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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Velika Raduha / Planina Vodol - Velika Raduha

Planina Vodol - Velika Raduha

Starting point: Planina Vodol (1324 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4234°N 14,7769°E
Time of walking: 2 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 738 m
Altitude difference po putu: 800 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 27.016
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 46
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
a) From the Ljubljana - Maribor motorway, take the Šentrupert exit and then continue to Mozirje, Ljubno ob Savinji and the Logar valley. From Ljubno, follow the main road for about 6 km, then in Strmec, signs for Raduha and Snežna jama direct you to the right onto a narrower and initially still asphalted road. At the crossroads follow the signs for Snežna jama, and we follow the road, which loses its asphalt surface higher up, to mountain pasture Vodol. Park at the junction where a minor road branches off to the right in the middle of a left-hand bend, leading to the upper part of mountain pasture Vodol.
b) From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Vodice and then continue towards Kamnik. In Kamnik, follow the signs for Gornji Grad and the Črnivec Pass, and just 1 km before the pass, turn left in the direction of Kranjski Rak and Podvolovljek. From Kranjski Rak (Volovljek Pass) we start descending towards Luce, where we turn right towards Mozirje. From Luce, drive towards Mozirje for about 3 km, then in Strmec, signs for Raduha and Snežna jama direct you left onto a narrower and initially still asphalted road. At the crossroads follow the signs for Snežna jama, and we follow the road, which loses its asphalt coating higher up, to mountain pasture Vodol. Park at the junction where a minor road branches off to the right in the middle of a left-hand bend, leading to the upper part of mountain pasture Vodol.
Path description:
From the starting point, first walk to the upper part of mountain pasture Vodol, where the signs for Koča na Loki direct you left to a footpath that climbs crosswise along the upper edge of mountain pasture. The path continues into the woods, where it then climbs crosswise for some time. Higher up, out of the forest, the path quickly leads to the shepherd's huts at mountain pasture Javorje.
On the other side of mountain pasture, we enter a less good forest road, which we start to descend more visibly. After a short descent, you will notice markings pointing right into the forest, through which, in a few minutes of further descent, you will reach the hut at Loka pod Raduho.
From the hut, continue along the marked trail in the direction of Raduha, which splits into two parts after only 10 steps. Continue slightly left (slightly right Durce) along the path, which climbs gently along the left edge of the valley. The path soon turns left and climbs steeply through a belt of sparse forest. The steepness soon eases and the path leads through some small meadows into the dwarf pines zone, where it continues to climb moderately to occasionally steeply. After about an hour's walk from the Hut on the Loka, the path from Durce joins us from the right, and we continue left along the cross path in the direction of Raduha. The increasingly scenic path, on the south side, bypasses the summit of Mala Raduha, and then leads us to the main ridge, from which we have a beautiful view of the north side.
Continue along the marked path, which is soon joined on the right by a climbing route from the Hut na Grohatu. The way forward again starts to climb steeply and then, after a few minutes of further walking, leads us to the 2062 m high summit.
zemljovid puta - Velika Raduha
On the way: Planina Javorje (1594m), Koča na Loki pod Raduho mountain hut (1534m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Planina Vodol - Velika Raduha
monikahribolazka27. 09. 2019
Izlet opravili 26. 9. 2019. Bilo je super, zemlja v gozdu na poti od Raduhe do Koče na Loki sicer razmočena in je potrebna previdnost, da ti ne zdrsne. Drugače čudovit izlet.
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