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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Planina v Lazu / Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu

Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu

Starting point: Planina Blato (1147 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3112°N 13,8501°E
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 413 m
Altitude difference po putu: 550 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 27.616
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 15
Number of comments: 12
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads where you will turn right towards Stara Fužina. At Stara Fužina, at the crossroads by the chapel, turn sharp left onto the ascending road towards mountain pasture Blato, mountain pasture Vogar and the Voja valley. The road continues to the place where the toll and parking fees are collected, and we follow it to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left (right Voje). We then follow the road to the next crossroads (we drive for some time), where we take a sharp right in the direction of mountain pasture Blato (straight ahead mountain pasture Vogar). Follow this road to the parking lot above mountain pasture Blato.
Path description:
From the parking lot at mountain pasture Mud, follow the road back a little to the signs at cart track. Here we take the cart track, which climbs steeply at first and then moderately and leads us within a ten-minute walk to a crossroads where we go right in the direction of mountain pasture in Laz (left mountain pasture at Jezero). After only a few 10 steps of further walking, you reach the next crossroads, where you again continue to the right along the deteriorating cart track (straight mountain pasture at Jezero, a steep path). The path continues to climb moderately and mostly through the wods. After an hour and a half of walking, the path branches off to the right at mountain pasture Krstenica, and we continue straight on in the direction of mountain pasture Laz. The way forward begins to descend slightly and then quickly leads us to mountain pasture.
zemljovid puta - Planina v Lazu
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Planina Blato (5 h 30 min), Koča na Planini pri Jezeru (1 h), Vrh Hribaric (3 h 30 min), Debeli vrh (2 h 30 min), Vršaki (Vrh za Koritami) (4 h 10 min), Vršaki (Srednji vrh) (3 h 50 min), Vršaki (Južni vrh) (4 h 20 min), Vršaki (Vzhodni vrh) (3 h 30 min), Teme (Hribarice) (4 h 35 min), Poprovec (4 h 50 min), Kanjavec (4 h 15 min), Kanjavec (Zahodni vrh) (4 h 15 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama
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Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu5
Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu6
Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu7
Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu8
Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu9
Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu10
Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu11
Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu12
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Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu15
Discussion about the trail Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu
uzbic26. 08. 2011
A mi lahko kdo opiše pot od krstenice do planine v Lazu,prosim? V nedeljo bi se odpravili z otroci na krožno turo Planina Blato-Krstenica-Planina v Lazu-Planina Blato.
A je primerno tudi za malo manjše?
mukica27. 08. 2011
Ta pot je zelo lepa,morda na začetku po vleki(vsaj lani je bilo vse razrito)lepo speljana v srpetinah skoraj do Krstenice.Od tam pa do pl.Laz pa je skoraj zravnano in nič napornega...primirno za vse generacijenasmeh
mukica27. 08. 2011
Ta pot je zelo lepa,morda na začetku po vleki(vsaj lani je bilo vse razrito)lepo speljana v srpetinah skoraj do Krstenice.Od tam pa do pl.Laz pa je skoraj zravnano in nič napornega...primirno za vse generacijenasmeh
uzbic30. 08. 2011
Smo bili, pa je res lepo.Hvala za napotke.
Enka2. 08. 2018
Je ta pot prehodna, je kdo hodil zadnje dni? Zadnjič sem šla le mimo, pa je že na prvih metrih podrto drevo.
Enka3. 08. 2018
Res nihče ne ve?
djimuzl3. 08. 2018
Včasih je treba samo malo pobrskati.. npr. na stanje poti na PZS..
Planina Blato - Planina v Lazu
Področje: Gorenjska, Julijci
Odsek: G2346_1, Lahka pot, D = 443 m
Pungrat Z - Pungrat V
Zaradi podrtega drevja je pot neprehodna in do nadaljnjega ZAPRTA

Enka3. 08. 2018
djimuzl, a veš, da imaš prav?! zadrega Hvala!
pojoča travica5. 08. 2018
Pot iz Planine Blato do planine Laz je uradno zaprta, neuradno pa so jo toliko počistili, da lahko prideš do planine. Je pa potrebno še kje preplezati kakšno podrto drevo.
a7a7a7a109. 05. 2020
Mene zanima če je pot lepa, namreč lani ko smo šli nanjo z bricalpom je bila nametana z drevesinasmehzmeden.
saqo6. 08. 2020
A je pot sedaj prehodna?
mornar19. 07. 2021 11:03:07
Zanima me kako je z potjo iz planine Blato do planine Laz.Alije pot normalno prehodna za malo starejše.Hvala in lep pozdrav.
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