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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Robniške peči / Smrečje - Robniške peči (via Virnikova planina)

Smrečje - Robniške peči (via Virnikova planina)

Starting point: Smrečje (854 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3993°N 14,469°E
Name of path: via Virnikova planina
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: difficult pathless terrain
Altitude difference: 469 m
Altitude difference po putu: 500 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 618
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 0
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
Drive to Preddvor or to the settlement of Tupaliče, then continue driving in the direction of the settlement of Zgornje Jezersko. Just after the road sign marking the end of Spodnje Jezersko, turn left at the end of the hamlet in the direction of the GRZS training centre, the lehnjak quarry, the Krtina partisan hospital. . . Continue along the valley of the Komatevre, observing the numerous rapids and waterfalls of the Kokra River along the way. Shortly before the supplementary sign of the road sign prohibiting further driving from 20. 7. to 20. 10. , park in the roadside parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the macadam road, which quickly leads to a small crossroads. Continue along the wider, slightly left-hand road, which has a barrier and continues along the Kokra River. Higher up, the road makes two serpentines and leads to a marked crossroads below the abandoned farmstead of Robnik (also Robenik on some maps).

From the crossroads, continue along the right-hand road in the direction of the GRZS training centre (Komatevra and the Krtina partisan hospital on the left), and soon we will have a beautiful view of the highest peaks of the Kamniško Savinjske Alps. We continue to climb the slopes of the Robniške peči peak, then crossing the stream we move to the slopes of Virnik's Grintovec, and we are only a few minutes away from Virnikova planina.
From the learning centre, continue along the dirt road, which continues northwards, then crosses a number of ravines, turning first westwards and then southwards. The road, which climbs gently to moderately most of the time and occasionally offers fine views, is followed to its end, where there is a turning point, and from the turning point we continue right up onto the trackless road and up a steeper wide gully to a small pass where we reach cart track.
Continue across the steep north-west slope of Robniške peči on cart track, leaving cart track when the west ridge is reached, and continue along the ridge. To reach the ridge, first climb steeply from cart track, then follow the ridge to the summit of the Edge Furnaces, a few minutes away.
Starting point - Virnikova planina 1:05, Virnikova planina - Robniške peči 0:55.
The description refers to the situation in January 2020.
zemljovid puta - Robniške peči
On the way: Virnikova planina (1160m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips
Discussion about the trail Smrečje - Robniške peči (via Virnikova planina)
kozuc12. 03. 2023 14:42:01
Danes po tejle poti gor in po drugi opisani poti dol. Zelo samoten teren, nikjer žive duše, niti človeških sledi ne najdeš v snegu ki večji del poti še prekriva gozdno cesto. Sem bil pa prijetno presenečen, da na vrhu stoji možic. Sicer je treba biti malo iznajdljiv da se vzpneš prav na vrh, jaz sem pod vrhom naredil en manjši obvoz po vzhodni strani kjer je bil teren potem bolj prijazen namesto plezanja po skalovju če bi šel kar direktno po vrhu grebena.
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