Slevo - Kamniški vrh (via hunting lodge)
Starting point: Slevo (650 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,274°N 14,5709°E |
| |
Name of path: via hunting lodge
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: difficult unmarked way
Altitude difference: 609 m
Altitude difference po putu: 600 m
Map: Grintovci 1 : 25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 20.918
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Access to the starting point:
On 29. 10. 2007 I went to Kamniški vrh from the route of Kamnik. From Kamnik I drove towards the village of STAHOVICA. From Kamnik you drive 5 km on the main road to Stahovica. After five kilometres you reach the end of the village of GODIC. Where the village of GODIC ends, the village of STAHOVICA begins. Immediately after the signpost "STAHOVICA" turn left (before the turnoff you will see a shop and a tavern on the left) in the route ŽUPANJE NJIVE (see signpost). After 200 metres from this turnoff there is a crossroads again. Go right for ŽUPANJE NJIVE and left for BISTRICICA. You turn left for BISTRICICA (there is still 2. 6 km to go). You pass through the village of BISTRIčICA and when you reach the end of this village (see the signpost for the settlement marker), drive for another 500 metres and you will see a bridge over a stream on your right and also a red mountain direction sign. Drive over the bridge and then park your vehicle just after the bridge on the left hand side (if there is space, of course). I advise against driving your vehicle up the hill towards the village of SLEVO, as the road is quite steep and narrow and you may well find (especially if there are several of you in the vehicle or you are not very skilled at driving on gravel) that your wheels will spin out into the empty, thus destroying the road and you will also face the problem of reversing down the hill. I did go to the quarry in my car, but I have to say that I have many years of driving experience, including on gravel, I was alone in the vehicle and it has a diesel engine. Therefore, I cannot even write down how long it will take you to walk to the quarry from where I walked. I think about 15 minutes.
Path description:
There are two paths leading from the quarry. Take the first one to the left immediately after the quarry (you will also see a mountain signpost recommending this direction). Take the second one to the right, from the quarry straight into the forest towards the hunting lodge. I took this route. In the description of this trip, we will call it the "left" and "right" path. The left one is easier and marked and the right one is harder and unmarked and the one I took.
The right path to Kamniški vrh is quite steep almost all the time and is not marked anywhere. So from the quarry, walk along the path about 1. 5 metres wide (it narrows to 1 metre wide somewhere) and do not turn off from this path. You will come to one branch of this path, but at this branch you turn left up (the other part goes straight down and you don't use it). I managed to reach the hunting hut after 20 minutes of walking from the starting point at the quarry, where there are a few buildings (bivouac, goat house, two huts).
At the buildings belonging to the hunting lodge, take a sharp left (above the hut) and continue walking along the narrow "goat track", where there is only rom for one hiker. Here you will also leave the forest and there will be only meadow and low bushes around you. From the hunting lodge it took me 10 minutes to reach the crossroads of the "goat trails", where you meet the trail coming from the easier "left" direction and the trail leading to Kamniški vrh. So turn right at this junction and after 5 minutes you will arrive at a nice viewpoint, where there is also a bench. If you haven't rested by now, take a few minutes to rest and, above all, look around the surrounding hills and the Ljubljana basin.
From here, the trail just goes uphill and in the direction of Kamniški vrh. It took me 25 minutes to get from this viewpoint to the viewpoint directly below the summit, and I took a few photos along the way. At Kamniški vrh (directly below the actual summit) you will find a few benches, but they are in poor condition, so make sure you don't fall over now that you have safely reached the top of the hill. There is also a bivouac, which you can shelter from the rain and, in a pinch, spend the night in. There is also a notebok in which you can sign in, but the notebok is also at the immediate summit. It takes 2 minutes to get from the lookout point to the highest point Kamniški vrh, where you will also find a sign-in bok, as well as stamps to confirm your arrival in your mountain pass. Now that you have explored one path, there is an opportunity to go down another, longer but more difficult one. Continue westwards, in this direction you will also see the Krvavec tower on a clear day. From the top you start descending, and I managed to reach the saddle in 5 minutes, where you will again see the mountain signpost, which offers you the opportunity to continue straight westwards. The signpost says Osredek, Krvavec. At this sign you can choose to go down the slope and so you will get back to the starting point to the quarry above the village of SLEVO. I decided to continue to mountain pasture OSREDEK. So there were two more climbs ahead of me. One to a hill whose name I didn't know and then to a slightly higher hill called PLANJAVA.
In less than 10 minutes I was from the "junction" or "saddle" under Kamniški vrh to the highest point on PLANJAVA hill. From here the trail only leads down. It took me 15 minutes to descend and I arrived again at the next crossroads, from where you can continue directly to the KRVAVEC hill. The sign says PL. OSREDEK, SV. AMBROŽ, ŠENTURŠKA GORA. Here I went left down the hill, i. e. in the direction recommended by the mountain direction sign. This is also the last way back to the starting point. And from here on, the trail is marked with mountain signs.
From this crossroads to the mountain pasture RESIDUE (at least I think it was the mountain pasture RESIDUE, because there were two mountain huts there), it took me 5 minutes and I reached the mountain huts. I took some time to take a few photos, then continued on my way to the starting point. On the way there is a cross or a sign of God where you can leave a candle, although I personally do not recommend using candles that burn with fire. Electronic candles are more than suitable in this case for fire safety reasons. You will also have to cross a scree slope (a place where there is sand that comes down from the hill when it rains) twice on this route. These two places are also a bit difficult to walk, but the mountaineering association has made sure that the path has been made firm. In 40 minutes I thus descended from mountain pasture OSREDEK (from the shepherd's huts) back to the starting point at the quarry. Then you have to go through the village of SLEVO back to the place where you left the car. In the village of SLEVO there is also a memorial to the 10 partisans who were killed by Home Guard soldiers in January 1945, and you can light a candle here to.
God luck

Discussion about the trail Slevo - Kamniški vrh (via hunting lodge)
fpetel128. 10. 2008 |
Osebno se mi zdi zel lep izlet (popoldanski ali dopoldanski) - tukaj sem sestopil. Orientacija kljub temu, da ni merkacij sploh ni zahtevna. Strmo pa je pod vrhom precej .
canislupus6. 07. 2009 |
Hi, Pohvaliti moram natančen opis poti. Popolnoma se strinjam z vami, saj sem pot, ki ste jo opisali prehodila to soboto. Jaz sem si pri orientaciji pomagala z opisom iz knjige 111 izletov, kjer bi se lahko zgledovali po vas, vendar po svoje razumem problem s prostorom; knjiga bi izgledala kot atlas. Šla sem s psičko. Nisem hitela tako kot vi, ker se je vreme jasnilo. Izlet je resnično prečudovit. Ne vem zakaj niste omenili naravnega studenca, ki v vsem svojejm sijaju ponuja naravno osvežitev na planini osredek. Namenoma ne uporabljam velikih črk, ker se mi ne da. lp 
milenacap7. 07. 2009 |
Imela bi samo popravek. Pod Kamniškim vrhom omenjena koča ni lovska. To je vikend naših prijateljev. Ko pa že tako lepo opisujete to pot: lepo je videti tudi Korošaške slapove pod planino Osredek. In da prišepnem, tam je tudi veliko gob - jurčkov. lp
amater26. 02. 2010 |
lp jutri se nameravam odpraviti na kamniški vrh in naprej proti krvavcu kjer bodo otroci smučali, kaj mi lahko kdo kaj svetuje glede poti, oznak , zahtevnosti in časa trajanja
klas17. 04. 2010 |
Cesta od mostička do kamnoloma je v dobrem stanju,povsem normalna makadamska cesta. Sicer res ni daleč, ampak vseeno.
Kriška1. 06. 2010 |
Strinjam se s klasom, kar se tiče stanja makadamske ceste - nič posebnega (najbrž so jo kaj urejali odkar je bil sestavljen opis dostopa). Je pa res, da te domačini nič kaj prijazno ne gledajo, ko se voziš mimo hiš  . Kar se tiče povratka preko (bivše) planine Osredek, pa je prvi del prehoda preko melišča bil pred tremi tedni očitno pravkar na novo "pometen", medtem ko je bil drugi, težavnejši prehod (slika 33), še slabši in bolj izpostavljen, kot je videti na tej fotografiji (še nekaj lesa je odneslo). Res škoda, da le nekaj metrov nenadelane in nezavarovane poti celotno pot, ki je sicer res lepa in lahka, spremeni v zahtevno, ki je ne bi priporočala neizkušenim, otrokom in tistim, ki imajo težave z vrtoglavico.
Volk1. 06. 2010 |
Kriška, pri razpelu sestopiš naravnost navzdol, pa je. Pa še Korošaške slapove (slap) si lahko v spodnji bližini ogledaš.  In mimogrede. Fotografija dve. Rož'ca je Slevška, ne Kamniška. Lp.
Kriška2. 06. 2010 |
Ja, Volk, vem, ampak človek si včasih zaželi prehoditi tudi kakšno drugo pot, ne le tisto, ki jo že pozna. 
medka8. 04. 2017 |
V tem casu so cesto do vasi Slevo asfaltirali, kljub temu pa parkiranje pri kamnolomu ni bilo mogoce zaradi zaganja dreves. Tudi sicer hoja preko travnikov ni zazeljena, saj so table UPORABLJAJTE SAMO MARKIRANE POTI. Stanje na sliki 33 je se vedno zahtevno in res ni za izkusene. Sicer pa cudovita krozna tura!