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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Stolpnik / Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik (via castle)

Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik (via castle)

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice (333 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3372°N 15,4204°E
Destination: Stolpnik (1012 m)
Name of path: via castle
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 679 m
Altitude difference po putu: 800 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 29.820
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 24
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Maribor motorway, take the Slovenske Konjice exit and follow the road to the point. In the centre of Slovenske Konjice, leave the main road (continue left) and head towards the church, near which you will park in a large marked parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot of the church, continue along the pavement (westwards), which leads us after a few dozen metres to the school, where we see the mountain signs for Stolpnik. Continue left on the pavement, which climbs slightly and after a short ascent leads to the mountain signs in the immediate vicinity of the cemetery. Here, continue straight ahead towards the Old Castle along the path that leads along the left side of the cemetery. At the top of the cemetery, leave the road and continue your ascent along the marked footpath, which climbs steeply. After a few minutes of ascent, the steepness eases and the path leads us out of the forest onto a macadam road, which we only cross (right Konjice Castle 5 minutes).
The wide cart track along which we walk, leads us in a few steps to a crossroads on the path, where a marking directs us upwards to the left. After a few dozen steps, the situation repeats itself, the only difference being that the ascent is not continued along the cart track but along a footpath that climbs through the forest. Higher up, the path leads to the next road, where we continue on the road ahead (left Skala). When the road makes a left turn, we leave it and continue the climb on a moderately steep footpath (kolovozu), which climbs through the forest again. After a 15-minute climb, you will rejoin the road, which you follow to the right. The road continues past three crosses, and just beyond them you come to the next crossroads, where you continue to the right. Walking for some time, we then continue along the road, which climbs gently at first, then leads us in a moderate descent to the crossroads where the path crosses. Continue straight up the footpath in the direction of Stolpnik (to the left Kamna gora, to the right Slovenske Konjice, where you can get off), which climbs moderately. The wide moderately steep path leads us on through the forest, where we cross a small partly overgrown clearing. Behind the clearing, the path lays down completely for a short time, and then leads us in a moderate ascent to the top, where the lookout tower stands.
zemljovid puta - Stolpnik
On the way: Grad Konjice (515m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Stolpnik
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik11
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Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik15
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik16
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik17
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik18
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik19
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik20
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik21
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik22
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik23
Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik24
Discussion about the trail Slovenske Konjice - Stolpnik (via castle)
godlike21. 05. 2011
Danes sma bila na Stolpniku. Lep izlet, edino na koncu pričakuješ za vsakim kucljem vrh, pa se še kr pot nadaljuje. Malo naju je tudi preganjalo grmenje a padavin ni blo.
Dol sva se vrnila po opisani poti, gor pa sva za spremembo upoštevala oznake za Stolpnik, ki se pojavijo na pokopališču. Ta pot še ni opisana na strani. Gre pa se pod pokopališčem naprej in kaj kmalu v gozd. Z navedevo potjo se združi na razpotju pred zadnjim vrhom. Pride pa z desne strani.
pohodnik3823. 09. 2012
Včeraj sem ga mahnil na Konjiško goro v bližini Slovenskih Konjic in si turo omislil malo po svoje.Začetek v centru v bližini cerkve v smer Skala in po plezalni poti.Od tukaj pa sem nadaljeval še na osrednji vrh Stolpnik.Zelo lepo je bilo razgled čudovit le veter na na vrhu stolpa bil kar precej močan.Na poti srečal samo tri pohodnike cel ljubi danvelik nasmeh

Video-Konjiška gora-Skala-Stolpnik-1012m

Lp! Tone
Hribolazec816. 02. 2016
Danes naredil to pot in na vrhu so nekoga prsti srbeli ni nikjer žiga :/
aonuk17. 02. 2016
ŽIG JE NA PRVEM PLATOJU RAZGLEDNEGA STOLPA(še ena pločevinasta škatla na kateri je pritrjen ŽIG)zavijanje z očmizavijanje z očmi
ivanka.zrna18. 03. 2017
Res ni nič nenavadno, če imaš blazinico s sabo,
nenavadno pa je, če je blazinica suha.
dkavcic23. 07. 2020
Žiga ni bilo več, v nedeljo 19.7.2020
KSG14. 10. 2020
Zelo lepa pot. Nekaj aktualnih vtisov s poti do Stolpnika, še pred tem pa do Skale in starega gradu (oktober 2020).
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