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Source of Hubelj - Otliško okno

Starting point: Source of Hubelj (250 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,9043°N 13,9114°E
Time of walking: 1 h 20 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 550 m
Altitude difference po putu: 550 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 71.620
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 20
Number of comments: 16
Access to the starting point:
Take the expressway from Razdrteg to Nova Gorica or vice versa and take the Ajdovščina exit. Then at the crossroads (first traffic light) continue straight on in the direction of Cola and Idrija. At the second traffic light turn right, again in the direction of Colo, and follow the road for only a few dozen metres to where you cross the Hubelj River. Just after the bridge, turn left in the direction of the source of the Hubl (there are tourist signs along the road). Follow this road to the parking lot at the source of the Hubl.
Path description:
Near the parking lot, you can see the start of the path to the Otlice Window. The path climbs up the stairs and then into the wods, where it climbs moderately for some time. The path then descends gently and leads us to a viewing slope from where a beautiful view opens up towards the slopes of Čavno. The path then goes into the forest and quickly leads us to a birdhouse next to which we see a thermometer. Just a few metres further along the path is a pleasant bench. The path then begins to climb and leads us past the place where the story of the Otliška Window is recorded. The path then becomes steeper and steeper and soon leads to rocky slopes. The path becomes more and more scenic and rugged with each step. A little higher up, the path leads us to the foot of Otliško okno, which is already visible on the right-hand side. Just a little further on, we see the marker for the Little Otliško Window. The small window is only 10m from the path and is well worth a look. The path continues into an unmarked ravine in the middle of which, at Christmas time, we see a nativity scene. At the top of the ravine we come to a chapel with a registration box and a stamp. Here we continue to the right in the direction of the window, to which we have a five-minute walk. Just before the window, a path branches off to the left to a stone snail, which is only a good minute off the path. From the snail, we return to the path we left and in a few dozen steps we reach the information boards at the Otlice window. From the signs you can descend to the window which offers a beautiful view of the Vipava valley.
zemljovid puta - Otliško okno
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Navrše ( 15 min), Sinji vrh ( 55 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Source of Hubelj - Otliško okno
Guest1. 02. 2008
Lani sem bila tukaj in bila prijetno presenečena. Najprej me je očaral že izvir Hublja do katerega pa na žalost nisem mogla prit saj so postavili elektrarno. Pogled skozi okno na Vipavsko dolino pa je tudi nekaj posebnega. Ta izlet priporočam za nabiranje kondicije. Stašanasmeh
Guest3. 02. 2008
Ja in če se ujame ravno pravi čas, je tod spomladi veliko cvetja - predvsem avriklja. Krasna, krasna tura. Srečno!
starakapa7. 02. 2008
Danes 7.II. 2008 sem šel od izvira Hublja na Otiško okno in nato naprej do polža in še dalje na Navrše.Zares lep in predvsem rezgleden izlet ali tura kakor kdo hoče.Naj povem,da sem videl tudi Tržaški zaliv.Po poti me je spremljala ne preveč močna burja.Na celi poti do okna sem srečal samo tri prijazne Primorce in kratkotrajen klepet z njimi mi ni bil odveč.Na vrhu je po nekaterik kotanjah malo snega,pač zameti.Pri oknu sem zasledil tudi zvončke nekoliko nižje doli pa jetrnik.Pomlad ,kakor izgleda prihaja.PRIPOROČAM.
andrej jerina22. 11. 2008
Tudi naša družina se je danes odpravila na opisan izlet. Za zanimivost naj povem, da smo imeli lep pogled na Tržaški zaliv (večerni Ave) in doživeli smo snežno ploho, ko smo bili na vrhu. Pot je zelo lepa in ni težka. LP Andrej
buda115. 10. 2015
Včeraj popoldan je pri izviru Hublja izgledalo kar pestro....
buda115. 10. 2015
Izvir Hublja včeraj popoldan

Upam da bo odprlo linkmežikanje
zlatica17. 10. 2015
Koliko vode, ne morem verjet, saj ko sem bila spomladi pri izviru na poti na Otliško okno, je bila zadeva bistveno skromnejša eekmežikanje
dalia8. 07. 2018
Včeraj sva bila z možem na tej poti in je bilo čudovito!
Zadevo bova ponovila z otrokoma, najbrž konec avgusta.
Ingrid7916. 08. 2018
Mene zanima, ali je pot povečini senčna, torej prijetna tudi za poleti? Hvala.
simon7916. 08. 2018
Bil lani. Ne bi rekel, da je ravno senčna, pa še vroč ajdovski konec. Popoldan gor odsvetujem, zjutraj je pa idealna!
dejanch16. 08. 2018
Zadnja tretina je odprta soncu in zna bit poleti kar vroča.. Drugače pa poteka precej skozi gozd..
jurijt9. 02. 2020
Pot je mnogo lepša, kot se da razbrati iz fotografij. Zadnja tretjina je tudi lepo razgledna.
Enka12. 02. 2020
No, meni so bile pa tele fotke čisto dovolj, da sem se odpravila na to pot. Ki je res lepa.
anazala28. 03. 2020
je morda gor kak sneg. morda nevarno za zdrs. te dni.
nickolas1628. 03. 2020
Letos ga še ni bilo.
Jernej202317. 11. 2023 19:11:44
Res prijeten jesenski izlet. Vmes na soncu je bilo prav toplo.
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