Sežana - Zidovnik (Sedovnik) (by road)
Starting point: Sežana (360 m)
Lat/Lon: | 45,6947°N 13,8806°E |
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Name of path: by road
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 215 m
Altitude difference po putu: 215 m
Map: Slovenska Istra - Čičarija, Brkini in Kras 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 7.623
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Koper take the exit Divača and follow the road towards the villages Lokev and Lipica. The road then quickly leads to the village of Lokev, where at the end of the road you will come to a crossroads where the road to the right branches off towards the Vilenica cave. Take this road and follow it past the turn-off for Vilenica Cave and Lipica. At the 2km road marker, you will see some houses on the right hand side and behind them (just after the concrete fence) a road that branches off the main road to the right (the branch is before Sežana). Take this road and park along it.
The starting point can also be reached from the route of Sežana.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road, which climbs gently at first, mostly through low forest. The road continues to fold higher, makes a few sharp turns and then leads us to a small pass, where there is a crossroads of several small dirt roads.
Continue slightly left (right Marče) along the wide cart track, which is joined a little higher up by the road from Nové naselje above Sežana. For a short time, the concrete road then leads us through wods and bushes to a partially viewable peak on which there are a few transmitters and the Sežana water supply.
Discussion about the trail Sežana - Zidovnik (Sedovnik) (by road)
wolphgang23. 11. 2014 |
Že res, da v Atlasu Slovenije piše Zidovnik, ampak ko sem v Sežani domačine spraševal po njem, me je vsak gledal kot, da sem iz Marsa... "Tukaj ni nobenega Zidovnika..." in podobno... potem sem pa ugotovil, da ga domačini imenujejo Sedovnik. Če domačini tako pravijo, bo že tako prav!
B212. 02. 2020 |
Iz Sežane je na Zidovnik (Sedovnik) že dolgo časa speljana markirana planinska pot, ki se prične pri delavski univerzi (tu je tudi začetek poti Srečka Kosovela od Sežane do Tomaja) in nadaljuje čez dva železniška nadvoza, ter na krožišču levo mimo vrtca in takoj za vrtcem desno do nekdanjega vaškega napajališča za živino (sedaj preurejeno v otroško igrišče) in dalje navkreber po ulici Pod Sedovnikom do vodnega rezervoarja. Tu asfaltirana pot preide v stezo, ki se po kakih deset minutah hoje priključi gozdni cesti. Še malo in znajdemo se na jasi, kamor nas pripelje tudi pot iz novega naselja, nad sabo pa vidimo antene na vrhu hriba. V nadaljevanju je steza dokaj strma in precej kamnita. Še deset minut in stojimo na vrhu Sedovnika.Hoje po opisani poti je približno 45 minut. Pot iz predhodnega opisa pa ni markirana... Avto pa lahko pustimo na parkirišču kjer je tudi izhodišče poti.