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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Veliki vrh (above Lom) / Široko - Veliki vrh (above Lom) (via Grudnica - on trail Lom is my home)

Široko - Veliki vrh (above Lom) (via Grudnica - on trail Lom is my home)

Starting point: Široko (750 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,13207°N 13,75932°E
Name of path: via Grudnica - on trail Lom is my home
Time of walking: 1 h 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 321 m
Altitude difference po putu: 400 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: zwbgr
Views: 1.730
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 25
Number of comments: 2
Access to the starting point:
The starting point is at the Široko Tourist Farm in Tolmin Lom. Access from Nova Gorica and Idrija is described in more detail, access from Tolmin and across the Banjsko Plateau via Kanalski Lom is also possible.

a) From Nova Gorica, follow the signs for Bovec and Tolmin, drive through Kanal and then look out for the turn-off for Most na Soči (towards Idrija and Ljubljana). Continue driving through the village of Kozaršče, and in the centre of Most na Soči turn right at the crossroads towards Lom (ahead towards Ljubljana, left towards Tolmin). After crossing the bridge over the Idrijca River, continue along the steep local road into a sharp right turn. The road climbs for the next 4 kilometres and leads to a saddle where a steep road branches off to the left towards the Široko Tourist Farm. After about two kilometres of further climbing, you reach the tourist farm, where you find a parking place.

b) From the route of Idrija, follow the signs for Tolmin. In the centre of Most na Soči, at the crossroads, turn sharp left in the direction of Loma (ahead direction Nova Gorica, right direction Tolmin). After crossing the bridge over the Idrijca River, continue along the steep local road in a sharp right turn. The road climbs for the next 4 kilometres and leads to a saddle where a steep road branches off to the left towards the Široko Tourist Farm. After about two kilometres of further climbing, you reach the tourist farm, where you find a parking place.
Path description:
The trail is well marked with orientation boards and blue-yellow markings (the "Lom je moj dom" hiking trail) and is easy to follow. It is mostly on a dirt road, with a short distance below the summit on the cart track and then on a narrower track. There are two viewpoints with panoramic signs along the way (Široko and Ledince), and the summit is also visible.
Once parked at the tourist farm, you can continue to the viewpoint above the farm, otherwise find the starting point at the end of the road, where the road descends to the houses and where there are rubbish bins. Here you will see signs for Ledince, Grudnica and Veliki vrh, which direct you to a steep macadam forest road. It climbs for a while and then gently descends. At the top of the next long uphill slope is a crossroads, and signs to the right direct you to the Ledince lookout point a few steps away and to Veliki vrh along a direct path. We continue on the road towards Grudnica. We soon start descending on the dirt road until we reach Grudnica and the junction with the asphalt road. Turn slightly right here, on the left is the Tratar cheese cottage, which offers homemade cheese and cottage cheese. The tarmac road soon ends and we continue straight ahead, a few steps on the flat, then up a steep paved incline. Before this slope ends, at a left-hand bend, we see a good cart track on the right-hand side, where we are also directed by a sign. After a few more minutes of steepness, we reach an open hayfield where we continue straight on, but soon our path branches off to the right again and up onto a narrower cart track. This cart track is soon over for us too, before dropping through an opening in the wall, as we head left onto a well-trodden narrower track.
From here there are no more branches, the path is not too steep, but caution is needed when walking due to roots and larger stones. Just below the summit, you will find benches and an info board with a World War I theme, and you are only a few metres away from the summit. Also at the top there are benches and a miniature Aljaž tower with a registration book (opened by lifting the lid). We recommend going back the other way, turning left at the bottom instead of back towards Grudnica. In this direction the trail is also well marked with signs and there are several points of interest with info boards along the way. At the junction for Breznov in Špila there are two possible options. The shorter one, which leads straight ahead, leads to the Ledince lookout point and the macadam road Široko - Grudnica. If you turn to the far left towards Močil na Kalo, you can follow the "Lom je moj dom" trail down to Kanalski Lom and then climb back up to Široko (this extends the trail by a good hour and an additional 200 metres).
zemljovid puta - Veliki vrh (above Lom)
On the way: Razgledna točka Široko (755m)
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Široko - Veliki vrh (above Lom)25
Discussion about the trail Široko - Veliki vrh (above Lom) (via Grudnica - on trail Lom is my home)
valerija11222. 11. 2020
Zelo lepa tura.Ko nam odprejo občinske meje,jo res priporočam. Hvala za opis.
zdejan23. 11. 2020
To turo sem obdelal kakšen teden po otvoritvi krožne poti. Odlična tura!
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