Slivnica pri Mariboru - Mariborska koča
Starting point: Slivnica pri Mariboru (292 m)
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 794 m
Altitude difference po putu: 794 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 5.886
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Access to the starting point:
a) Take the motorway from Ljubljana to the Maribor-center exit. At the next traffic lights, turn left and drive straight ahead for approx. 2 km to the centre of Slivnica near Maribor. On the right you will see a primary school and then a kindergarten. Turn right into the parking lot. There are also wooden sculptures nearby.
b) From the route of Maribor, take the southern entrance road towards Hoče. At the traffic lights, turn right towards Slivnica near Maribor. After approx. 2 km you will arrive in the centre of the town, where you will see the primary school on the right and then a kindergarten. Turn right into the parking lot, there are also wooden sculptures nearby.
Path description:
From the parking lot, go left, where you will see signs right at the start. Follow the linden avenue (the new kindergarten is on the right) to the metal turnstiles. Cross the school playground and follow the field on the left towards Slivnik Castle. At the castle, which is in a dilapidated state, turn left onto the road. Follow the road to an electricity transformer, where you turn right on the path. Cross the edge of the forest and when you reach the asphalt road, go right. The road climbs gently up the slope. At the next crossroads turn right at the first fork. Passing a few houses, as the path enters the forest, it climbs through the forest, higher up it reaches the edge of the forest, where the Rec farm (475 m) can be seen on the left.
From here, follow the ridge all the way. After leaving the forest, a panoramic view of the Fram, Slivnica and Hoča Pohorje Mountains opens up. The trail continues through the village of Šestdobe. At the crossroads, turn off at the "sower"-a wooden statue on the left up the road, where a marking on an electric pole directs us back into the forest, which is short. Get back on the road and head left. Walk along the road for approx. 1 km, or until the path from Fram (the Jugova cesta) joins from the left. There is also a wooden sculpture of a human hand. Continue along the road over Plahutnikova vrh (687 m) to Plahutnikova Farm. A signpost points up the slope towards the hospital for lung diseases. Cross the hospital courtyard when you cross the Hoče-Belvi road. At the traffic sign, turn right into the forest. After climbing for a few minutes, get back on the Hoče-Belvi road. Walk along the road for about 500 m, then turn left again at the sign. The footpath climbs up through the meadow and crosses the road again and turns into a macadam road. This leads to the Petkovo sedlo (881 m). Go straight on past the "Na prepihu" buffet to the next crossroads. Straight up along the bushes to the edge of the forest, where a large marking can be seen in the distance. The path climbs through the forest and then crosses the road again. You reach the edge of the forest, by the sign of God, where you can already see the Maribor hut. We go through the forest a short way, get on the road and turn left in the middle of the apartment village. In another 5 minutes we are at the Mariborska hut (1068 m).

Discussion about the trail Slivnica pri Mariboru - Mariborska koča
bruny20. 05. 2014 |
Še ,,drobna,, zanimivost. Ob branju opisa te poti me je presenetila slika številka 21 in kako je Ranče nekako ,,čez noč,, postalo Šestdobe, če je bilo še lani v začetku januarja 2013 ko sem hodil v tem delu še Ranče. Lani sem namreč posnel enak kader in bil je napis Ranče. Nekaj brskanja po netu in hitro sem opravil dvome... Vir Lex localis. Šestdobe bi naj bilo staro zgodovinsko ime za ta del Ranč in krajani so s pobudo uspeli in dosegli preimenovanje. Seveda so tudi Ranče še ostale v nekoliko manjšem obsegu. Hvala za lep opis.
pohodnik3820. 05. 2014 |
Hvala  Ranče so na drugi strani če se gre iz kraja Fram kot manjši zaselek nekaj hiš.Za to pot pa sem izvedel po naključju ko sem bil službeno v Slivnici pa sem vzel knjigo in seveda je lepo opisana, na Geopediji pa je ni vrisane.Pa še odlično je označena.
bruny23. 05. 2014 |
Še  zanimivost k sliki št. 2...Ja, pot iz Slivnice je bila pred leti, bom napisal pred desetletji v bistvu uvodni neformalni odsek Slovenske planinske poti do prvega žiga na Mariborski koči. Časi, ko je bilo avtomobilov še malo, tu in tam kakšen ,,fičak, katrca, hrošč,,… javni prevoz seveda socialna kategorija in poceni. Železniška postaja v Slivnici točka iz katere so po nekaj metrih dosegli že praktično Pohorje in ni bilo potrebno skozi ,,cejli,, Maribor ,,štancat asfalt,, do Spodnjega Radvanja. Petek so podaljšali do nedelje, lepo preko Pohorja, dvakrat prespali na kočah in se iz Slovenj Gradca tako ali drugače vračali. Sledila so leta, ko je bil prvi žig na Mariborski koči predvsem lep družinski izlet s kosilom v dvoje oziroma družino, novim avtomobilom in podaljšek na Ruško kočo po drugi žig in  na pohorsko omleto… Sedaj se časi ponovno nekoliko vračajo, nekaj tudi s pomočjo gorskega teka in pomanjkanja časa, trekingom, kolesarstvom… in ture preko Pohorja ponovno dobivajo veljavo, v enem dnevu/dveh se dobijo potrebni žigi do Slovenj Gradca, Uršlje gore in  to je to in tudi prav je tako. Zapisal nekje v slogu filma...Strici so mi povedali...  Planinski veterani so mi povedali.
pohodnik3823. 05. 2014 |
Super hvala  meni pa je dalo mislit ko sem hodil po tej poti da mora bit nekaj v povezavi z transverzalo.Vendar nisem vedel da se je pred časi dejansko tukaj začela.Danes pa bil službeno na mestu kjer se sedaj začne in neke ideje se že delajo če bo muhasto vreme bo padla kakšna krožna varianta.
bruny23. 05. 2014 |
Uf, ne učiti ,,krive vere,,...v prvem stavku sem zapisal  ,,uvodni neformalni odsek,, za nekatere je bil iz Slivnice. Uradni in pravi začetek je vsekakor bilo, je še in tudi vedno bo Spodnje Radvanje, ustanovitelj in pobudnik G. Ivan Šumljak je že vedel zakaj. Lp
b0li29. 02. 2020 |
Lepa pot, samo Pohorci ne bi bili Pohorci, če ne bi vsi imeli pse spuščene pri hišah brez ograj. Kdo gre sam, naj bo pozoren...