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Preval Strgarija - Iztokova koča pod Golaki

Starting point: Preval Strgarija (1217 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,9749°N 13,8514°E
Time of walking: 5 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 43 m
Altitude difference po putu: 43 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 13.865
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 8
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
a) From central Slovenia, first drive to Logatec and then continue towards Idrija. At Kalce near Logatec, turn left towards Colo, then continue along the winding road towards Colo. Turn right at Col and then left after 100 m in the route Predmeja. Continue along the road, which is sometimes a little narrower and also partly winding, to Predmeja. At the end of Predmeja turn right towards Lokva (left down Ajdovščina), and follow the main road, first past the turn-off for the road to Golaki and then past the turn-off for Čavno. When the road starts to descend towards Mali Lazna turn right and continue along the forest road to the Strgari Preval, which you can identify by the information and hiking signs. Park in a suitable place along the road.
b) From the expressway Razdrto - Nova Gorica take the exit Ajdovščina and follow the road towards the village Lokavec (Lokavac can be reached from the centre of Ajdovščina, or from the old road Ajdovščina - Nova Gorica, where you turn right at the place Cesta). From Lokavac, continue driving along the ascending winding road in the direction of Predmeja. When the road is slightly smother, we reach a crossroads where the road from Cola joins us from the right, and we continue straight ahead and follow the main road, first past the road branch towards Golaki and then past the road branch towards Čavno. When the road starts to descend towards Mali Lazna, we turn right and continue along the forest road to the Strgari Preval, which is recognisable by information and mountain signs. Park in a suitable place along the road.
Path description:
From Preval Strgari, follow the footpath towards Iztok's hut. The path goes immediately into the forest through which it climbs moderately and leads us within a 5-minute walk from the starting point to the aforementioned huts.
zemljovid puta - Iztokova koča pod Golaki
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Srednji Golak, Mali Golak ( 40 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Preval Strgarija - Iztokova koča pod Golaki1
Preval Strgarija - Iztokova koča pod Golaki2
Preval Strgarija - Iztokova koča pod Golaki3
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Discussion about the trail Preval Strgarija - Iztokova koča pod Golaki
Guest21. 01. 2007
S slikovnim materialom bo izlet še zanimivejši, zlasti za zimski čas.
EUGEN14. 05. 2010
Zame ena najlepših lokacij za planinsko kočo.Postrežba prijazna,Golaki so blizu.
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