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Podhočar - Porezen

Starting point: Podhočar (1090 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1968°N 13,9971°E
Destination: Porezen (1630 m)
Time of walking: 1 h 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 540 m
Altitude difference po putu: 540 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 22.834
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 44
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
From Podbrdo, Soriška planina or Železniki drive to Petrovo Brdo and from there continue south to the road that continues towards the settlement Podporezen and starts to climb. The way ahead leads us along an asphalt road, which leads us higher up to a crossroads, where we continue straight or slightly left (at the crossroads there are only signs for the right road, leading to the farm Pr Robarju and the nearby cross). All the way along the asphalt, but relatively steep road, then follow it to the Podhočar farm (the last farm), where we park in a suitable place a few metres below the farm.
Path description:
From where you parked, walk to the farm, and there you will see signs on the house for Porezen, which direct you to the right to cart track, which continues behind the house. Continue on cart track (the path to the left across the meadow is closed), which enters the woods and starts to climb moderately. After a few minutes of ascent, cart track starts to turn to the left and leads to an unmarked ridge, where the path turns slightly further to the left to a nearby meadow. When you reach the edge of the meadow, where you can see Blegoš, bear right and the path leads you back into the forest.
In the woods, cart track becomes a pleasant path, which leads gently uphill through an undistinguished valley.
At the part where the valley starts to turn into a steep slope, we join the more beaten track from Petrov Brdo.
The way forward climbs moderately to steeply through the forest and leads us in a few serpentines along the slopes of the lesser-known but scenic peak Hoč (1514 m). It is followed by a crossing in a slight ascent to the right, and then the path leads us out of the forest to a small saddle between the aforementioned Hočem and Pohoškim Kup (Head).
On the saddle we have a beautiful view towards Blegoš on the left and the Lower Bohinj Mountains and Triglav on the right. The way ahead returns to the forest, then passes to more and more scenic slopes, over which we climb gently to moderately. At the old Italian barracks, the path from Pohoškega Kupa (the summit is slightly above the barracks) passes to the folded ridge of Porezna, where the path from Davča joins us.
Continue straight ahead or slightly to the right and continue along the worse road, which will take you to Dom na Porezen in 3 minutes.
After the lodge, continue slightly left (straight past the bivouac and toilet Podbrdo, Hudajužna, Jesenica and Kojca - the path that bypasses the top of Porezn) and in about 5 minutes of traversing climb you will reach the scenic top of Porezn.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2015 (May).
zemljovid puta - Porezen
On the way: Dom na Poreznu mountain hut (1590m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Podhočar - Porezen
Si-Dro9. 08. 2016
Najbližja pot do Porezna.Primerna tudi za otroke,ki so vajeni hribov.Vsi,ki prehodijo to pot po navadi v istem dnevu nadaljujejo še kaj drugega.Obilo užitkov.
bperc19. 01. 2020
Na omenjenem parkirišču naj bi bilo prepovedano parkiranje. Vsaj tako je označeno s sprejem. Parkiranje je možno malo nižje, pri tabli, Porezen 2 uri in 15 minut. Ni pa to označeno parkirišče.
ločanka27. 03. 2022 09:51:06
Parkiranje je sedaj mogoče. Ker je pa privatna posest, plačaš prostovoljni prispevek 2 eur. No, je zaželjeno.
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