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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Pugled / Podlipoglav - Pugled (past the guard post)

Podlipoglav - Pugled (past the guard post)

Starting point: Podlipoglav (301 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,0153°N 14,6236°E
Destination: Pugled (615 m)
Name of path: past the guard post
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 314 m
Altitude difference po putu: 314 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: Peter Pehani
Views: 6.550
 5 people like this post
Number of pictures: 36
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
Leave the Ljubljana Eastern Bypass at the Lj. -Sostro/Lj. -Bizovik exit and head in the direction of Sostro. (You can also reach this point from the centre of Ljubljana via the Litija road. ) Some 700 m from the bypass - at the "Y" junction - turn right in the direction of Podlipoglav. Follow this road for a good 4 km - through the back hills of Ljubljana, past St. Lenart's Church, through Sadinja vas and finally to Podlipoglav. Here, at the only major junction, do not continue left along the main road, but straight ahead in the direction Šentpavel/Brezje/Repče.

The starting point is only 200 m further from this junction, at the end of Podlipoglav or at the turn-off for the road to Šentpavel (there is some parking space at the turn-off or just before the bridge). It is 5 km from the bypass (or 10 km from the centre of Ljubljana).
Path description:
Note: The route to Pugled past Guard Post 1 is well marked, but key points (e. g. start of the route, continuation from the saddle, start of the descent) are not marked! It is therefore at the start of the trail, until you enter the forest, that you need the greatest sense of orientation. If you are standing at the turnoff for Šentpavel, Pugled is directly in front of you, approximately to the east. From the turnoff, continue a short distance along the asphalt road towards Repče and Brezje. After just over 100 m, the cart track road branches off to the left from the asphalt road, followed by a dirt road about 50 m later. Ignore Cart track and turn left up the dirt road. After a double bend, the dirt road flattens out, and at the end of the flat, by the last house, you enter the woods. Only here you will come across the first signpost. After a few dozen metres of walking through the woods, a direction sign and a marker higher up the mountain direct you right across a small stream and steeply right uphill. The path then alternates steeply upwards, alternating more to the right, all the way through a pine-beech forest, rich in blueberry bushes. As the whole hill is interspersed with steep downhill cycling programmes, it is not uncommon to encounter a fast "animal on two wheels". After 10 minutes of walking, we cross the more distinctly old logging trail (the pyramid marker next to it is the marker for the downhill track). After passing the longest traverse to the right and the steepest part of the climb immediately after it, you will come to an expansive ridge with a memorial from the NOB (Guard Post No. 1). Continue straight up the back for a few minutes; when you see the steep path to the western foothill ahead, take the path to the right and climb up to the saddle. There is a junction of many paths (possibility of combination). From the saddle to the top you have to take two right turns, which are not well marked. Immediately at the saddle, we must not let ourselves be led by the arrow which seemingly directs us to the summit directly along the clearly visible trail of the breakneck downhill descents; instead, we must turn around the summit pyramid almost horizontally to the right, following a very wide path (almost cart track). After 50 metres or so, coming out of a distinct SW fork, turn left twice and then steeply upwards. In a few minutes of straightforward ascent you reach the top. If the route described is used for descent, the start of the descent is not marked. Simply follow the well-trodden path down the steep, distinct slope to the SW. Note: There is a flagpole at the top of Pugled since April 2019. A small clearing on the western edge of the summit provides a view of the Ljubljana Basin, with the Julijci Mountains and Šmarna gora in the background.
zemljovid puta - Pugled
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Discussion about the trail Podlipoglav - Pugled (past the guard post)
nejcf30. 10. 2020
Včeraj sva obiskala jugovzhodni rob občine in se po tej poti povzpela na Pugled. Zdaj je že praktično cela označena z markacijami. Zgleda da so jo označili domačini. Spustila sva na drugo stran v Veliki Lipoglav, kjer sva se priključila cesti, ki naju je okoli hriba pripeljala nazaj na izhodišče. Hvala avtorju za izjemno točen opis poti na meni do zdaj neznan vrhnasmeh.
Lapuh20717. 08. 2022 19:56:01
Če v teh dneh iščeš blaženi mir v prijetni senci gozda in s primerno strmino, obenem pa nimaš celega dneva na razpolago, potem je to prava smer. Zelo prijetna pot, tukaj tudi res dobro opisana, da se ni treba loviti po grmovju. Na njej nisem srečal prav nobenega (razen stotin martinčkov ipd.), niti slišal kakega človeškega ropota. Jeseni ali pozimi pa pridem spet.
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