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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Planina Blato / Planina Blato - Planina Blato (circular path on Fužinske planine)

Planina Blato - Planina Blato (circular path on Fužinske planine)

Starting point: Planina Blato (1147 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3112°N 13,8501°E
Name of path: circular path on Fužinske planine
Time of walking: 7 h
Difficulty: easy marked way, easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 0 m
Altitude difference po putu: 875 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 32.911
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 88
Number of comments: 16
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads where you will turn right towards Stara Fužina. At Stara Fužina, at the crossroads by the chapel, turn sharp left onto the ascending road towards mountain pasture Blato, mountain pasture Vogar and the Voja valley. The road continues to the place where the toll and parking fees are collected, and we follow it to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left (right Voje). We then follow the road to the next crossroads (we drive for some time), where we take a sharp right in the direction of mountain pasture Blato (straight ahead mountain pasture Vogar). Follow this road to the parking lot above mountain pasture Blato.
Path description:
From the marked parking lot at mountain pasture Blato go back a few 10 steps, then take the wide and initially quite steep cart track in the direction of mountain pasture at Jezero. After 10 minutes of relatively steep ascent, you reach a marked crossroads where you continue along the left steep cart track (straight mountain pasture in Laz), only to be joined a little higher by the marked path with mountain pasture Vogar. Continue along the wide, partly rocky cart track, which is laid down transiently higher up and then climbs steeply through a small hairpin bend. Just ahead, the path bends sharply to the left and leads into a cold valley called Pungrat, where a restored pasture fence is crossed. The path ahead climbs steeply again, then turns to the right and lays completely flat. Just a few metres further on, the path with mountain pasture Vodični vrh joins us from the left, and we continue straight on and after 5 minutes of further walking we arrive at mountain pasture near Jezero, in the middle of which stands a mountain hut.
From the mountain hut we descend to a marked crossroads, where the signs for mountain pasture Viševnik direct us left to an initially less visible path. The path then ascends cross-cuttingly and then passes into the forest, through which it climbs until it reaches mountain pasture Viševnik.
At mountain pasture Viševnik continue right towards mountain pasture Ovčarije and Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih on a path that begins to climb steeply up the relatively steep slopes of Griva (1757 m). The path soon levels off and then continues with some short ascents and descents to mountain pasture Ovčarije. From the shepherd's huts, continue a little further, and the path leads to a marked crossroads, where it continues to the right in the direction of mountain pasture Dedno polje.
The way forward climbs steeply at first for a short time, then begins to descend gently towards mountain pasture Dedno polje, which is reached after a good 30 minutes of further walking.
From mountain pasture Dedno polje, continue in the direction of mountain pasture in Laz, following an initially harder to follow and barely visible path. About 5 minutes away from mountain pasture the track becomes more distinct and easier to follow. There is a short climb up an indistinct pass between Kredo and Mizčno glava, and then the trail begins to descend towards the path leading from mountain pasture at Jezero to mountain pasture in Laz. When you see this path already some 10 m below you, the path turns to the left and climbs gently for a while. There is a crossing of steep and slightly exposed slopes, and then the path descends to the aforementioned path. Follow the track to the left and climb it gently for 10 minutes to mountain pasture in Laz. Once on mountain pasture, we pass several shepherds' huts, and we continue on a moderately ascending path in the direction of mountain pasture Krstenica. After a short climb, we reach the next crossroads, where the signs for Krstenica direct us slightly left on a path which completely lays down and then, with a few short ascents and descents, continues along the foot of the Ogradovi. Later, the path begins to descend more visibly and leads us into an undistinguished valley to the east of Ogradovi. A few minutes' walk through dense wodland is followed by a gradual climb towards mountain pasture Krstenica. The forest becomes thinner and thinner, and after 15 minutes of further walking the path leads to mountain pasture Krstenica, which offers a beautiful view.
At mountain pasture we leave the sparse markings from Dednega polje onwards and start descending towards mountain pasture Blato, following the unmarked cart track. When the cart track is laid down in the larger meadow, a well-beaten hunting track will be seen on the right, which climbs gently at first and then enters a thick wod, where it descends gently at first and more steeply at lower altitudes. After descending for some time, the path leads to a wide cart track, which descends in a few minutes to mountain pasture Mud.
From mountain pasture we are only a short 5-minute moderate climb on a dirt road to our destination (starting point).
zemljovid puta - Planina Blato
On the way: Koča na Planini pri Jezeru mountain hut (1453m), Planina Viševnik (1625m), Planina Ovčarija (1660m), Planina Dedno Polje (1560m), Planina v Lazu (1560m), Krstenica (1670m)
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Discussion about the trail Planina Blato - Planina Blato (circular path on Fužinske planine)
felix4. 08. 2010
Za tiste, ki jim je 7 ur preveč, lahko izpustijo planino Viševnik in Ovčarijo, tako izlet skrajšajo na približno 5 ur. Meni osebno je ljubša obratna smer, iz Blata na Krstenico.
Urshka15. 08. 2010
Živjo, mene pa zanima, če je možno kje na poti prespati (razen hotel "narava")? Lep pozdrav, Urška
viharnik16. 08. 2010
Na Pl.pri Jezeru,Pl.Viševnik.
heinz28. 01. 2011
Je cesta do pl. Blato prevozna? Ali spodaj pobirajo cestnino?
Tadej28. 01. 2011
Z verigami lahko prideš do slapu Suha, cestnine pa ne pobirajo.
stasa_t27. 07. 2011
Živjo, zanima me ali se lahko do Planine Blato pripelješ s svojim avtom - slišala sem namreč, da naj bi pohodnike do planine vozil kombi?
MatejaT6. 07. 2018
Zanima me, če je to pot, ki je bila izbrana kot Naj planinska pot letos? Najbrž je tam kakšna planina več še vključena?
Hvala za odgovor!
pojoča travica6. 07. 2018
Ne, to ni Naj planinska pot, je pa vseeno tudi ta zelo lepa.
MatejaT7. 07. 2018
Hvaaala za odgovor!
alexandra2. 08. 2019
Zdravo, zanima me, kako je z pitno vodo (izvirčki, studenčki) na Fužinskih planinah - vem, da sem pred leti pila odlično vodo na Planini v Lazu, je temu še tako? Kaj pa ostale planine, Krstenica, Dedno polje..?
Ker se bomo prihodnje dni potepali tudi okoli Sedmerih jezer, bi na tem mestu poizvedela tudi, kako je s čistočo / pitnostjo le-teh?

Najlepša hvala za odgovore.
georgia2. 08. 2019
Sama ti lahko povem le, da je pri koči na Triglavskih jezerih zunaj še zmeraj pipa z dobro pitno vodo. Zastonj! velik nasmeh
Prav tako blizu Koče na Planini pri Jezeru, čeprav je tam opozorilo glede pitnosti - na obeh krajih sva si midva pred kratkim natočila dobro vodo.
Pred leti je bil tudi dober izvir pitne vode nekje na sredi poti od Koče pod Bogatinom do Koče pri Triglavskih jezerih. Kako je zdaj s tem?
Nisem prepričana za planino Dedno polje, se mi zdi, da je ob poti korito s pitno vodo?
Upam, da ti bodo drugi kaj več napisali...
marjetap2. 08. 2019
Na planini v Lazu teče zelo dobra in zelo hladna voda, Na Krstenici je tudi možno natočiti vodo, na planini pri Jezeru pa prejšnji teden vode ni bilo, ker so nekaj popravljali (pa tudi sicer meni ta voda ni bila dobra). Na Dednem je sicer korito z vodo za živino, nisem pa videla da bi kdo vodo točil.
franca2. 08. 2019
na Dednem polju vodo dobite v sirarni
alexandra2. 08. 2019
Hvala vsem za odgovore.
winni20. 06. 2021 20:10:17
Pot (mulatjera) med planino v Lazu in planino na Dednem polju je še kar konkretno pod snegom, pa tudi mi ni jasno kdo jo je markiral, ker so vse oznake na kamenju pod snegom, nobene na drevesih. Zelo lahko se izgubiti!
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