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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Velika Tičarica / Planina Blato - Velika Tičarica

Planina Blato - Velika Tičarica

Starting point: Planina Blato (1147 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3112°N 13,8501°E
Time of walking: 3 h 50 min
Difficulty: difficult pathless terrain
Altitude difference: 944 m
Altitude difference po putu: 975 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
Views: 25.206
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 68
Number of comments: 17
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads where you will turn right towards Stara Fužina. At Stara Fužina, at the crossroads by the chapel, turn sharp left onto the ascending road towards mountain pasture Blato, mountain pasture Vogar and the Voja valley. The road continues to the place where the toll and parking fees are collected, and we follow it to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left (right Voje). We then follow the road to the next crossroads (we drive for some time), where we take a sharp right in the direction of mountain pasture Blato (straight ahead mountain pasture Vogar). Follow this road to the parking lot above mountain pasture Blato.
Path description:
From the marked parking lot at mountain pasture Blato go back a few 10 steps, then take the wide and initially quite steep cart track in the direction of mountain pasture at Jezero. After 10 minutes of relatively steep ascent, you reach a marked crossroads where you continue along the left steep cart track (straight mountain pasture in Laz), only to be joined a little higher by the marked path with mountain pasture Vogar. Continue along the wide, partly stony cart track, which is crossable at a higher level and then climbs steeply through a small hairpin bend. Just ahead, the path bends sharply to the left and leads into a cold valley called Pungrat, where it crosses an abandoned pasture fence. The path ahead starts to climb steeply again, then turns to the right and lays completely flat. Just a few metres further on, we join the path with mountain pasture Vodični vrh on our left, and we continue straight on and after 5 minutes of further walking we arrive at mountain pasture near Jezero, in the middle of which stands a mountain hut.
From the mountain hut, continue slightly to the left and initially downhill to a marked crossroads, from which take the right path in the direction of Dednega polje (to the left mountain pasture Viševnik and Pršivec). The wide path continues, first gently and then climbing moderately to steeply through a sparse spruce forest. Higher up, a path branches off to the left across Krištofojca, leading towards mountain pasture Viševnik, and we continue along the wide path, which gently slopes upwards and then turns slightly to the right, where we see mountain pasture Dedno polje ahead. Here the path turns to the left and after a few further steps leads to mountain pasture Dedno polje, at the edge of which is a marked crossroads.
Continue straight ahead towards the hut at Triglav Lakes (right valley Za Kopica) along the path, which continues to climb gently to moderately through mostly sparse forest. The path from which we open a beautiful view of the Lower Bohinj Mountains then descends and leads us to mountain pasture Ovčarija, where the next crossroads.
Continue along the right-hand path in the direction of the hut by the Triglav Lakes over Štapce (straight path over Prode). The way forward initially climbs moderately through a rare larch forest, then climbs steeply and leads us over lane of dwarf pines to the Štapce lookout. At Štapce continue slightly right in the direction of Tičarice and Zelnarice (slightly left Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih) and continue the ascent along the path which first climbs through lane of dwarf pines and then leads to a short steep and especially in the wet dangerous jump. Above the jump, the path flattens out and turns to moderately steep grassy slopes, which are ascended in a few minutes' further walking to a small saddle where a marked path branches off to the left to Little Tičarica.
Continue in the direction of Zelnarice along a relatively steep path which first crosses the slopes of Mala Tičarica and then Velika Tičarica. Only a few 10 m after the sign "Do not pick flowers!" (inscription on the wall), leave the marked trail and continue up the path to the left, following the pathless path. Climb up the grassy slope towards the ridge. In the upper part of the ascent towards the ridge, the slope becomes quite steep and also dangerous for slipping. Great care is needed on this short part of the climb.

When you reach the ridge, continue left and soon reach the summit on a slightly less demanding slope.
Blato - Ovčarija 2:15, Ovčarija - Velika Tičarica 1:35.
zemljovid puta - Velika Tičarica
On the way: Koča na Planini pri Jezeru mountain hut (1453m), Planina Dedno Polje (1560m), Planina Ovčarija (1660m), Štapce (1851m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Planina Blato - Velika Tičarica
velkavrh6. 08. 2009
Žal sem šel samo mimo Velike Tičarice.Opis brezpotja me je malo ustrašil,tako ,da se nisem odločil,da sam iščem prehode.Ker ne gre za veliko poti bi bilo umestno predlagati traserjem,da pot trasirajo in namestijo skrinjico z vpisnim žigom in vpisno knjigo.Mislim,da je predlog primeren.
scorpio26. 06. 2011
Niti ni takop zahtevno. jas sem se tičarici približal čez vodene rupe (sem šel prej še na Bele glave) in nato pri skrajnem desnem robu V. Tič. sledil manjšo potko. Nato pa z nekaj previdnosti lepo do vrha.
frenk 4520. 07. 2011
zanima me če so na tičaricah in zelnaricah žigi
ajda20. 07. 2011
Živjo frenk45, žigi so na Mali in Veliki Tičarici, Mala Zelnarica ima tudi žig in je za 10m višja od Velike Zelnarice, ki pa žiga nima.Lp
bos20. 07. 2011
mislim, da sta samo 2 žiga za odtisnit
sem 2 leti nazaj šel po grebenu pa imam od Zelnarice in Tičarice po en žig
katty22. 08. 2011
Ja, žigi so povsod, na obeh vrhovih.mežikanje Potrebno je imeti s seboj blazinico za štampiljke.
Ob tej priliki bi vprašala, ali imajo žig mogoče tudi na Kredarici ali Planiki? Zadnjič še nisem imela s seboj blazinice, pa bi vseeno rada dobila žig.Sej vem, da se sliši malo smešno, ampak res nebi šla letos še enkrat gor:-).
katty22. 08. 2011
Aja pa še to, gor je vpisna knjiga (zvezek) že povsem polna, razen če jo v tem tednu niso zamenjali.
Lep pozdrav, Katy
goginho212. 03. 2012
Žig od V. Tičarice je v koči pri triglavskih jezerih.
katty12. 03. 2012
A je to po novemzmeden? Ko sem jz avgusta tukej gor hodila, so žige ukradlieek, tako da jih v koči niso imeli. Je pa baje žig obeh Tičaric kar na ta Malinasmeh. Toliko v vednost.
garmont29. 08. 2012
Najlažji prehod na vrh je levo po žlebu ob steni ( možic ) in nato v ključih po strmih travah na vrh. V mokrem zelo težko - odsvetujem.
ljubitelj gora30. 08. 2012
Na Veliki Tičarici je žig
lukk23. 06. 2014
Znima me kakšne so razmere na poti
slainter23. 06. 2014
v soboto na Voglih. Iz Voglov ni bilo videti nič snega, mogoče je le v kakšni grapi proti Sedmerim jezerom. Je pa šlo v soboto in nedeljo veliko ljudi proti Sedmerim, saj so odprli kočo na sedmerih. lp
trdi7729. 06. 2022 12:53:35
Pozdravljeni! Mene pa zanima pot od planine Blato do Prehodavcev. Ali jo je možno prehoditi čez Tičarico in Zelnarico in se potem spustiti do Prehodavcev?

Lp, Uroš
Janez Seliškar29. 06. 2022 13:54:39
Možno, vzemi v roke planinsko karto Julijske Alpe, vzhodni del.
djimuzl29. 06. 2022 14:02:57
Seveda. Na Štapcah začneš grebensko pot čez Tičarice, Kopico in Malo Zelnarico, le Velika Zelnarica je malce izven omenjene poti. Ko se spustiš z Zelnaric(e) na sedlo Vrata, te do Prehodavcev čakata še dve (večji) označeni razpotji - na prvem se držiš leve, na drugem desne. Pa tudi dom je večino poti z Vrat lepo viden.
trdi7729. 06. 2022 19:58:30
Hvala za info!

Lp, Uroš
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