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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Mozirska koča na Golteh / Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh (by road)

Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh (by road)

Starting point: Planinska Ravna (1140 m)
Name of path: by road
Time of walking: 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 216 m
Altitude difference po putu: 216 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 13.803
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 7
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
First, drive to Mozirje, where you will reach a roundabout and head in the direction of Golte and Šmihel. A little further on, you will reach a crossroads by a guesthouse, where you turn slightly right in the direction of Šmihel (the Golte cable car is on the left). Follow the road to the village, where you will see a church on the right side of the road. Just a little further on we come to a crossroads where we turn left in the direction of the Mozirska hut, Golte (Here we join the road from the Koroška side on the right, which is a possible access for the Koroška people). The road then soon leads us to the next crossroads, where we turn left onto the lower road. The road then soon becomes gravel, and we follow it to a large parking lot in front of the lock. The parking lot is on the right hand side of the road and is partly covered with grass.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road along which you parked. Cross the barrier and climb up the road, which soon leads to a sharp right turn with signposts. Continue to the right and the road will lead you to a crossroads by the Alpine Garden (flowers). Continue straight on towards Mozirska hut. The road begins to descend slightly and leads to a large meadow on which stands a chapel. From here to the hut we have only 100m to walk.
zemljovid puta - Mozirska koča na Golteh
On the way: Alpski vrt (1380m)
We recommend: similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh1
Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh2
Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh3
Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh4
Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh5
Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh6
Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh7
Discussion about the trail Planinska Ravna - Mozirska koča na Golteh (by road)
dverbnik24. 08. 2013
V avgustu sem šel po poti po Golteh.
Lepo označena in lepo vreme so dali lep izlet.
Problemi so samo z ljudmi. V Mozirski koči sem hotel malicati- pa nimajo nobenih inf. kaj imajo in koliko je cena in lastnik jamra da je utrujen.Samo tablo s ponudbo je treba dati ven. Tako da sem odšel na parkirišče kjer je neka brunarica kjer prodajajo drobnarije in kakšno pijačo. Tam je bil lastnik pod senčnikom v senci in pil pivo in jedel pečeno koruzo s prijateljem- ostali senčniki za goste pa so bili na tleh. Seveda ni imel nobenega gosta. Tako da imam občutek da na Golteh gostinci skrbijo predvsem zase.
potočki franc29. 08. 2013
Dverbnik je en navaden slepec, ki ne razume planine. Mozirska koča lahko poštenim in veselim ljudem ponudi zelo veliko, monam ki pa spijejo eno kavico pač lahko zaželiš samo lep dan.
V alpskem vrtu pa oskrbnik tudi skrbi za prijazne ljudi, za tiste ki pa zasedejo najlepšo senco, pojejo svoj sendvič in mrko gledajo se pač ne splača sekirati.
Dverbnik pojdi drugič raje kam drugam!
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