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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Rjavina / The Kot Valley - Rjavina (ridge way)

The Kot Valley - Rjavina (ridge way)

Starting point: The Kot Valley (950 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4157°N 13,8977°E
Destination: Rjavina (2532 m)
Name of path: ridge way
Time of walking: 6 h
Difficulty: difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 1582 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1750 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set, ice axe, crampons
Views: 48.890
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 72
Number of comments: 24
Access to the starting point:
Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the Hrušica exit and follow the road towards Kranjska Gora. Just before the village of Dovje, the road branches off to the left and leads to Mojstrana (Vrata, Kot and Krma). Follow the road in the direction of the village of Radovna and the valleys of Krma and Kot. The relatively steep road then leads us past the TNP signboard, after which the road soon lays down and leads us to a crossroads where a dirt road branches off to the right into the Kot valley (straight ahead to Radovna and Krma). This sometimes slightly worse road is then followed to a parking area, where you will also see mountain signs.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the worse road, which after a few minutes leads to a turning point (parking here is not recommended). The path ahead turns slightly left and crosses a torrent. On the other side of the torrent, we climb steeply through the forest for some time. After half an hour's walking, the path starts to climb. There are a few dozen steps of walking on a steep path, where we are helped by wedges, which are not strictly necessary in dry conditions. The steepness then eases and the path leads us to a small spring (which dries up in the dry season) at 1340m. Here an unmarked path branches off to the left to Macesnovec, and we continue on the marked path that crosses the torrent. There is a short steep section where we are helped by a rope ladder (not difficult). The path then crosses the lane of dwarf pines and climbs higher up on rockier slopes, where we see the Thick Stone (a large boulder visible at the top of the slope). We climb up to the Thick Stone on a rough path surrounded by the dwarf pines path (not difficult). Next, the path climbs up along a small scree slope and turns slightly higher to the right, where it leads to a crossroads. Continue left in the direction of Stanič's home and Rjavina (to the right of Vrbanove Špice, a very difficult path). The steepness then eases and there are a few minutes of easy walking to the next crossroads. Continue on the right path towards Stanič's home, passing the Pekel sinkhole, which can be seen on the right below us (the path to the left leads to Rjavina on the climbing route). Continue climbing steeply up to Stanič's home, which offers a beautiful view of Triglav.
From Stanič's home continue along the path towards Krma and Rjavina. The path climbs moderately at first, then leads us to the next crossroads, where we continue to the left in the direction of Rjavina (straight Krma). The path then descends slightly and leads us to the unexpressed saddle Dovška vratca. From here on the path starts to climb steeply up the western slopes of Rjavina. With the help of some fixed safety gear, the path leads us to the ridge of Rjavina. There follows a scenic walk along the ridge to the western summit, then the path descends slightly and we are joined on the left by a climbing route from the Kot valley. We continue straight ahead and the increasingly scenic route leads us to a vertical chimney, which descends for about 30 m (protected only by rungs and crampons). The path, which becomes easier, then leads us past two natural windows to a scenic summit in a few minutes. Kot - Staničev dom 4:00, Staničev dom - Rjavina 2:00.
zemljovid puta - Rjavina
On the way: Dom Valentina Staniča (2332m), Dovška vratca (2254m), Rjavina Zahodni vrh (2530m), Okno v Rjavini (2480m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail The Kot Valley - Rjavina (ridge way)
jersy6. 11. 2007
Če se odpravljate po plezalni poti na rjavino potem je ta pot primerna za povratek
mkonci4. 05. 2011
Kakšne so razmere na Rjavini, a je gor še sneg?
Če bo lepo vreme bi šel v nedeljo 8.5.2011...
Klin4. 05. 2011
Tam gori je še veliko snega. Po podatkih naših meteorologov na Kredarici še skoraj 3 metre.
mkonci4. 05. 2011
hvala, bom prestavil pohod za nekaj časavelik nasmeh
JusAvgustin4. 05. 2011
ali pa dereze v ruzak in cepin na ruzak, ter pamet v glavo... nasmeh rjavina je spektakelmežikanje
dejan878. 08. 2011
živjo. mene pa zanima če je še vedno kaj snega gor. Namreč v soboto 13.8 se mislim odpravit na Rjavino. Lep pozdrav
stom210. 09. 2011
Ali studenec ob poti 'dela'?

janna10. 09. 2011
Dela ... vsaj prejšnji teden je.
stom210. 09. 2011
pupek5. 08. 2013
zanima me koliko je hoje od koče do vrha
andrej785. 08. 2013
Uro in pol.lp
pupek8. 08. 2013
mene zanima če je treba v kotu plačati kakšno parkirnino
B28. 08. 2013
Za enkrat še ne!
dragovo15. 08. 2014
Prosim vas za informacijo o stanju ceste v dolino Kot.Hvala lepa!
Jana2416. 08. 2014
Pot v Kot je čist ok,bila 14 dni nazaj.Pa srečno kamorkoli že greš.
Matjaz_6526. 08. 2016
vzpon mimo staničevega doma po grebenski in sestop po plezalni poti

el_mano23. 06. 2020
Del poti med Malo Rjavino in Rjavino z navpičnim plezanjem po klinih in skobah je vsekakor zelo zahteven!
MPS6. 08. 2020
Se strinjam z el manom. Tisto navpično plezanje je kar zelo zahtevno. Pišem zaradi tega, ker bi lahko kdo Rjavino vzel kot manj zahtevno goro, ker je opis "samo" zahtevna pot. Prilagam še kratki filmček, kjer je posneta pot čez greben, žal pa najzahtevnejšega prehoda nisem posnel, ker sem fotoaparat pospravil v nahrbtnik. nasmeh Mi smo sicer šli iz Krme, vendar menim, da večina pohodnikov hodi iz Kota, zaradi tega pišem tukaj. Upam, da bo komu filmček v pomoč pri predstavi o sami poti in varen korak v hribih. Video je na povezavi: Rjavina, 2532 m
gaber@marolt28. 02. 2022 18:30:09
O mi pa še nismo bili na Rjavini ampak nas zanima kakšen je razgled. Pa še to: Ali je kdo od vas že bil na mladem vrhu? Če je kdo bil ali mi lahko pove zakaj ima mladi vrh tako ime.
Kafetarca18. 10. 2022 14:54:29
Za grebensko vejretno ne rabim SVK? :S
bo_zl18. 10. 2022 21:10:22
Prav lahka tudi tale grebenska ni. Posebej tisti del ko se spustiš navzdol v škrbino, malo pred vrhom, je bil meni kar zahteven. Sicer je bilo to že nekaj let nazaj, ne vem morda so dodali kaj klinov, takrat je bilo bolj skopo z njimi. S SVK je tako da vsak presodi, jaz ga ne uporabljam.
Spelcarocket19. 10. 2022 08:29:43
Se strinjam,zadnji del pod vrhom je vmes navpična lestev,ki komu požene malo strahu v kri a vendarle je pot polna klinov in ostalih varoval.
Ostali del grebenske poti pa nič posebnega.
amarko5. 07. 2024 08:49:07
Je pot kopna? Kakšen je sestop po plezalni poti v Kot?
Lota8. 07. 2024 12:12:58
Plezalna je kopna(razen 5m kjer ni problem prečiti brez opreme).
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