Potoče - Planinska koča Iskra na Jakobu (footpath)
Starting point: Potoče (520 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3058°N 14,432°E |
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Name of path: footpath
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 441 m
Altitude difference po putu: 455 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 81.484
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Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice, take the exit Kranj - East, then continue driving towards Jezersko. When you arrive in Preddvor, leave the main road and continue driving to the left, then after a few 10 m, opposite the Jelovica company, continue to the right in the direction of the villages of Potoče, St. Jakob and Potoška gora and Lake Črnava. The road continues through the village of Hrib, above which we reach a crossroads where we continue straight on (Hotel Bor and Lake Črnava on the left, the Senior Citizens' Home Preddvor on the right). There is a gentle climb of 100 m to a chapel, where the road turns right, and we follow it past a few more houses, then turn left in front of the Senior Citizens' Home into a large gravel parking area.
b) From the motorway Jesenice - Ljubljana, take the exit Kranj - West and continue left at the first junction. Continue through the underpass under the motorway and then to the roundabout, from where you continue in the direction of Golnik. The road continues through the village of Mlaka at Kranj, and at the end of the village we turn right towards Srakovlje. We then drive through Srakovlje, Spodnja Bela, Srednja Bela to Zgornja Bela, where we turn right towards Preddvor. At the end of Preddvor, just 10 m before the road joins the main road Zgornje Jezersko - Kranj, turn left towards the villages of Potoče, St. Jakob and Potoška gora and Lake Črnava. The road continues through the village of Hrib, above which you reach a crossroads where you continue straight on (Hotel Bor and Lake Črnava on the left, Preddvor Senior Citizens' Home on the right). There is a gentle climb of 100 m to the chapel, where the road turns right, and we follow it past a few more houses, then turn left in front of the Senior Citizens' Home onto a larger gravel parking area.
Path description:
A few steps before the start of the parking lot, by the fence of the Senior Citizens' Home Preddvor, we will see mountain direction signs, and we will take the path in the direction of Senčnica Josipine Turnograjske. The trail starts at the aforementioned fence and then continues through the forest. Through the forest we climb quite steeply for a few minutes, and then the path is laid and leads us to Senčnica Josipine Turnograjske, where there is also a registration box with a registration book.
From the top, there is a short descent along a forest path, and then you reach a forest road, which you follow to the left, and then descend gently for a short time. Soon you reach another wider road (the road leading from the parking lot near the Senior Citizens' Home Preddvor and bypassing Senčnica Josipine Turnograjske), which you cross slightly to the left, where you see red mountain direction signs as you enter the forest (you can also follow the aforementioned road to get here).
Continue in the direction of the ruins Novi grad) and the footpath towards St. Jakob and Potoska Gora. The path continues to climb moderately through the woded valley, then splits into two parts.
Continue slightly right in the direction of St James, Potoška gora and Javorov vrh (Novi grad on the left and Juhant's path) along a path that gradually recedes from the valley more and more to the right. The marked trail, which occasionally climbs steeply, crosses the forest road a few times further on, leading towards St. James, Planinska koča pri Franciju and the Iskra Mountain Hut on Jakob. Once higher up, at the red marker, rejoin the road and follow it to the left. Walk along the road for a few 10 m, then continue slightly right in the direction of Planinska koča Iskra na Jakobu (straight ahead to the Mountain hut at Francium). After a few more minutes of climbing, the path "along the road" joins us from the right. Continue left and the path leads us out of the forest to a marked crossroads, where we continue along the lower left path in the direction of St. Jakoba (right Potoška gora, Javorov vrh. . . ). There are only a few minutes of gentle ascent and the path leads us first to the Church of St James, and a few steps further to the Iskra Mountain Hut on Jakob.
Discussion about the trail Potoče - Planinska koča Iskra na Jakobu (footpath)
Guest8. 07. 2007 |
Brane V. za vsakogar ,tudi za vsak popoldan za nabiranje kondicije za daljše pohode.
getonce16. 01. 2012 |
Tudi mi smo se odpravili na sv. Jakob nad Preddvorom. Obstaja kar nekaj poti na sv. Jakob (in planinske koče Iskra), ki vmes združujejo in cepijo. Prilagam gpx sled naše poti, ki se pri vzponu v glavnem ujema z opisno potjo, le da smo šli mi mimo koče pri Franciju in se spustili po cesti. http://www.mapmytracks.com/explore/activity/369465
getonce16. 01. 2012 |
Pohvaliti moram še čudovit razgled proti Julijcem, Kranju in Ljubljani.
lindi1526. 08. 2012 |
Čudno, nobene pohvale za "vrlega, prijaznega" oskrbnika v iskrški koči. Sam sem občutil njegovo prijaznost, pomislil sem da bo skoraj potreben fizični obračun, tak človek vendar ni za delo z ljudmi, podobna mnenja sem slišal tudi od drugih, ki so obiskali sicer prijazno iskrško kočo. Dragi upravljalci te koče, tega človeka je vendar potrebno zamenjat.
Branee26. 08. 2012 |
Nevem o cemu razlagas, tam gor sem bil letos vsaj 30x za trening teka, mozakar je prijazen, ma pravi Oskrbnik z velikim O. Me preseneca opisano, ker sem rojen v Preddvoru poznam tam ogromno ljudi, ki tudi veckrat na dan hodi tja gor, ampak ta je pa prvic slisana. Tvoja izjava, namrec. Nazadnje sem bil gor cca. 3 mesece nazaj.. Lahko, da je kak drug(nov) oskrbnik?
Taurus15. 10. 2012 |
Prejšni petek okoli 20.30 ure sva z ženo prispela do koče z namenom prenočit in naslednji dan pot nadaljevat,Pa nama oskrbnik pove, da PRENOČIŠČ NI. In kaj nama je preostalo drugega, kot nazaj do avta in domov v MB. Še dobro, da sta nama pot dol krajšala prijazna planinca-domačina, ki sta nad tem bila tudi sama presenečena. Če že res ni na PLANINSKI KOČI !!!!!!!!!prenočišč, bi to najmanj moralo kje biti objavljeno. Pa varen korak.
Branee16. 10. 2012 |
Prenavljajo, vsaj ksn tedn nazaj so se, tko da je verjetno zarad tega nemogoce dobit prenocisce
velkavrh27. 05. 2013 |
Danes dopoldne sem šel po tej poti gor. Bilo je malo blatno in spolsko. Drugače pa je to hišni vrh Preddvora, obiskan vsak dan. Tudi danes dopopdne sem srečal pohodnike. Ob vikendih pa jih je polno.
balon31. 03. 2014 |
kakšne so razmere po žledolomu? Je pot prehodna ali ne?
kranjčanka1. 04. 2014 |
Pot na Jakoba je lepo prehodna, ni videti, da bi bilo kaj polomljenega. Bili na Jakobu v nedeljo, obiska ogromno.
lumi1. 04. 2014 |
krančanka-vsoboto je bila očiščevalna akcija pd predvor,pd mercator,kolesarjev,gasicev... zato je bila v nedeljo skoraj taka pot kot pred ujmo! LP
navrhu1. 11. 2014 |
Kako daleč med seboj sta Koča Iskra na Jakobu in Dom pri Franciju? Izhodišče vidim da je isto, tudi smer iz izhodišča je ista.
baloncek054. 06. 2017 |
Zrlo prijazen skrbnik koce. Ki tudi poklepeta ko prides. Pohvalno.
jakob 12. 01. 2018 |
Velika sprememba z novim oskrbnikom res pohvalno
ahaba4. 01. 2018 |
Tudi jaz sem bila v soboto na Jakobu in si novi oskrbniki zaslužijo samo pohvalo, naj bi se še druge koče zgledovale po njih. Zelo prijazni in gostoljubni oskrbniki. Naj ostane še naprej tako in se bomo še radi vračali
Ficek23. 10. 2019 |
Težko komentiram kakšen je bil prejšnji oskrbnik, vendar po izkušnji, ki jo je imela danes hčerka na športnem dnevu, novi ni ravno za zgled. Na wc je nalepil, da je v okvari in dovolil uporabo samo učiteljem. Tudi otroci, ki so kupili pijačo so bili poslali v gozd na wc. Fantje s tem niso imeli večjih težav, punce pa cel dan niso šle na wc. Ne vem, če je to ravno pravi odnos do naših bodočih planincev.