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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Mala Zelnarica / Planina Blato - Mala Zelnarica (Za Kopico)

Planina Blato - Mala Zelnarica (Za Kopico)

Starting point: Planina Blato (1147 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3112°N 13,8501°E
Name of path: Za Kopico
Time of walking: 4 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1163 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1250 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 21.614
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 63
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads where you will turn right towards Stara Fužina. At Stara Fužina, at the crossroads by the chapel, turn sharp left onto the ascending road towards mountain pasture Blato, mountain pasture Vogar and the Voja valley. The road continues to the place where the toll and parking fees are collected, and we follow it to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left (right Voje). We then follow the road to the next crossroads (we drive for some time), where we take a sharp right in the direction of mountain pasture Blato (straight ahead mountain pasture Vogar). Follow this road to the parking lot above mountain pasture Blato.
Path description:
From the parking lot at mountain pasture Mud, follow the road back a little to the signs at cart track. Here we take the cart track, which climbs steeply at first and then moderately, and within ten minutes' walk leads us to a crossroads, where we turn left (straight mountain pasture in Laz). Cart track is then followed through the forest to the hut at mountain pasture at Jezero. Here you will have a view of the surrounding hills.

Go around the mountain hut on the left and the path leads us in a slight downhill to a crossroads where we continue straight along cart track (to the left mountain pasture Viševnik). The mostly rocky cart track, which follows an unmarked valley, climbs steeply a few times and, after half an hour's walk from mountain pasture at Jezero, leads to mountain pasture Dedno polje, where you reach the next crossroads. Here you leave the broad path leading to the hut by the Triglav Lakes. Continue to the right (direction Vratca Preval, Hribarice and Prehodavci), initially slightly downhill past shepherd's huts to the above-mentioned mountain pasture. On the other side of mountain pasture the path starts climbing again and leads to a less visible crossroads where the path branches off to the right to mountain pasture in Laz. Continue straight up the path, which gradually starts to climb more steeply. The path, which takes us past the animal watering point (the watering point is dry), climbs mostly through coniferous forest (larch and spruce). After about half an hour's walk from mountain pasture, the world flattens out and we have a fine view of the peaks that surround the initial part of the Za Kopica valley. The route continues up the southern slopes of Slatna and Prvego Vogel, and then gradually passes into the central part of the Za Kopico valley. This valley is then followed all the way to the Vrata saddle, where the next crossroads are located.
Continue sharp left towards Zelnarica (straight ahead Hribarice and Prehodavci) on a path that climbs crosswise over relatively steep slopes. After 15 minutes of gentle ascent, the path leads to a saddle between the two Zelnarice. Here the path passes to the left over a scree slope and then climbs steeply up the slope. Be careful as there is fine sand on the path, which is quite slippery. From this steep part you enter a less steep grassy world, after which you reach the top of Mala Zelnarica in a few steps.
Blato - Dedno polje 1:30, Dedno polje - Mala Zelnarica 3:00.
zemljovid puta - Mala Zelnarica
On the way: Koča na Planini pri Jezeru mountain hut (1453m), Planina Dedno Polje (1560m), Vrata (2192m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Velika Zelnarica
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Planina Blato - Mala Zelnarica (Za Kopico)
Guest1. 11. 2007
Malo daljši pohod na prelep sončen dan. Pot do sedla se sicer malo vleče, ampak na koncu je trud z lepim razgledom poplačan. Od Dednega polja se za vsakim vogalom odkrivajo prelepi razgledi na dva tisočake.
Sneg je bil v spodnjem delu južen , od sedla naprej pa pomrznjen. Od tam naprej do vrha obvezna uporaba cepina in derez.
Lp, Grega cool
henrio5. 07. 2010
Opravil sem to pot v soboto 3.7., s tem da sem štartal s parkirišča v Stari Fužini, kjer sem po dobrih štirih urah hoje končal na vrhu. Vrnil sem se po grebenu čez planino Ovčarija na Dedno polje (imajo zelo dobro kislo mleko). K sreči zaradi oblakov ni bilo hude pripeke, me je pa za nazaj od Planine pri jezeru lovila nevihta. Pot je bila naporna zaradi dolžine, vendar se je izplačalo jo narediti.
krist26. 07. 2015
Opozoril bi, da je nekaj 10 m poti z Vratc na Malo Zelnarco (na njej žig "Zelnarca")vsaj delno zahtevnih. Opozarjam zato, ker sem na lastne oči videl zelo prestrašene ljudi, ki so vajeni običajnih nezahtevnih poti. Bolje pot rangirati kot malo težjo, sicer lahko pride do nesreče.
mornar27. 10. 2016
Je morda kdo hodilj po grebenu med malo ticarico in zelnarico.kaksne so razmere glede snega. Hvala za informacije.
bo_zl7. 07. 2021 20:51:43
Danes sem se z Zelnarice vračal po tej poti. Snega je res še zelo veliko, vendar je bil ob 12h že toliko zmehčan da ni predstavljal težav. Kar nekaj jih je šlo tudi v obratni smeri brez kakršne koli zimske opreme, v nizkih teniskah.
Tina A. 806. 08. 2022 21:57:45
A je še kaj snega na poti do Male Zelnarice?
Enka6. 08. 2022 22:01:07
Ne (razen v breznu ob poti nasmeh ).
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