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Mountain ranges / Polhograjsko hribovje and Ljubljana / Polhograjska Gora (Sveti Lovrenc) / Polhov Gradec (Blagaj Castle) - Polhograjska Gora (Sveti Lovrenc) (by cart track)

Polhov Gradec (Blagaj Castle) - Polhograjska Gora (Sveti Lovrenc) (by cart track)

Starting point: Polhov Gradec (Blagaj Castle) (377 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,0679°N 14,3137°E
Name of path: by cart track
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 447 m
Altitude difference po putu: 447 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 3.240
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 37
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
a) From Dobrova, Horjul or Gorenje village, drive to Polhov Gradec, and from the main crossroads continue in the direction of Črný Vrho. After a short climb, you will arrive at Polhograjska manor, where the road leads you through the walls, then turn left and park at a suitable place along the road, where there are also mountain direction signs (there is also a small parking area in front of the walls of Polhograjska manor).
b) From Černý Vrch, descend to Polhov Gradec, turn right and park in a suitable place by the road in front of the walls.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the narrower asphalt road towards the ski jump (to the right of the Beekeeping Lodge and St. Lovrenc), which leads you along the edge of the beautifully landscaped castle park. After a few minutes, we arrive at a marked crossroads, where the path to Sv. Lovrenec (Polhograjska Gora) branches off to the right - the path passes the castle's water reservoir, and we continue straight ahead, still on the asphalt road. A few 10 steps further, at a small crossroads, continue to the right, then walk past a few more houses, after which the asphalt slowly ends. The dirt road continues to climb over the viewing slopes, from which we get a nice view of Polhov Gradec and the surrounding hills, and a little further on we arrive at a small crossroads, where we continue along the upper right road (straight Praproče, Mali vrh, and possibly also to Sv. Lovrenec), which turns into a rather rocky cart track on the right-hand bend. The ascent continues along cart track, which climbs transversely through the forest, only in one part of which some views open up. When the cart track ends, continue along the marked path, which joins the normal route from Polhov Gradec to Polhograjska Gora about 10 minutes higher up.
Follow the above-mentioned path to the left and climb steeply for some time before joining the wide cart track, which leads in a few steps to the former open-door farm. At the "farm", a pleasant meadow offers some views.
Continue up the right-hand side of the nearby chapel (there is also a path on the left-hand side) and enter the woods again. A minute or so higher, we reach the ridge of Polhograjska Gora, from where we start to get better and better views of the surrounding hills. From here, it's just a minute's walk and the trail leads to the top with the Church of St. Lawrence, from where views open up on most sides.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2015 (September).
zemljovid puta - Polhograjska Gora (Sveti Lovrenc)
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Discussion about the trail Polhov Gradec (Blagaj Castle) - Polhograjska Gora (Sveti Lovrenc) (by cart track)
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