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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič) / Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)

Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)

Starting point: Stari trg (Na klancu) (511 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,5084°N 15,0554°E
Time of walking: 15 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 19 m
Altitude difference po putu: 40 m
Map: Koroška 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 324
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 17
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
a) Drive to Slovenj Gradec, then continue to Stary trg and on to Kotlje and Ravenna na Koroškem. After the roundabout at Stary trg, the road begins to climb visibly, and at a small pass turn right towards Grajska vas and the Na klancu inn, before which the route described above begins. Park in a suitable place nearby, parking in front of the inn is only allowed for guests.
b) Take the Ravne na Koroškem, then from the roundabout in the middle of the town, continue in the direction of Kotelj and Slovenj Gradec. Continue through Pratnekar and at the beginning of Kotelj turn left towards Slovenj Gradec. This is followed by a gradual climb up to a small pass, where you turn left towards Grajska vas and the Na klancu inn, in front of which the route described above begins. Park in a suitable place nearby, parking in front of the inn is only allowed for guests.
Path description:
From the Na klancu restaurant, follow the road towards the Castle Village and St Pancratius Castle. At first, walk along the road leading towards St. Pankracij, then turn slightly right towards Slovenj Gradec and start to descend gently along the marked road, which becomes a macadam road lower down. When the road turns right, leave it and continue slightly left on the ascending unmarked cart track (straight Slovenj Gradec), which ascends crosswise to the edge of the forest, where you join the path leading by the Stations of the Cross, starting at the church of St Radegund.
Here you return to the road you left a few minutes ago and follow it up to Castle Hill, where the Church of St Pancras stands.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2019 (February).
zemljovid puta - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)
On the way: Grajska vas (515m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)1
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)2
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)3
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)4
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)5
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)6
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)7
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)8
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)9
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)10
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)11
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)12
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)13
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)14
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)15
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)16
Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)17
Discussion about the trail Stari trg (Na klancu) - Sveti Pankracij (Grajski grič)
čara14. 03. 2019
Lahko bi pri ekološkem otoku šel tudi naravnost, skozi vas, pa potem po "križevi poti" dol in skozi graben nazaj. Bolje je sicer parkirati pri sv. radegundi in naredit obraten krog.
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