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Rovte - Sveti Primož in Felicijan (Jamnik)

Starting point: Rovte (483 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2797°N 14,2372°E
Time of walking: 1 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 348 m
Altitude difference po putu: 370 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 7.700
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 30
Number of comments: 3
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Naklo (you can also take the exit for Tržič), then follow the signs for Kropa. At Podnart, after crossing the Sava River, continue left, then pass the turnoff for Ovsiše, and in a few kilometres you will reach a crossroads where you turn left in the direction of Češnjice pri Kropa. After crossing Lipnica, take the road towards Na Kajžah (right Na Kmetih) at the crossroads. When Češnjica ends, descend into a small valley, and when the road climbs again, you will quickly arrive at Rovte, where you can park at a suitable place by the crossroads and the ecological island.
b) From the motorway Jesenice - Ljubljana take the exit Lesce or Radovljica and then continue in the direction of Radovljica and later the villages Lancovo, Lipnica, Kamna Gorica and Kropa, which you do not enter. Continue towards Podnart, then a few kilometres before the above-mentioned village turn right in the direction of Češnjica pri Kropa, then cross Lipnica, then at the crossroads take the road in the direction of Na Kajžah (right Na Kmetih). When Češnjica ends, descend into a small valley, and when the road climbs again you will quickly arrive at Rovte, where you can park in a suitable place by the crossroads and the eco-island.
c) From the road Dražgoše - Zgornja Besnica, near the hamlet of Log (Log is a hamlet belonging to the settlement Njivica), take the side road in the direction of Njivica and Rovt. At the end of Rovte, we reach a small crossroads with an ecological island, and we park here in a suitable place.
Path description:
From the ecological island, continue in the direction of Besnice, then in front of the houses on the tree you will see a marking that directs you to the right on the narrower road that ends behind the nearby house. Continue along the footpath, then pass the next house to reach another road, which you follow to the right. When the settlement ends, continue along the forest road, which leads into the forest behind the hunting observation post. In the forest, at a small crossroads, continue right towards Jamnik, and as we climb we continue on a worse dirt road, which increasingly turns into a wide cart track as we climb higher.
When we reach the bottom of the Špile peak (811 m), we take the left cart track, and from it we soon go right on a marked footpath which ascends crosswise on an undistinguished pass between the aforementioned peak on the right and the Maly vrh (821 m) on the right.
There is a short descent from the pass, and then to the left you cross the rather steep slopes of the Špila peak, where there is a risk of slipping, especially in the freezing snow. When the traverse ends, you will reach a wooded ridge and the path widens into cart track. A little further on, another of the Jamnik paths joins us from the left, and we continue straight on, following the path which leads us out of the forest onto an increasingly scenic ridge, which we quickly climb to the church of St Primož and Felicijan at Jamnik.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2017 (January).
zemljovid puta - Sveti Primož in Felicijan (Jamnik)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Bela peč (Podbliška gora) (1 h 30 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Rovte - Sveti Primož in Felicijan (Jamnik)
margu5026. 01. 2017
Gledam zemljevid Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje in vidim zarisano pot s Sv. Primoža na Jamniku, do Njivica. Od tu ni daleč do Rovt, bi se lahko naredila taka krožna pot. Mi kdo od poznavalcev lahko kaj pomaga. Hvala za eventualen odgovor.Lp
Tadej26. 01. 2017
Kakšna je pot v Njivico ne vem, ker še nisem hodil. Se pa lahko naredi krožno pot s spustom v Češnjico pri Kropi. Med Češnjico in Rovtami je dobrih 10 minut hoje.
Opis s slikami bo najverjetneje objavljen jutri.
Sue11117. 08. 2020
Odsvetujeva to pot, mogoče je bila dobro označena 2017, avgusta 2020 žal ni več tako. Markacij in tabel je premalo in se lahko hitro izgubiš.
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