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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Dom Valentina Staniča / The Kot Valley - Dom Valentina Staniča

The Kot Valley - Dom Valentina Staniča

Starting point: The Kot Valley (950 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4157°N 13,8977°E
Time of walking: 4 h
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 1382 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1382 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 43.584
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 45
Number of comments: 11
Access to the starting point:
Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the Hrušica exit and follow the road towards Kranjska Gora. Just before the village of Dovje, the road branches off to the left and leads to Mojstrana (Vrata, Kot and Krma). Follow the road in the direction of the village of Radovna and the valleys of Krma and Kot. The relatively steep road then leads us past the TNP signboard, after which the road soon lays down and leads us to a crossroads where a dirt road branches off to the right into the Kot valley (straight ahead to Radovna and Krma). This sometimes slightly worse road is then followed to a parking area, where you will also see mountain signs.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the worse road, which after a few minutes leads to a turning point (parking here is not recommended). The path ahead turns slightly left and crosses a torrent. On the other side of the torrent, we climb steeply through the forest for some time. After half an hour's walking, the path starts to climb. There are a few dozen steps of walking on a steep path, where we are helped by wedges, which are not strictly necessary in dry conditions. The steepness then eases and the path leads us to a small spring (dries up in the dry season) at 1340m. Here an unmarked path branches off to the left to Macesnovec, and we continue on the marked path that crosses the torrent. There is a short steep section where we are helped by a rope ladder (not difficult). The path then crosses the lane of dwarf pines and climbs higher up on rockier slopes, where we see the Thick Stone (a large boulder visible at the top of the slope). We climb up to the Thick Stone on a rough path surrounded by the dwarf pines path (not difficult). Next, the path climbs up along a small scree slope and turns slightly higher to the right, where it leads to a crossroads. Continue left in the direction of Stanič's home and Rjavina (to the right of Vrbanove Špice, a very difficult path). The steepness then eases and there are a few minutes of easy walking to the next crossroads. Continue on the right path towards Stanič's home, passing the Pekel sinkhole, which can be seen on the right below us (the path to the left leads to Rjavina on the climbing route). Continue climbing steeply up to Stanič's home, which offers a beautiful view of Triglav.
zemljovid puta - Dom Valentina Staniča
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Cmir (2 h), Visoka Vrbanova špica ( 20 min), Begunjski vrh, Triglavski dom na Kredarici (1 h), Rjavina (2 h), Rž ( 45 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail The Kot Valley - Dom Valentina Staniča
andrej jerina25. 06. 2008
Z Visoke Vrbanove špice sva s Petrom sestopila do Staničeve koče in pot nadaljevala proti Kotu. Na poti, posebno v Peklu, le to prekriva še nekaj snežišč. Popoldan je bil sneg južen, tako da ni predstavljal težav, v jutranjem času pa zna biti zadeva drugačna. Previdno, sploh pri sestopu, na dveh snežiščih je kar strmo in nevarno za zdrs. LP Andrej
velkavrh1. 08. 2009
Ponovil enako pot kot moja predhodnika. Lepo je iti do Staničeve malo po ovinkih iz Kota.Ta ovinek prek Vrbanove špice in Vrbanovega vrha pa je sploh čudovit.Vendar jo priporočem samo ljubiteljem jeklenic,ker jih zlepa ne zmanjka na celotni poti do Staničeve.
valerija11220. 08. 2013
Velkavrh,povejte mi prosim,če se z običanim avtom(punto,klio)pride do parkirišča v Kotu. Hvala in lep pozdrav.
neph20. 08. 2013
Cesta je prevozna s pazljivo in počasno vožnjo, sem ter tja se je potrebno izogniti kakšni izboklini ali luknji.
JusAvgustin20. 08. 2013
Hvala, ravnokar sem hotel vprašati.jezik
Julijec30. 07. 2018
Na poti do Staniča je še nekaj snežišč, ki pa razen prvega, kjer je treba biti pazljiv, niso nič posebnega. Je pa zanimivo, da ima Staničeva koča tako malo obiska glede na bližino Triglava, Rjavine in Vrat.
Ajgor200114. 09. 2018
A je ta pot mozna s kuzijem. Hvala.
simon7914. 09. 2018
Če je visokogorja vajen, potem je primerna.
Mogoče ga bo treba na kakem mestu prenesti (sl. 14-15).
Če pa še ni bil v podobnem terenu, pa težko rečem, odvisno od psa.
Ajgor200115. 09. 2018
Sta vajena ampak vseeno ju ne bi rad ogrozal. Mi prevec pomenita. Itak ce je samo ta tezava gremo. Hvala.
babim15. 09. 2018
Moje mnenje je, da je ta pot vseeno prenaporna za psa. Osebno ne odobravam takih podvigov.
nina427. 07. 2024 16:50:39
Danes sem parkirala slab kilometer od Lengarjevega rovta, ker je bilo tam vse zasedeno in dobila prijazno opozorilo redarstva, da me bo naslednjič to stalo 100 EUR.
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