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Strma Reber - Bezgarska planina

Starting point: Strma Reber (993 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,5545°N 14,7274°E
Time of walking: 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: -98 m
Altitude difference po putu: 5 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
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Views: 840
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Number of pictures: 7
Number of comments: 1
Access to the starting point:
a) First drive to Ribnica, then continue to Kočevje. After Dolenjja vasja, turn right towards Grčarice, Gotenica and Kočevska Reka. In Kočevska Reka, turn right towards Borovec at Kočevska Reka, Strma Reber Pass and Osilnica. In Borovec, turn right again, then pass the hamlet of Ravne and within a few kilometres you will reach the Strma Reber Pass, which is located at an altitude of 993 m above sea level. From the pass, there is a short descent, and then you arrive at a larger parking area, where you can also see a map of the Kočevje Mountain Route on the left and mountain direction signs for Firstov rep and Cerk. From the junction where you leave the main road Ribnica - Kočevje is about 30 km, a relatively nice asphalt road.
b) From Kočevje drive towards Border crossing Petrina, then at the end of Štalcerji continue right towards Kočevska Reka. In Kočevska Reka turn left towards Borovec at Kočevska Reka, Strma Reber Pass and Osilnica. In Borovec, continue right and then pass the hamlet of Ravne and within a few kilometres you will reach the Strma Reber Pass, which is located at an altitude of 993 m above sea level. From the pass, there is a short descent, and then you arrive at a larger parking area, where you can also see a map of the Kočevje Mountain Route on the left and mountain direction signs for Firstov rep and Cerk. From the junction where you leave the main road Kočevje - Petrina there are about 18 km of asphalt road.
c) From Osilnica or Sel at Osilnica continue in the direction of Žurge, Padova at Osilnica, Zgornji Čačič and the Strma Reber pass. The road continues along a road which is slightly winding at first and then serpentine higher up, and after nineteen marked serpentine roads leads to a crossroads located just 100 m before the Strma Reber Pass. At the crossroads there is a large gravel parking area on both sides of the road, a "house" containing grit (sand for the needs of road maintenance) and a map of the Kočevje Mountain Route. Park in the parking lot. From the centre of Osilnica to the starting point is 8,5 km.
Path description:
On the opposite side of the road to the map of the Kočevje Mountain Route, you can see the marked cart track, which first runs parallel to the road descending towards Osilnica. When the cart track passes into the forest, the road recedes more to the right, and then, after a few minutes' descent, it leads us out of the forest to the edge of Bezgarska mountain pasture. Here you continue straight on and, after a minute or two's walk, you pass a small garden and climb up to a larger hunting observation post, where it is also possible to spend the night.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2015 (August).
zemljovid puta - Bezgarska planina
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Loška stena, Firstov rep, Cerk
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Discussion about the trail Strma Reber - Bezgarska planina
Alenka Marinč3. 10. 2023 12:06:57
Ker se po tako kratki hoji komaj ogrejemo, predlagam nadaljevanje po Kočevski planinski poti v smeri Taborske stene, kjer je spominsko obeležje žrtvam fašističnega režima. Ljubitelje dolgih tur pa tam čaka že nov izziv: najlažji in najkrajši pristop na Goteniški Snežnik.
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