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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Grintovec / Ravenska Kočna - Grintovec (past the cableway and on Kremžarjeva pot)

Ravenska Kočna - Grintovec (past the cableway and on Kremžarjeva pot)

Starting point: Ravenska Kočna (1000 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,385°N 14,5364°E
Destination: Grintovec (2558 m)
Name of path: past the cableway and on Kremžarjeva pot
Time of walking: 5 h 15 min
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 1558 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1558 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set, ice axe, crampons
Views: 40.857
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 47
Number of comments: 23
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Kranj - East and follow the road towards Jezersko. At Zgornje Jezersko, just past the petrol station, you will see a road that branches off the main road to the right (towards Planšarsko jezero). The road then leads you past the lake and climbs steeply behind it for a short distance. Higher up, the road flattens out and loses its asphalt surface at the beginning of a large meadow. The dirt road is then followed to a marked large parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the macadam road following the signs "Češka koča, Ledine" and after about 15 minutes' walk you will reach the cargo cableway.
At the cable car, the path goes behind the lower station of the cable car in the direction of Češka koča and initially climbs steeply up a wide path, which leads us to a larger clearing in a few minutes. The path across this clearing is usually quite muddy so take care. After 20 minutes of walking, the path leads us to a nondescript ridge where there is a bench. The path then continues through the forest and after a further 20 minutes leads us to a crossroads where we are joined on the right by a path from the meadow (lower starting point). Continue to the left and after a few more steps we are at the next crossroads, where the path from Makekova Koča (neighbouring valley) joins us from the right. The path then passes out of the forest onto the viewing slopes, where with the help of a few rope ladders and a ladder we climb up towards Češka koča (Hudičevi klanci). This part of the trail is not difficult in dry conditions and does not pose any major danger (more caution is needed in late autumn when the ravines are icy and in winter when there is snow). The trail then lays down and leads to the Mrzla dolina (1500m), where the cold air often lingers. A moderate climb of just over 5 minutes follows and the path leads to the Češka hut on Spodnje Ravne.
From the hut, continue right along the path in the direction of Koča, Grintovec and Vratca (to the left Kranjska hut via Žrelo). After a short climb, you will reach flat ground marked H (for helicopter landing). The path continues along the initially folded scree, which is partly covered with dwarf pines. In the lower part of the scree, the path to Vratca branches off to the right, and we continue straight on in the direction of Kočna and Grintovec. After about half an hour's walk from the hut, we reach the next crossroads. Continue to the right in the direction of Koča (left Grintovec via Mlinarsko sedlo) and continue climbing on the partly vegetated scree to Zgornje Raven. At Zgornje Ravne the path turns sharp right and climbs over scree. Higher up, the path, which continues to turn right, leads to the side ridge of the central Grintovci. Here we have a beautiful view to the north, where we can see most of the peaks surrounding Jezersko. Here, where we turn sharp left, the climbing part of the route begins. The well-guarded and not to difficult climbing route in the dry, with beautiful views and passing a natural window that we will notice on the right side, leads us after almost three hours of walking from the Czech Hut to the main ridge of the Grintovci (Zdolška škrbina), where there is a crossroads. Continue left in the direction of Grintovec (right Jezerska Kočna) on a path that remains technically demanding. The relatively well-protected path leads us higher up to the next crossroads, where we continue right towards the top of Grintovec (left Mlinarsko sedlo). We then follow this scenic and sometimes quite exposed path to the top. Ravenska Kočna - Češka koča 1:30, Češka koča - Zdolška škrbina 2:45, Zdolška škrbina - Vrh 1:00.
zemljovid puta - Grintovec
On the way: Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh mountain hut (1542m), Zdolška škrbina (2317m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Ravenska Kočna - Grintovec (past the cableway and on Kremžarjeva pot)
fpetel117. 10. 2008
Sem prehodil obe poti. Zdelo se mi je, da je Frischavfova pot krajša, kot pa celotna pot na Zdolško škrbino in potem na Grintovec. Tako, da je zgolj lahko tista pot dolga 4ure in pol, tale pa vsaj 5 ur(Špremova se kar vleče).
NEIC0086. 08. 2009
Zanima me zahtevnost poti Grintavec-Jezerska Kočna?? zmeden
mpolo6. 08. 2009
Pot Ravenske kočne-Grintavec (Frischavfova)-Jezerska Kočna-Ravenska kočna-Češka koča(kremžarjeva)smo opravili v petek...
Pot iz Grintavca proti Ravenski Kočni ni pretirano težka-je pa še vedno potrebna previdnost-nekaj je jeklenic,prečiti smo morali eno manjše snežišče(dokaj trd sneg).
Na poti iz Zdolške škrbine proti vrhu Jezerske kočne je zelo zanim del poti ko je potrebno sneti nahrbtnik in se po nekaj meterskem rovu,polički splaziti skozenj..Drgace pa so vsa varovala na poti v dobrem stanju
mpolo6. 08. 2009
Sem se mav zatipkov..eek
V drugem odstavku sem mislil- Pot iz Grintavca proti Jezerski Kočni (ne Ravenski kočni)...

se opravičujem!!!mežikanje
NEIC0086. 08. 2009
nisa8. 06. 2011
Konec meseca načrtujem pot na Veliko babo in Ledinski vrh ( Okrešelj ), potem mimo Kranjske do Češke koče. Drugi dan bi šel na Grintovec in naprej do Cojzove koče.

Zanima me katera pot na Grintovec je lažja:
Kremžarjeva ali Frischavfova.

Hvala za odgovor in lep pozdrav.
zdomec8. 06. 2011
Frischofova pot je nekoliko lazja, ni tako ispostavljena, edino med mlinarskim sedlom in meliscem pod glavo Grintovca je tista rez malo ispostavljena, seveda pod pogojem ce ni snezisc. Ce bos sel konec meseca, se lahko zgodi da bodo se snezisca, posebej na severni strani Grintovca.
extra2. 08. 2011
V avgustu načrtujem turo na grintovec ter me zanima katera pot je lažja oz zanimiva. Kokrsko sedlo-Grintovec-Češka koča ali obratno, se pravi češka koča-grintovec-Kokrsko sedlo?
andrej782. 08. 2011
Lažja je definitivno preko Kokrskega sedla na Grintovec, zanimiva in napeta pa iz Češke koče.
extra3. 08. 2011
V vsakem primeru bom šel čez obe. Samo zanima me po kateri bi bilo bolj smiselno iti gor in potem dol.
andrej783. 08. 2011
Gor iz česke koče, dol na kokrsko sedlo.
extra3. 08. 2011
hvala velik nasmeh
extra4. 08. 2011
Zanima me še ali je to normalna tura za en dan. Do češke koče nato do Grintavca, sestop in spanje v Cojzovi koči? Nato pa naslednji dan v dolino.
andrej784. 08. 2011
To ja 6-7 ur hoje.
tinika9. 08. 2011
A mi lahko prosim nekdo svetuje katera poje boljša za spust - Kremžarjeva ali Frischavfova?
Izhodišče in cilj sta mi Češka koča.
andrej7810. 08. 2011
Bolja je Kremžarjeva,sicer pa ni neke velike razlike.
LidijaJesih10. 08. 2011
Danes tinka zate preverila Frischaufovonasmeh. Gre gor in dol in to čisto lepo (ustrezne izkušnje seveda in čelada). Od lani pa se spomnim, da ni posebnih težav tudi na Kremžarjevi, le dlje se mi je zdelo in malo gor in dol je treba. Pa spet ne toliko. Obe imata tudi enko oznako zahtevnosti.
tinika10. 08. 2011
super hvala obema za odgovor
bom probala Frischaufovo gor in Kremžarjevo dol
irska14. 08. 2011
Uporabili včeraj za spust ... se je kar malo vleklo, ja, ampak verjetno bolj zato, ker se je stemnilo in kasneje začelo tudi deževati (na srečo sva že "zaključili" z jeklenicami) - prehodili sva jo v cca 3,5 h. Za navzdol je precej "zdrobljena", ampak saj je označena kot ZELO zahtevna mežikanje
kopnik23. 06. 2016
Pozdravljeni, zanima me če je kdo v tem času hodil po tej poti in kakšne so razmere?
mornar18. 08. 2021 15:10:27
Ali mi lahko kdo pojasni primeravo poti na Veliko babo po plezalni in potjo na Grintovec po Kremžarjevi iz Ravenske kočne.L.p.
kozuc20. 08. 2021 12:35:20
Obedve sta po svoje zahtevni. Plezalna na Babo morda tehnično bolj zahtevna zaradi Rudijeve vertikale kjer se z rokami vlečeš naravnost gor po jeklenici, Kremžarjeva je pa daljša in bolj kondicijsko naporna.
Sicer sta pa obe precej krušljivi in zračni.
pclop20. 08. 2023 17:43:01
"Opozorilo! Planinska pot Grinotvec - Dovška škrbina (Špremova pot) je zaradi podora ZAPRTA"
To obvestilo je bilo 19. 8. 2023 objavljeno pred kočo na Kokrskem sedlu.zmedeneek
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