes of further walking, leave cart track and continue the ascent on the marked footpath. After a short climb, the path flattens out a little and leads to an old but well-preserved mulatier. The ascent continues along the above-mentioned mulatier, which leads us through the forest and a few ravines to a crossroads near the Hunter's bivouac at Koucah. Here we continue straight on (right Lajnar and Slatnik) and after a few 10 steps of further walking we arrive at the aforementioned bivouac (Lovčev bivouac is only the name of a hut and it is not possible to bivouac there).
From the Hunter's bivouac continue along the marked trail in the direction of Črna prst. The trail continues through the lane of a forest, then gradually passes onto increasingly scenic slopes, from which we have a view of the peaks and slopes surrounding the Baška Grapa. Higher up, the path turns slightly to the left and begins to descend gently. The path then bypasses the old barracks and leads us only a few 10 m further to the hunting hut on Vrhu Bače.
From the hunting lodge, continue straight ahead (sharp right to Petrovo Brdo) and climb to the Vrh Bače preval, where there is a marked crossroads. Here continue left in the direction Črna prst (slightly right along the road Soriška planina, right into the bank of Šavnik and Cairn) and start climbing crosswise through the forest. When the path almost reaches the summit of Šanc, it starts to descend towards a small saddle. The path leads us first past the GRS hut and then to the aforementioned saddle. The way forward begins first to climb moderately, then gradually leads us to the Koble ridge, where it is further erected upright. This is followed by a few minutes of steep ascent along the path, which runs along the edge of the occasionally exposed ridge. Higher up, the path lays down, turns slightly to the right and leads us to the less distinct summit of Kobla. From Kobla there is a slight descent, and then the path continues along a less steep ridge towards the neighbouring Krevlo. Towards the top of Krevla, a marked path in the direction of "Kobla žig" branches off a little further to the left, and we continue straight ahead, passing the summit on the right, which is only a short 10 step walk away.
On the other side of Krevla, the path starts to descend again, this time to the nearby ski resort. When you reach the edge of the ski slope, you will see the Črna prst signs pointing down to the left. There is some more downhill, and then you reach the small swamp Na Kalu, where there is also a less obvious crossroads. Continue on the right path (to the left, over a small saddle, leads an old shepherd's path which crosses the southern slopes of the lower Bohinj Mountains, only this is joined over time by the path from Podbrdo to Črna prst), which continues to descend gently and leads us slightly lower to a marked crossroads, where we are joined from the right by the path with mountain pasture Za Črno gora.
At this crossroads, continue slightly to the left and then start climbing moderately through the forest. Higher up, the track makes a few long serpentines, and then leads us out of the increasingly sparse forest or belt of scrub to the scree below Rušni vrh. Here the path lays down transiently and then, on the other side of the scree, it begins to climb steeply up the grassy trough below the Home ridge. There is an increased risk of falling rocks in late spring. Higher up, the gully ends and the path crosses a short steep slope where snow may linger until early summer. Above the steep part, join the trail from Orožnove hut, and a few metres higher, climb to the ridge, which is reached at the Čez Suho saddle.
Here, continue to the right and, with views of Baška grapa, Bohinj and the highest peaks of Julian Alps, ascend in a few minutes to the Doma na Črna prst, located just a few metres below the summit.
Go around the Zorko Jelinčič House on the left and climb the short steep slope to the summit in a few steps.
zemljovid puta - Črna prst
On the way: Lovčev bivak Pri Koucah (1192m), Vrh Bače (1273m), Kobla (1498m), Čez Suho (1760m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Četrt, Črna prst, Konjski vrh, Poljanski vrh, Matajurski vrh, Rodica
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Petrovo Brdo - Črna prst
Čeladarka1. 11. 2015
Pot res ni zahtevna. Terensko je razgibana in zelo zanimiva, vendar pa zaradi svoje dolžine ni primerna za vsakogar. Na poti sem srečala kar nekaj par izmučenih pohodnikov. Priporočam jo vzdržljivim z dobro kondicijo mežikanje
Lapuh20723. 09. 2020
Od vseh poti na Črno prst mi je ta najljubša. Nima takšnih strmin, kot se nanjo vlečejo tako z juga kot severa, pa vendar si na njej nabereš zavidljivo količino višincev. Ne gre samo strmo gor pa gor pa gor, pač pa se v lagodni liniji najprej suklja do Vrha Bače, potem se iz pohodnika malo heca z gor na Koblo, pa dol do močvirja Na Kalu, pa spet gor proti ciljnemu vrhu. In razgledi! Če je le vreme, potem že kmalu od Petrovega brda naprej podoživljaš začetni prizor iz filma Na svoji zemlji: »Stane, glej jo, našo Grapo!« Ko pa prideš na grebene, se ti odpre še modro Bohinjsko jezero, zeleni gozdovi nad njim in bele skale vršacev. To nedeljo je vreme bilo pravo za ta čas, in bil je dan, ko so kočo zapirali. Ampak nas niso pustili lačne, ne ričeta in štrukljev, ne globokih pogledov. Do prihodnje sezone! nasmeh
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