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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Eva / Planina Blato - Eva (via Adam)

Planina Blato - Eva (via Adam)

Starting point: Planina Blato (1147 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3112°N 13,8501°E
Destination: Eva (2019 m)
Name of path: via Adam
Time of walking: 3 h 20 min
Difficulty: easy pathless terrain
Altitude difference: 872 m
Altitude difference po putu: 900 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 27.274
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 34
Number of comments: 17
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads where you will turn right towards Stara Fužina. At Stara Fužina, at the crossroads by the chapel, turn sharp left onto the ascending road towards mountain pasture Blato, mountain pasture Vogar and the Voja valley. The road continues to the place where the toll and parking fees are collected, and we follow it to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left (right Voje). We then follow the road to the next crossroads (we drive for some time), where we take a sharp right in the direction of mountain pasture Blato (straight ahead mountain pasture Vogar). Follow this road to the parking lot above mountain pasture Blato.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the dirt road, which takes a few steps past the ramp to a right-hand bend. On the right-hand side of this bend, you will see the start of a hunting trail, which leads us over a short, very steep slope with the help of a jeklenice. The path soon passes into the forest and turns slightly to the right, where it soon crosses the wide cart track (you can also follow the road to here, or the higher cart track). Continue along a pleasant forest path, which climbs parallel to a relatively steep track. Higher up, the path curves to the left, and a track joins from the right, leaving the track about 15 minutes above mountain pasture Blato.
The hunting trail continues through the forest with a few short steep climbs and after a good hour's walk leads us to a small hunting lodge on the left side of the trail. Here, a minute-long path branches off to the left to a viewpoint where we can see mountain pasture Blato below us.
From the hunting lodge onwards, the path soon leads us out of the forest, where we rejoin the cart track. It is only a good five-minute walk to mountain pasture Krstenica, where we have a beautiful view of Ogradi, Krn and the Lower Bohinj Mountains.
From mountain pasture continue along the path, which is initially slightly less visible on the west (left) side of mountain pasture. After only a few dozen metres, several smaller paths merge into one clearly visible path. The path continues with a few short ascents and descents, crossing the slopes of the Malá and Jezerski Stog. After about half an hour's walk from Krstenica, the path leads to the grassy world of the abandoned mountain pasture Jezerce.
From mountain pasture continue to the water trough and climb a few tens of metres up towards the Jezersko Preval. Leave the marked path here and head left into a small valley below the scree, where you will see an unmarked path. The path, which climbs gently at first, then crosses the slopes below the cliffs on our right in a gentle descent. A little further on, the path turns right and starts to climb along a path that is less visible in places. The path then leads us through a series of small valleys to the slopes of Prevalski Stog. Here, a passage opens to the right into a small valley between Prevalski Stog and Adam. Follow the faintly visible path into this valley and follow it almost to the saddle between Adam and Eve. Here, bear right and, after a few minutes of walking in a pathless world, reach the precipitous summit of Adam.
From the summit, descend a few metres to the saddle between Adam and Eve, then climb part way up the dwarf pines to the summit of Eve, following an easier trackless path.
Mud - Krstenica 1:30, Krstenica - Eva 1:50.
zemljovid puta - Eva
On the way: Krstenica (1670m), Planina Jezerce (1720m), Adam (2012m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Prevalski Stog ( 20 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Planina Blato - Eva1
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Planina Blato - Eva16
Planina Blato - Eva17
Planina Blato - Eva18
Planina Blato - Eva19
Planina Blato - Eva20
Planina Blato - Eva21
Planina Blato - Eva22
Planina Blato - Eva23
Planina Blato - Eva24
Planina Blato - Eva25
Planina Blato - Eva26
Planina Blato - Eva27
Planina Blato - Eva28
Planina Blato - Eva29
Planina Blato - Eva30
Planina Blato - Eva31
Planina Blato - Eva32
Planina Blato - Eva33
Planina Blato - Eva34
Discussion about the trail Planina Blato - Eva (via Adam)
_d_19. 06. 2014
Ima kdo kakšen podatek kakšno je stanje poti? Sneg? POtrdto drevje?
lukk28. 05. 2015
Ima kdo kakšen podatek kakšno je stanje poti?
Janiel7429. 05. 2015
@lukk : samo v info - včeraj so asfaltirali odsek od razpotja Vogar/Blato in ta cesta je nedostopna...po moje bo še trajalo nekaj časa. Zato se tudi srečuje tovornjake na poti od mesta , kjer pobirajo cestnino.
Sorok29. 05. 2015
Ravnokar sem poklical Turistično društvo Bohinj (tel. 04-574-60-10), kjer so mi povedali da je cesta Stara Fužina - pl. Blato prevozna.
lukk29. 05. 2015
Mogoče pol veste do kje so jo asfaltirali.
Sorok29. 05. 2015
Tega pa nisem povprašal - probajte poklicati gornjo številko in jih vprašati...
Janiel7429. 05. 2015
No očitno sem naletel na dan, ko so asfaltirali. nasmeh Ovinek na razcepu sem videl, da je sveže črn..
lukk29. 05. 2015
Kakšne so pa kaj razmere na poti mogoče kdo ve.
ljubitelj gora29. 05. 2015
Predvsem pa ne pozabite, da stane cestnina 10 evrov, pobirajo že ob svitu, kakor kdaj.
Sorok29. 05. 2015
Samo mala primerjava: koliko stane dnevna karta za kopanje v Portorožu (+ parkiranje), ali v kakšnih toplicah ?!?zavijanje z očmi
ljubitelj gora29. 05. 2015
Sem samo opozoril.
Sorok30. 05. 2015
Ja, opozorilo je čisto OK in na mestu! Jaz pa sem samo primerjalnasmeh
anazala9. 07. 2017
kjer koli ste je potrebno nekaj plačat. nekaj je potrebno dati zaslužit nekomu. to je normalno. če sedite doma na sedežni in imate plav hrbet, ker je sedežna plave barve, ne boste ničesar zapravili in ničesar videli. pojdite, naužijte si kisika, lepega razgleda in spominov.
J.P.10. 06. 2018
V naslednjih nekaj dni/tednov izberite raje kolovoz kot gozdno pot za štart. Številna podrta drevesa prečijo gozdno-lovsko potrebno splezat ali delat kroge okrog poti po nepotrebnem.Lep pozdrav
Luka_Mimi11. 08. 2018
Na kolovozu ni podrtih dreves? A se vedno prides do lovske koce?
robson11. 08. 2018
Ne, na kolovozu ni podrtih dreves in je na spodnjem delu (do desnega ovinka) boljša opcija. Je pa res, da je medtem tudi lovska pot - predvsem višje zgoraj - že skoraj povsem očiščena. Do kakšnega debla čez pot lahko izjemoma pridete le, če na kakšnem manjšem razcepu dveh poti izberete napačno pot.
mornar14. 09. 2019
Ali je kdo hodil pred kratkim na Adama in Evo kako je stanje na poti in kako je s parkiranjem na Blatu.Ali je kaj ovir zaradi spravila lesa.Lp.
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