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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Velika Zelnarica / Planina Blato - Velika Zelnarica (Za Kopico)

Planina Blato - Velika Zelnarica (Za Kopico)

Starting point: Planina Blato (1147 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3112°N 13,8501°E
Name of path: Za Kopico
Time of walking: 4 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 1173 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1173 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 25.340
 10 people like this post
Number of pictures: 62
Number of comments: 10
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads where you will turn right towards Stara Fužina. At Stara Fužina, at the crossroads by the chapel, turn sharp left onto the ascending road towards mountain pasture Blato, mountain pasture Vogar and the Voja valley. The road leads to a place where tolls and parking fees are collected, and we follow it to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left (right Voje). We then follow the road to the next crossroads (we drive for some time), where we take a sharp right in the direction of mountain pasture Blato (straight ahead mountain pasture Vogar). Follow this road to the parking lot above mountain pasture Blato.
Path description:
From the parking lot at mountain pasture Mud, follow the road back a little to the signs at cart track. Here we take the cart track, which climbs steeply at first and then moderately, and within ten minutes' walk leads us to a crossroads, where we turn left (straight mountain pasture in Laz). Cart track is then followed through the forest to the hut at mountain pasture at Jezero. Here you will have a view of the surrounding mountains.

Go around the mountain hut on the left and the path leads us in a slight downhill to a crossroads where we continue straight along cart track (to the left mountain pasture Viševnik). The mostly rocky cart track, which follows an unmarked valley, climbs steeply a few times and, after half an hour's walk from mountain pasture at Jezero, leads to mountain pasture Dedno polje, where you reach the next crossroads. Here you leave the broad path leading to the hut by the Triglav Lakes. Continue to the right (direction Vratca Preval, Hribarice and Prehodavci), initially slightly downhill past shepherd's huts to the above-mentioned mountain pasture. On the other side of mountain pasture the path starts climbing again and leads to a less visible crossroads where the path branches off to the right to mountain pasture in Laz. Continue straight up the path, which gradually starts to climb more steeply. The path, which takes us past the animal watering point (the watering point is dry), climbs mostly through coniferous forest (larch and spruce). After about half an hour's walk from mountain pasture, the world flattens out and we have a fine view of the peaks that surround the initial part of the Za Kopica valley. The route continues up the southern slopes of Slatna and Prvego Vogel, and then gradually passes into the central part of the Za Kopico valley. This valley is then followed all the way to the Vrata saddle, where the next crossroads are located.
Continue sharp left towards Zelnarica (straight ahead Hribarice and Prehodavci) on a path that climbs crosswise over relatively steep slopes. Follow this path for about 10 minutes (almost to the saddle between the two Zelnaricama), then leave the marked path and turn right onto a less well-trodden path, which leads us in a few minutes of moderate ascent to a slightly exposed ridge, which we then follow to the top. This is reached after a good 15-minute walk along an unmarked and sometimes less visible path.
Blato - Dedno polje 1:30, Dedno polje - Velika Zelnarica 3:00.
zemljovid puta - Velika Zelnarica
On the way: Koča na Planini pri Jezeru mountain hut (1453m), Planina Dedno Polje (1560m), Vrata (2192m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Planina Blato - Velika Zelnarica (Za Kopico)
Guest24. 07. 2006
Odličen izlet, krasno podaljšati do Zasavske koče, kjer, če hočemo prespimo ali pa nadaljujemo proti koči 7J in od tam čez planino Ovčarija nazaj na blato. Možno opraviti v enem, vendar priporočam dva dni lahkotne hoje po, verjetno, najlepši alpski pokrajni. Malo slabega vtisa pusti izjemno zasoljena cestnina (2400 SIT za avto in 3 osebe) za gozdno cesto (vožnja na lastno odgovornost).
Guest24. 07. 2006
pa je ta cena za dva dni ali moraš naslednji dan (če greš za dva dni) ponovno plačati?
Guest27. 07. 2006
Parkirala sem za 3 dni, plačaš pa prav tako 2400 (saj ne gredo na parkirišče štet avtomobile)
Guest9. 07. 2007
Če parkiraš spodaj plačaš euro/uro, torej si na istem, pa prihraniš si kakšno uro in pol hoje. Pa kar zgodaj moraš priti, da lahko normalno parkiraš.
pupek16. 06. 2013
Mene zanima če kdo ve koliko je napoti še snega in kje se začne. Zanima me tudi koliko je od Vratc (2192m)do Velike Zelnarice
Fulcrum27. 07. 2016
Danes sem bil na obeh Zelnaricah z Blata. Mislim da sta vrhova na tem portalu zamenjana. Pravilno bi morala biti Mala Zelnarica severno in Velika južno.
Na vrhu hriba, ki je na imenovan Mala Zelnarica je žig Velike Zelnarice. Ko pa prideš na vrh "Velike" Zelnarice že s prostim oćespm vidiš, da je nižja od soseda.
matej71221. 10. 2018
Sodeč po vseh zemljevidih, tole ni Velika Zelnarica, ampak vrh severno od nje. Na (po mojem mneju) Veliki Zelnarici je žig z oznako višine (2320 m) in vpisna knjiga. Po geopedii je Mala Zelnarica neirazit vrh v grebenu južno od Velike Zelnarice. Vrh iz tga opisa pa na geopedii ni označen, je pa lepo viden na ortofoto posnetku. Glede na zemljevid na tem portalu (Synergise), pa je Mala Zelnarica precej nižja (2215 m) od Velike (2320 m), neimenovan vrh iz tega opisa pa je označen s koto 2321 m, čeprav je z njega Velika Zelnarica videti višja. Vse je lepo vidno, če se preklopi na ortofoto posnetek - Velika Zelnarica je ta s skrinjico - severno od nje je lepo vidno izrazito sedlo.
Še večja zmeda je na zemljevidih (preveril sem zemljevide Trenta (1990, 1:25000), Triglav (2004, 1:25000), TNP (1996, 1:50000) in JA - Triglav (1979, 1:20000).
ana22. 10. 2018
Saj kje pa piše, da mora biti Velika višja od Male? Vrhovi imajo lahko ime veliki ali mali tudi po drugih atributih.
Primer Golakov je že tak. Veliki Golak je nižji od Malega Golaka, ima pa večjo plešo (goličavo) na vrhu.

Tudi Velika Zelnarica = mnogo več zelenja kot Mala Zelnarica
matej71223. 10. 2018
To je sicer res, ampak so na (tiskanih) zemljevidih tudi višine napačne. Vrh iz tega opisa (brez imena na digitalnih zemljevidih) je nižji od tistega z žigom V. Zelnarice. Novejših tiskanih zemljevidov nisem preverjal. zmeden
J.P.30. 10. 2019
Zanimivo, karta kaže (Julijske alpe, 1:50 000, 2012), da je tale vrh V. Zelnarica z visino 2310m ter pikico bolj juzno Mala Zelnarica z visino 2320m. Potem ko prides na vrh pa zig kaze da je Mala ...Velika. Vsekakor priporočam turo Blato - obe Zelnarici - Kopica - obe Ticarici - Blato. Izjemno lepi razgledi ob lepem vremenu in ena izmed lepših grebenskih poti. Pot na Veliko Ticarico je treba malo poiskati. Lp
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