Podolševa (Sveti Duh, Strevc) - Sveti Lenart / St. Leonhard
Starting point: Podolševa (Sveti Duh, Strevc) (1235 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,4355°N 14,6597°E |
| |
Time of walking: 1 h 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 99 m
Altitude difference po putu: 220 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
a) Drive to Luce, then continue on to the Logar Valley. In the village Solčava, before the bridge over the river Savinjek, leave the road towards the Logar valley and continue to the right in the direction of Podolševa and Črna na Koroškem. After a climb of about 5 km, you reach a crossroads where you turn left towards the Holy Spirit (right Črna na Koroškem), and then take the Solčava panoramic road to the Strevc Tourist Farm, located below the Church of the Holy Spirit. From the main road to the starting point is about 8 km.
b) Take the Črna na Koroškem, then continue in the direction of Koprivna and Solčava. Continue along the valley of the Meži River for some time, then turn left towards Solčava and the Logarska dolina. From there it is a short descent to a crossroads, where you turn right towards Sv. Duh, and then follow the Solčava panoramic road to the Strevc Tourist Farm, which is located below the Church of Sv. Duh. From the centre of Črna na Koroškem, the starting point is about 23 km.
c) Via Border crossing Pavličev Vrh, we enter Slovenia and start descending towards Solčava. Shortly after the Majerhold Mountain Lodge, turn left towards Podolševa and Solčava panoramic road. Follow the panoramic road to the Strevc Tourist Farm, located below the Church of the Holy Spirit. From Border crossing Pavličev Vrh to the starting point is about 10 km.
Path description:
From the starting point, follow the path towards Olševa, St. Lenart and Potočka zijalka. Go around the Strevc Tourist Farm on the left, and the trail goes above the farm into the forest, where you continue for a short distance on the cart track. You quickly reach a macadam road, which you follow up to a small crossroads.
From the crossroads, continue in the direction of St. Lenart (sharp right Potočka zijalka, Obel kamen and Govca), and then the road leads you past the lock. A little further on, take a slight right off the road onto the ascending cart track, and at a nearby crossroads take the right cart track. The ascent through a partly overgrown clearing opens up a fine view of Kamnik Savinja Alps, and then the path returns to the forest. There is a steep cross-climb to the left and we reach the Sveti Duh saddle, where we reach the national border.
There is also a marked crossroads at the saddle, and we continue straight on in the direction of St. Lenart / St. Leonhard (right Olševa, Lipševa vrata / Felsentore). We continue along the state border for a short time, and then the trail turns slightly to the right and goes completely to the Austrian side, where it also starts to descend more visibly. Lower down, after a small spring, we cross a dirt road, and we continue on a footpath that continues to descend (on the left, the Plaznik / Plasnik and Bela / Bad Vellach farms). There is a cross descent to the right, and we follow the path, which continues mainly through the forest, all the way to a grassy leveling, where the church of St. Lenart stands.
Starting point - Saddle of the Holy Spirit 0:35, Saddle of the Holy Spirit - St. Lenart 0:35.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2018 (August).

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