Sveti Jurij - Donačka gora (eastern way)
Starting point: Sveti Jurij (320 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2537°N 15,7384°E |
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Name of path: eastern way
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 564 m
Altitude difference po putu: 650 m
Map: Rogaška Slatina z Bočem in Donačko goro 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 58.121
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Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Maribor motorway, take the Dramlje exit and follow the road towards Šentjurje, Rogaška Slatina and Rogatec. In Rogatec, the signs for Donačka gora direct you to the left. Just a little further on, you reach the next crossroads, where you continue right again in the direction of Donačka gora. Continue towards the village of Sveti Jurij (do not follow the signs for Donačka gora). In the village of Sveti Jurij, turn left uphill towards the church of St. George by which you park. You can park a little further down in the parking lot by the road.
Path description:
From St George's Church, continue up the road. After 100m walk, you will come to a crossroads, where you turn left. After another few dozen steps, you reach a farm where a marked footpath turns right uphill. The path first climbs across a meadow, then turns right, where it crosses lane of bushes and then, at a cross, leads to the next farm. Here we continue up the marked cart track, which soon leads us over a scenic slope to a fork in the path, where we continue to the right in the route Donačka gora.
Continue along cart track, which climbs only slightly to the east. The cart track offers views towards nearby Macle and the villages below Donačka gora. After a while the cart track, which gradually becomes quite steep, starts to turn to the left. When you have almost rounded Donačka gora, you come to a fork in the path, where you continue up to the left. After a short climb on the newly surfaced path, the path from Rudi's house joins from the right. Here we continue in the direction of Donačka gora along the path, which climbs quite steeply. When the steepness subsides, the steep slopes are crossed. The way forward leads us under the steep summit slope of the eastern peak Donačka gora. A very steep ascent follows, along a well protected path to the ridge. Here, 20m off the path, the eastern summit of Donačka gora is on the left (marked, the last few metres secured with rungs).
Continue right along the path, which initially descends slightly, then ascends along the ridge of Donacca Mountain. After about 20 minutes of walking on a steep, vegetated ridge, you will reach the western summit, where there is also a registration box.
Discussion about the trail Sveti Jurij - Donačka gora (eastern way)
anta130. 04. 2009 |
Od vasi Sveti Jurij do vrha Donačke gore so obnovljene markacije ,tako,da ni težav glede orjentacije.Z vrha se spustimo do Rudijevega doma(nov oskrbnik)od tam pa nadaljujemo do cerkve Sv.Donat in naprej do vasi Sveti Jurij.Zelo lepa krožna tura.
Lj30. 04. 2009 |
Prejšnjo nedeljo sem bila prvič na Donački gori, ki je prav markantna sploh vzhodni vrh in greben. Šli smo od Sv. Donata na vzhodni vrh, nato po grebenu na zahodni vrh, se spustili do Rudijevega doma in dalje do izhodišča pri Sv. Donatu. Vzpon na vzhodni vrh je skoraj alpinističen, zahodni vrh pa je lepo pristopen tudi za otroke. Zanimiva tura in lepi kraji!
marta.m1. 01. 2011 |
Danes bila na Donački gori iz Svetega Jurija po vzhodni poti Ne bi rekla, da je vzpon skoraj alpinističen, saj ga je moja psička premagala brez problema
SasG18. 11. 2011 |
17.11.2011 sem opravil krožno vzhodno pot. Pohvalno glede markacij, edino v križišču za vzhodni vrh bi lahko na tabli bilo še kakšno dodatno besedilo, da je pot varovana z jeklenico (da ne bi bil kdo presenečen oz. da bi vedel, da sem na pravi poti). Drugače zanimiva in lepo urejena pot. Na vrhu sem bil malce presenečen glede nenavadnega načina žigosanja knjižice . Rudijev dom je bil zaprt. Obvestilo, da imajo odprto v petek 10-17, sobota in nedelja 7-19.
frajer14. 05. 2013 |
Danes prehodila opisano pot... vreme čudovito... pot je res lepa! Večino poti je senca, tako, da ti ni prevroče. Iz vrha sva sestopila do Rudijevega doma in nato po cesti do smerokaza za izvir Sotle, kjer sva šla levo. Pot naju je pripeljala do cerkve Sv. Donata ter nato po kolovozu do razcepa za Sv. Jurij. Lepa krožna pot. Priporočam...
smatjaz15. 05. 2013 |
12.05.2013 Prehodil to pot, steza od cerkvice sv.Donata do kmetije pri cesti spolzka in rahlo nevarna zaradi poškodb in padlih dreves, previdnost ni odveč ob spolzkih razmerah. Drugače pa super in prijetno. Fascinanten bukov gozd od Rudijevega doma do vrha z ogromnimi drevesi.Dodal sem tudi GPS sled.