Ravenska Kočna - Jenkova planina
Starting point: Ravenska Kočna (1000 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3847°N 14,5364°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 495 m
Altitude difference po putu: 500 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
From the Gorenjska highway, Kranj or Preddvor, take Zgornje Jezersko, then about 1 km after the Petrol station, turn right in the direction of Planšarski jezero and Češka cottage. Continue past the lake, then the road leads through a large meadow, where the asphalt ends and a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains opens up, and then the road returns to the forest, where it first crosses a torrent. A little further on, the road splits and we continue along the right-hand road (on the left the Davo Karničar Mountain Centre and also the footpath to Jenkova planina and the former starting point for the above-mentioned mountain pasture), which quickly leads to a large marked parking area, where we park.
Path description:
Somewhere in the middle of the large parking lot, a passageway opens to the left, along which there are mountain signs for Velika Babo, Goli vrh and a sign for the hunting trail to Ledine. The trail starts following cart track, which leads us to the edge of the meadow, where we will see the Gorniški centar on the left. We continue straight on to the clearly visible signs at the nearby crossroads, from which we continue straight on in the direction of Velika Babe and Goli vrh (to the right Ledine). The way ahead still leads us along cart track, which soon turns left, and then climbs crosswise. Higher up, the path from the old starting point, or the marked path from Planšarski jezero, joins us from the left. The cart track then turns into a footpath which climbs relatively steeply through the forest. After about an hour and a half of walking, you emerge from the forest onto the abandoned and rather overgrown Jenkova planina, where there is also a crossroads.
Continue straight on (left Goli vrh - Slovenian trail, right Velika Baba) to the "signpost" (only a metal pole remains after Slovenia's entry into Schengen) marking the border crossing. At the post, you will see a small wooden hut on your left, just a few steps walk away.

Discussion about the trail Ravenska Kočna - Jenkova planina
Guest24. 06. 2007 |
Brane V. -Opomba: z Jenkove planine je lepa markirana pot na Veliko Babo, ki jo žal v tem seznamu ni.To je najdaljša varianta. Krajša z Ledin po naši plezalni-zelo zahtevna in nezahtevna po avstrijski strani prek Jezerskega sedla.
velkavrh10. 08. 2009 |
Včeraj bil samo tu na kratkem sprehodu.Od križišča ,kjer se pusti vozilo, sva s sinom hodila samo petdeset minut prej počasi kot hitro.Res primerno za vsak dan za nabiranje kondicije.Koča je res lepa ,je vsa v cvetju in premore celo majhen zelenjavni vrtiček.Res primerno iti sem gor po jutranjem šihtu,ko ne moremo kam dlje,želimo pa iti malo navkreber in v naravo.Nazaj grede pa sva si ogledala še Jezerski praznik-Ovčarski bal,ki se je odvijal pri jezeru.Obiska je bilo res veliko.
joža x24. 11. 2009 |
Od Ancelja do Jenkove planine je 1,5 ure hoje, razgled z Jenkove pl. pa čudovit.