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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Dolgi hrbet / Ravenska Kočna - Dolgi hrbet (via Štularjeva planina and on path Frischaufova pot)

Ravenska Kočna - Dolgi hrbet (via Štularjeva planina and on path Frischaufova pot)

Starting point: Ravenska Kočna (980 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3892°N 14,5319°E
Name of path: via Štularjeva planina and on path Frischaufova pot
Time of walking: 5 h
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 1493 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1493 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set, ice axe, crampons
Views: 2.050
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Number of pictures: 44
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Kranj - East and follow the road towards Jezersko. At Zgornje Jezersko, just past the petrol station, you will see a road that branches off the main road to the right (towards Planšarsko jezero). The road then takes you past the lake and climbs steeply behind it for a short distance. Higher up, the road flattens out and loses its asphalt surface at the beginning of a large meadow. At the end of the meadow there is a small roadside parking lot, where we park.
Path description:
Near the parking lot you will see signs for the Bohemian Cottage. The dirt track leads quickly into the forest, where it climbs only slightly. After a few minutes' walking, you reach a crossroads, where you continue along the steeper right-hand cart track. This quickly turns into a steep footpath which climbs up alongside the torrent. A little higher up, the path crosses the torrent and continues to climb near it. The steepness then gives way and the path leads to the abandoned Štularje mountain pasture.
The path then goes into the forest again and the path from the lower station of the goods cableway joins us on the left. Just a few tens of metres further on, the path from the neighbouring Makekove Kočna valley joins us from the right. The path then passes out of the forest onto steep slopes, which are well protected. Even without the fixed safety gear, the route is not particularly difficult. The increasingly scenic route then soon leads over a ladder into the Mrzla dolina (Frost Valley). Here, cold air descends down an undistinguished valley. In the morning you can see that it is slightly cooler here (in windy weather there is no difference). Next, it is just a few minutes of easy walking to the Bohemian Hut.
From the hut, continue to the right along the path in the direction of Kočna, Grintovec and Vratca (Kranjska hut via Žrelo on the left). After a short climb, you reach flat ground marked H (for helicopter landing). The path continues along the initially folded scree, which is partly covered with dwarf pines. In the lower part of the scree, the path to Vratca branches off to the right, and we continue straight on in the direction of Kočna and Grintovec. After about half an hour's walk from the hut, we reach the next crossroads. Continue along the left path in the direction of Grintovec (Kočna on the right) on a path that quickly leads to the start of the wall. Here you put on your helmet and start the climbing part of the route. The climbing is not difficult at first, but the ascent is dangerous because of the rubble on the path (danger of slipping). The wall we climb then becomes steeper and fixed safety gear are more and more frequent. Climbing on natural passages through grooves, gullies and ledges follows. Throughout the climb, there are beautiful views of Jezersko and the surrounding peaks. After nearly two hours of "climbing", we leave the wall at Mlinarsko sedlo, where we can see southwards. Here we are at a crossroads, where we turn left in the direction of Dolgego hrbta and Skute (Grintovec on the right). From here on we have just over 30 minutes of protected climbing to the top of Dolgega hrbta. At first the route leads us over the southern slopes of Dolgego hrbta, but with the help of numerous fixed safety gear the route quickly leads us to the ridge again. The path continues along the ridge, and in places passes over 1000m precipices. This path, which is a slip hazard in the wet, soon leads to the summit of Long Back. Ravenska Kočna - Češka koča 1:30, Češka koča - Mlinarsko sedlo 2:45, Mlinarsko sedlo - Dolgi hrbet 45 minutes.
zemljovid puta - Dolgi hrbet
On the way: Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh mountain hut (1542m), Mlinarsko sedlo (2332m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Štruca ( 25 min), Skuta ( 45 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Ravenska Kočna - Dolgi hrbet (via Štularjeva planina and on path Frischaufova pot)
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