Prtovč - Kosmati vrh (Ratitovec) (via razor)
Starting point: Prtovč (1011 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2275°N 14,1135°E |
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Name of path: via razor
Time of walking: 1 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 632 m
Altitude difference po putu: 632 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 14.260
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Access to the starting point:
First, drive to Železniki, where the sign for Prtovč will direct you to a side road. After a few kilometres of driving, the road leads to a crossroads where you turn left towards Ratitovec and the village of Prtovč. The road then leads to the church in the village, where there is a parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue up the asphalted road. After a few metres walk, you will reach a crossroads where the road to the hunting lodge branches off to the right. Continue left to the next crossroads where there are signposts. Take the road to the right in the direction of Ratitovec via Razor (Ratitovec via Povden on the left). The road leads past the last houses in the village to where the road ends.
Continue along cart track, which starts to climb through the forest. After walking for about 15 minutes, the footpath leaves the cart track a couple of times but climbs close to it. A little higher up, cross a forest road and follow the wide cart track. At the point where the path from the hunting lodge joins, cart track becomes a footpath. After a short crossing of a slightly steeper slope, the path leads us to a valley (krnico) called Razor. The forest is becoming thinner and thinner, so on the right-hand side we can see some of the cliffs of Kosmatý vrh (Hairy Peak). After a short climb, the path leads us to a small plain where there is a crossroads.
Here we turn right in the direction mountain pasture Klom (to the left Krek's cottage on Ratitovec). The path climbs steeply for a short time and leads us over a grazing fence (electric shepherd) to a poorly visible crossroads, located just a few metres behind the fence. Here we leave the well-marked path and turn sharp right onto the otherwise marked but very poorly visible path. The path continues along the edge of the cliffs next to the pasture fence. As the path is poorly visible, we have to follow the markings carefully, but they are poorly measured. A little further on, the path turns left and climbs up the grassy slopes to the top of Hairy Peak.
PP: Orientation is difficult in the last part of the trail, and I advise against climbing to the top in fog.
Discussion about the trail Prtovč - Kosmati vrh (Ratitovec) (via razor)
vesnica30. 04. 2008 |
radi bi sli na Kosmati vrh pa se nikoli nismo bili v tem koncu.Mi lahko kdo opise pot kaksna je in ce je se kaj snega.
lajbkis1. 05. 2008 |
Zdravo Izhodišče je Prtovč. Običajna pot pelje skozi Razor proti Gladkemu vrhu in Krekovi koči. Za Kosmati vrh pa se v Razorju pri smerni tabli loči pot proti desni. Ves čas se držite desno in pridete v slabe pol ure na Kosmati vrh. Na poti je še sneg. Druga pot (cesta) vodi iz Prtovča mimo lovske koče ves čas po vzhodni strani Kosmatega vrha. Po približno dveh kilometrih bolj ali manj zasnežene ceste pridete do spominske plošče. Nekaj metrov za to ploščo zavijete po markirani poti levo in na vrhu vzpona še enkrat levo. Držite se markacij in ne morete zgrešiti. Tudi ta pot je proti vrhu še zasnežena. Predlagam tudi obisk Krekove koče na Gladkem vrhu. Lep pozdrav Rado
vesnica1. 05. 2008 |
Hvala lepa za izčrpne informacije o poti.Odločili smo se da bomo počakali,da ne bo več snega in se potem odpravili gor.Lep pozdrav
darh12. 06. 2010 |
Minulo nedeljo smo se prav po opisani poti odpravili na Kosmati vrh, izlet pa smo nadaljevali prek Gladkega vrha do Altemaverja. V dolino smo se spustili prek Povdna. Cvetoči travniki v tem letnem času res navdušijo. Več o naših vtisih pa tule.
Majdag21. 03. 2011 |
Včeraj smo mislili na Ratitovec, pa smo se tik pred zadnjo strmino premislili in zavili desno, proti Kosmatemu vrhu. Ni nam bilo žal. Razgledi enkratni, kamor pogledaš same gore in hribovje, balzam za dušo in oko. Žal pa je pihal močan veter in nismo nadaljevali proti koči in Gladkemu vrhu, pa drugič, čav Majda..
cebelca21. 03. 2011 |
Majdag, koliko je pa še kaj snega gor oziroma na poti?
Majdag21. 03. 2011 |
cebelca...večji del poti iz Prtovč do odcepa za Kosmati vrh je bil poledenel. Za sneg pa težko rečem, kakšnih 20-3o cm, na vrhu skoraj nič. Je pa lepo, pa srečno
Kokta28. 09. 2011 |
Danes bil prvic na Ratitovcu in Kosmatem vrhu. Osebno mi je Kosmati vrh bolj simpaticen ..fantasticen razgled in mir...iskreno priporocam obisk.
GregorC20. 05. 2012 |
Danes je bila na Ratitovcu pri koči neverjetne gužva, sam pa sem naredil ovinek in sem na Razorju zavil proti Kosmattemu vrhu. Nato pa sem se spustil nazaj na Vratca in nadljeval do planine Pečana, od tu pa preko Gladkega vrha nazaj na Prtovč. Za razliko od predela okoli koče in Gladkega vrha je tu obiskovalcev zelo malo (danes nisem srečal nikogar) in posledično zelo mirno. Pa še razgledi z vrha so bili danes fantastični . Parkirišče na Prtovču pa je bilo ob mojem povratku ob 10. uri nabito polno .