Predmeja (tunnels) - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu
Starting point: Predmeja (tunnels) (800 m)
Lat/Lon: | 45,9377°N 13,8692°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 442 m
Altitude difference po putu: 475 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
Views: 41.691
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Access to the starting point:
From the expressway Razdrto - Nova Gorica take the exit Ajdovščina and follow the road towards the village Lokavec (Lokavac can be reached from the centre of Ajdovščina, or from the old road Ajdovščina - Nova Gorica, where turn right at Cesta). From Lokavac, continue along the ascending winding road in the direction of Predmeja. Follow the road to the mountain signposts for Čaven, Veliki rob and Kucelj (the signposts are located between the quarry and the tunnels, the road marking is approx. 10 km). Park a few 10 m down the road in the parking lot.
The starting point can also be reached from Godovič, via Črni vrh and Colo to Predmeja. In this case, descend from Predmeja towards Ajdovščina and then park shortly after the third tunnel.
Path description:
From the parking lot, first walk to the route signs and then follow the Srednječavensko trail. The trail, which goes immediately into the forest, first climbs moderately and then continues crossing the slopes to the south. A wide and well-surfaced mountain path, it soon switches to steep slopes (danger of falling rocks) and gradually turns more and more to the right. A little further on, the path offers beautiful views of the Nanos and Vipava valleys, and the path gradually turns into a rockier world. A little further on, the path again enters a dense forest, where it begins to descend gently. After a short, gentle descent, you reach a marked crossroads, where you continue steeply uphill to the right towards Čavno (Lokavec down on the left, and the Srednječavenska trail continues straight ahead).
The ascent continues along the "lokavška" trail, which climbs quite steeply. After a while, the path, which most of the time ran through the forest, crosses some viewing slopes again. A little further on the path leads us to a ridge where we have two options for continuing. The left one runs just below the ridge and is less scenic than the one along the ridge, but is more forgiving in the event of a strong storm. After 10 minutes, the two paths merge and lead to the uncultivated grassy slopes to the east of Mala Gora.
Here the steepness eases and the trail continues through beautiful meadows where, in spring and summer, many mountain flowers can be seen. Higher up, the path from Stomaž joins us from the left, and we continue straight along the path, which leads us within a few minutes of further walking to the hut on Čavnu.
Discussion about the trail Predmeja (tunnels) - Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu
Enka2. 04. 2011 |
Lepa, na nekaterih delih pošteno strma pot. Zelo prijetna koča, dobra hrana in prijazna postrežba
krsto7127. 11. 2011 |
Enka se strinjam s teboj, pot je v drugem delu kar pošteno strma, kar pa se tiče časa, napisanega na usmerjevalni tabli na začetku poti - je bolj za "hitre" planince, realno je nekje ura in pol normalne hoje (kot je napisano v opisu poti).
Kokta10. 03. 2012 |
Res lepa in raznolika pot. Sem opazil da imajo primorske koče glasbila za obvezni inventar. Tudi ta ni izjema .
mtjkristan21. 12. 2012 |
Sprašujem ali je koča med vikendi odprta tudi sedaj v zmskem času ?
gvodopivec21. 12. 2012 |
Koča A.B na Čavnu je odprta med vikendi tudi v zimskem času. V koči na Mali gori pa dežurajo le ob nedeljah... pa srečno pot
mtjkristan21. 12. 2012 |
Hvala lepa,... srečno tudi vam
anazala27. 03. 2017 |
V soboto 25.3.2017 smo šli na Kucelj iz zapuščenega kamnoloma. Prvo razpotje v hrib. Potrebno malo truda. Pot je lepa, lepo označena. Nazaj pa, po celi srednje Čavenski poti. Lepo označena. Srečali smo že plezalce na steni. Sonce nas je spremljalo ves čas. Pot ni nevarna. Malo previdnosti pri skalah je potrebno. Je pa zavarovano.
suzs14. 06. 2020 |
Včeraj po tej poti do koče; čudovit dan, prelepa pot, krasni razgledi. Vendar je pot mestoma izpostavljena - predvsem velja opozorilo za družine z manjšimi otroki. Za našo 7-letnico, sicer hribolazko z veliko kondicije, se mi je zdelo že skoraj preveč ... morda bolj primerno za 10-letnike in starejše. Smo pa seveda različni ... Aja, pa zgoraj omenjeni klanec je res strm - za tiste s "švoh" koleni velja ubrati navzdol drugo pot do Predmeje.
pikica9216. 12. 2023 18:42:16 |
Od Predmeje na Malo goro in k koči Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu, lepa pot čudoviti razgledi. V koči prijazen oskrbnik, dovolil nam je vstop s kužkom. Hrana odlična, še se vrnemo. Hvala
Marjetica66. 08. 2024 08:55:27 |
Zdravo. Morda kdo ve, je žig tudi pred kočo, v primerih ko je le-ta zaprta ?
mirank7. 08. 2024 09:24:23 |
Saj imajo telefon, pokliči.