Robanov kot - Chapel on Molička planina
Starting point: Robanov kot (650 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3948°N 14,703°E |
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Time of walking: 3 h 30 min
Difficulty: difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 1130 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1250 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
Views: 17.881
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Access to the starting point:
Go over the Volovljek Pass (Kranjski Rak) or from Mozirje to Luce, then follow the signs for Solčava and the Logarska dolina. When you arrive in Robanov Kot, the signs for the Alpine valley of Roban angle direct you to the left onto a side road, which takes you to a parking area near the Roban farm, where you park. You can also park 500 m further down, where there is another parking lot, but you must not park in the parking lot of the Govc-Vršnik guesthouse, because there is no space for the guesthouse guests.
Path description:
If you have parked in the lower parking lot, continue along the road to the parking lot at Roban Farm, just a few metres further on from the last parking lot you will arrive at a crossroads, where you continue straight ahead along the road where there is a barrier (right Strelovec).
The road to Robanova planina then goes into the forest and leads to a crossroads where you continue straight ahead, further along the road (left partisan hospital 45 min).
The road then leads us out of the forest to Robanov travnik, where we get a nice view of the surrounding walls. On the other side of the meadow, the road goes back into the forest and climbs a little more. After crossing a pasture fence, we soon emerge from the forest onto the viewpoint of Roban's mountain pasture.
Continue with mountain pasture following the "Korošica, Ojstrica" signs and the wide path leads us into the forest after only a few metres. After a short climb, the path turns left and crosses several torrents. We climb through the forest again and soon reach a small waterfall below the slopes of Molička peč and Velika Zelenice. Here the trail turns right and starts to climb up quite steep slopes with the help of a rope and some pegs. There is a short climb through the forest again on slightly flatter slopes, and then you reach a slightly rockier part of the trail. The trail then climbs for some time on steep slopes above a torrential ravine. The path here is through beautiful passages and is very well protected by a rope, so that the ascent does not cause any major problems. There are also a number of rungs and steps carved into the rock to help you along the way. There are a few steeper climbs with the help of a rope and wedges, and then the path leads to gentle slopes covered with dwarf pines. The path then takes us through dwarf pines in a short descent to a crossroads. Bear right after the signs 'Kapelica, Korošica'. At first descend slightly, then there is a short climb to the chapel, which stands on a small hill. A few metres in front of the chapel is Kocbek's shelter under Ojstrica.
Robanov kot - Robanova planina 1:00, Robanova planina - Molička mountain pasture 2:30.
Discussion about the trail Robanov kot - Chapel on Molička planina
acjom25. 05. 2009 |
Morda kdo ve, če je na tej poti še kaj snega, hvala
geppo25. 05. 2009 |
Če pogledaš fotografije ( splošni pogovori )proti Ojstrici in V. vrhu boš videl še veliko snežnih zaplat. Torej, lahko pričakuješ še sneg na poti. Lp
anonimnae24. 06. 2024 09:58:51 |
Je še kaj snega na poti iz Robanovega kota do Moličke planine?
geppo24. 06. 2024 19:45:46 |
Več kot teden nazaj sem govoril s fantom ( na Ojstrici ), ki je tu prišel gor. Rekel je, da ni snega in ni težav na poti! lp
zajla4201. 08. 2024 20:23:10 |
Ta pot niti pod razno ni samo "zahtevna označena pot". Je dobro varovana ampak si bi, po mojem mnenju, vseeno zaslužila naziv "zelo zahtevne označene poti. Varen korak vsem, ki se odločite za vzpon po omenjeni poti.
garmont2. 08. 2024 21:20:37 |
Sicer ne spremeni nič, ampak ta pot je bila od nekdaj na vseh kartah označena , kot “zahtevna” pot. Po moje povsem objektivno.
Marx3. 08. 2024 06:59:19 |
Zelo zahteven del te poti so edino skobe in jeklenica na sliki 22... vse ostalo gre v zahteven pot. Kar to pot naredi kar zahtevnom je dejstvo da smo v zahtevnem delu (Od slapa do prevala pod Žvižgovcem) več kot eno uro. I to po zelo gruščnati podlagi.