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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Chapel on Molička planina / Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina (via Prag)

Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina (via Prag)

Starting point: Planina Podvežak (1500 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3319°N 14,6726°E
Name of path: via Prag
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 280 m
Altitude difference po putu: 490 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 36.783
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 39
Number of comments: 13
Access to the starting point:
First drive to Luče, then continue into the Podvolovjek valley (direction Kamnik and Kranjski Rak). At the road marker between 11 and 11. 5 km, you will come to a small crossroads where the road to the right branches off towards Farmer Planinšek and the mountains Podveža, Ravne and Vodole (the branch is marked). Take this initially still asphalted road and follow it at the crossroads in the route mountain pasture Podveža. After a relatively long and in the upper part also worse macadam road you will reach the parking lot under mountain pasture Podveža (at the starting point there is a ramp and a number of mountain signs).
From Kamnik, drive towards the Črnivec Pass, but only as far as the crossroads, where the road to Kranjski Rak turns sharp left (the turn-off is marked and is located only 500 m before the pass). At the crossroads at Kranjski Rak, continue straight ahead on the main road, which starts descending into the Podvolovjek valley. In the valley, just 100 m after the Gams bar, you will reach a crossroads where the road to the left branches off towards the farmer Planinšek and the mountains Podveža, Ravne and Vodole (the branch is marked). Continue following the above description.
Path description:
From the parking lot, take the footpath (or road) in the route mountain pasture Podveža. Both the road and the footpath, which crosses a forest road during the ascent, lead us in 15 minutes of moderate ascent to the shepherd's hut at mountain pasture Podveža, from which we have a beautiful view towards Rogatec and Lepenatka.
From mountain pasture continue along the marked, but at first less visible path, which soon goes into the forest. The path through the forest climbs a little steeper and then enters a small uncultivated valley, above which it completely flattens out. It is followed by a few minutes of crossing the slopes below the side ridge of the board, and then the path leads to a less visible crossroads, where an unmarked path branches off to the left, leading towards Deska and the Watercourse Lake. Continue straight on the marked path, which descends into a pleasant grassy plain, then turns slightly to the right and climbs through the dwarf pines zone. At the top of the climb, the path with the mountain pasture Vodole joins us from the right, and we continue left, crossing a pasture fence and after a few further steps we reach the Inkret's Well, which is located just a few metres off the path.
There is only a slight climb, and then the path lies down again and leads us under the relatively steep and avalanche-prone slopes of Tolstego vrh (Tolstego Peak). A little further on, a pleasant path leads us to a marked crossroads, where we continue slightly to the right in the direction of the chapel on Molička peč (slightly to the left Korošica). The way forward descends slightly, then continues in a moderate ascent over a series of several small valleys. Soon there is a small crossroads where a path branches off to the left, returning to the marked path towards Korošica, and to the right the path towards mountain pasture Ravne and Dolga Trata. We continue straight along the wide and pleasant path, which after a few minutes of further walking leads us to the Prag preval, where the next crossroads is.
Continue slightly left (right mountain pasture Ravne and Velika summit) along the marked mountain path, which gradually starts to descend. After a good 10 minutes of descent, the path lays down and leads to a small swamp, after which you reach the next crossroads. Continue straight ahead (slightly to the left Korošica, to the right Robanov kot) along a pleasant mountain trail, which will take you a few minutes to reach Kocbek's shelter under Ojstrica. Chapel on Molička planina (the stove) is located just a few metres above the shelter.
zemljovid puta - Chapel on Molička planina
On the way: Planina Podvežak (1564m), Prag (1870m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Kocbekov dom na Korošici
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina1
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Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina8
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina9
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina10
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina11
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina12
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina13
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina14
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina15
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina16
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina17
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina18
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina19
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina20
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina21
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Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina23
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina24
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina25
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina26
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina27
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina28
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina29
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina30
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina31
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina32
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina33
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina34
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina35
Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina36
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Discussion about the trail Planina Podvežak - Chapel on Molička planina (via Prag)
Guest16. 08. 2006
Lepa stezica, za 10 je pa tista s planine Ravne.
Guest17. 08. 2006
Prvič sem šla s Podvežaka, pa sem bila zelo navdušena. V nedeljo sem pot na Moličko opravila s planine Ravne in ne najdem besed, da bi lahko povedala kako lepa je pa ta pot. In če greste te dni, prištejte še kakšne dobre pol ure zraven, ker so borovnice zelo slastne. Navdušila sem se za pot iz Raven na Križevnik od tu na Moličko peč, potem na Veliko Zelenico in Veliki vrh ter nazak na Ravne. Izgleda super. Upam, da v kratkem realiziram. Vsem pa srečno v gorah. MiR
upanje13. 08. 2009
Ali kdo ve, kdaj je maša pri kapelici na Molički peči, v soboto, 15.8.09
sergejcka14. 08. 2011
Upanje... maša jutri je ob 12h. Jp. Tudi mi iz Dolenjske pridemo nasmeh
ZOJA14. 08. 2011
Kakšno vreme pa bo dopoldne? Mi bi šli na Ojstrico.... na je napoved samo do sobote. Imate kaj več podatkov? Hvala že vnaprej in veliko užitkov v gorah.
otiv14. 08. 2011
Kakor pravijo vremenoslovci,bo dopoldne sončno,verjetno pa se bo oblačnost tekom dneva povečevala z možnostjo neviht v popoldanskem času.
sh14. 08. 2012
Prosim za informacijo, če bo tudi jutri 15.8. ob 12. uri maša pri kapelici.
sh14. 08. 2012
petruša21. 05. 2014
Je po tej poti kdo v teh dneh hodil, je že kopno ali še je sneg?
tisa21. 05. 2014
Hodil sicer nisem, iz izkušenj lahko povem, da je glede na snežne razmere v gorah sigurno še sneg na poti, ne sicer povsod. Na Kamnu, kjer sem bil včeraj, ki je nižji,se še vedno najde sneg.
debebarbara13. 07. 2015
Čudovita pot nasmeh
Fotografije 12. 7. na: Molicka planina
anica.zu25. 08. 2024 15:44:57
Inkretovega studenca ni več. Ali kdo ve, kaj se je zgodilo?
Makedamska pot do Podvežaka je pa v katastrofalnem stanju.
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