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Mountain ranges / Polhograjsko hribovje and Ljubljana / Šmarna gora / Šmartno - Šmarna gora (Šmartinska way)

Šmartno - Šmarna gora (Šmartinska way)

Starting point: Šmartno (317 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1245°N 14,4798°E
Name of path: Šmartinska way
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 352 m
Altitude difference po putu: 352 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 61.388
 7 people like this post
Number of pictures: 40
Number of comments: 8
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice, take the exit Šmartno, then at the beginning of the village of Šmartno, drive towards the nearby cemetery, where you can park.
Path description:
From the cemetery parking lot, follow the one-way road past the church to the next crossroads. Here, continue straight across the road (Tacen on the left, Bizeljčan Inn on the right) to the nearby mountain signpost. Signs for Šmarna gora direct you to a narrower road that begins to climb between houses. After a short, steep climb, we arrive at a small crossroads, where the signs for Šmarna gora direct us to the right on a gradually quite steep road, which turns into a forest mountain path at the last house. Continue climbing through the forest for some time, then arrive at a marked crossroads, where you continue left in the direction of the Šmartinsko trail (right Partizanska pot na Šmarna gora).
The path continues to climb crosswise to the left, and we follow it in a slight to moderate ascent to the Chapel of the Sorrowful Mother of God, where one of the paths from Tacno joins us.
Here we continue upwards to the left, along a path which gradually begins to climb a little steeper. The path, which climbs through the forest, is first joined by another path from Tacno, and at a sharp right turn it is joined by another path from Vikrče, and we continue along the wide path which leads us past the chapel to a marked crossroads where the marked path to Grmada branches off to the left. Here we continue straight on, but the path from the forest leads us to the saddle between Grmada and Šmarna gora.
Here we enter the road (access from Zavrh) on which we continue the ascent, which soon splits into two parts. You can continue the climb along the road, in which case you will climb to the top past the wishing bell, or continue to the right along the marked footpath, which also takes you past the Chapel of St. Sobota to the top of Šmarna Gora.
zemljovid puta - Šmarna gora
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Šmartno - Šmarna gora (Šmartinska way)
Guest11. 09. 2007
Z vrha je zelo lep razgled na julijske,kamniško savinjske alpe in karavankenasmeh
Guest12. 09. 2007
Uf, hudo. Opis poti na Šmarno goro!?!
Čakam še vodič na ljubljanski Rožnik, z vodičem do izhodišča tega vzpona
Guest12. 09. 2007
Zakaj pa ne? Sem ljubljančanka, že v penziji, desetletja hodim v hribe ("resne"nasmeh), pa mi ni izpod časti priznati, da tele poti iz Šmartnega na Šmarno goro nisem poznala - vedno sem šla iz Tacna ali čez Peske. In nič sram me ni priznati, da grem pogosto na izlet na tako "nepomembne krtine" kot je Šmarna Gora, Rožnik, Sv. Lovrenc in podobno v bližini Ljubljane.
andrej76712. 09. 2007
Ja čist vredu sej konc koncev v dobro se štejejo urce ki jih preživimo na svežem zraku in ne višinska razlika.mežikanje
magacoprnon11. 03. 2008
lepa, hitra in strma je tudi pot, ki te pripelje po desni na vrh (nasproti tiste potim ki pripelje iz Tacna). priporočam.
VanSims12. 04. 2010
Se naproša lastnike psov, da jih imajo na vrvici, kot to vsaj ene petkrat ali šestkrat piše od sedla do vrha in še ene trikrat ali štirikrat na vrhu. Spregledati se ne da, nepismenost smo pa pri nas tudi že praktično izkoreninili tako da ni izgovora.
EUGEN13. 04. 2010
Tudi jaz se strinjam ,da vsak opis poti je za nekoga dobrodošel.
Glede psov je pa zelo težko navaditi lastnike ,da ji imajo na povodcu.Tisoč izgovorov (predvsem "moj pa nič ne napravi").
Sam sem lastnik psa (vedno je na povodcu)!
VanSims14. 05. 2010
Živjo EUGEN! Ne bom komentiral, lahko pa povem, da ima z "sej vam ne bo nč naredu" psi pač slabe izkušnje. Žal je solzilec postal že skoraj obvezna oprema pohodnika.
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