The Krma Valley - Dom Valentina Staniča
Starting point: The Krma Valley (944 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3851°N 13,9071°E |
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Time of walking: 5 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1388 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1500 m
Map: Triglav 1:25.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 38.305
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Access to the starting point:
Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the Hrušica exit and follow the road towards Kranjska Gora. Just before the village of Dovje, the road branches off to the left and leads to Mojstrana (Vrata, Kot and Krma). Follow the road in the direction of the village of Radovna and the valleys of Krma and Kot. The relatively steep road then takes us past the TNP signboard, after which the road soon lays down and leads us to a crossroads where the macadam road to the valley of Kot branches off to the right. Continue straight ahead on the road, which begins to descend. In the middle of the descent, the road to the Krma valley branches off to the right (straight ahead Radovna). A little further on, you come to the next crossroads, where you continue to the right in the direction of Krma. The macadam road then leads to Kovinarska hut, and we follow it further. Occasionally, a slightly worse road then leads us to the parking area in front of the barrier.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road past the gate to the extensive gravel deposits. A few minutes of easy walking on the gravel follows to a marked but sometimes harder to see crossroads. The footpath continues straight ahead, but signs point us right across the stream into the wods, where the path begins to climb gently. Only after about 40 minutes of walking does the path become steeper, but not to steep. At 1300m, the moderately steep path leads us out of the forest between dwarf pines. Here we start to get beautiful views of the nearby walls of the peaks above the Krma. The climb does not last long, however, as the path soon descends by a few metres and leads us to the beautiful mountain Vrtača. The walk across the beautiful grassy plain is very pleasant and scenic. On the other side, the path starts climbing again, this time through a rare forest. This climb does not last long either, and is interrupted by the Malo polje plain, where the path turns to the right. A moderately steep climb follows past a water trough to mountain pasture Zgornja Krma, where a shepherd's hut stands.
Just a few minutes above mountain pasture, the path leads to a crossroads at a small well. Continue to the right in the direction of Kredarica and Stanič's home (Planika on the left). After a few minutes of further walking, the gently sloping path leads us to the next crossroads, where we continue straight on in the direction of Stanič's home (left Kredarica). Continue almost horizontally along the path, which crosses a belt of sparse larch forest. The path then leaves the forest onto the viewing slopes and turns slightly to the left. Continue climbing moderately up the slopes between Pungrt and Apnenica. Higher up, the path enters the rocky world of the western slopes of Rjavina and turns sharp left below Dovška vratca. Continue gently up the slopes towards Rži (a mountain with a natural window, which is clearly visible from the path), where the path from Konjski sedlo joins from the left. Continue to the right and the path quickly leads to the next crossroads, where the path to Rjavina branches off to the right. Continue straight ahead (direction Staničev dom) along the path, which starts to descend and leads us in a few minutes to the mountain home of Valentin Stanič.
Krma - Zgornja Krma 2:30, Zgornja Krma - Staničev dom 2:45.
Discussion about the trail The Krma Valley - Dom Valentina Staniča
velkavrh12. 08. 2008 |
Danes šel iz te smeri na Dom Valentina Staniča.Šel sem to pot prvič in me je navdušila. Je veliko lepša kot iz Vrat čez Prag, Tominškova pa je tako plezalna. Iz Kota pa mi je bila zmerom nekako zoprna.Po dolžini hoje so si nekako enake, le iz Kota je krajša. Popolnoma je nenevarna, tako ,da je primerna tudi za osnovnošolce.Ponuja čudovite poglede na Rjavino z juga.Zelo priporočam.Je malo manj obiskana, zato uživamo v razgledih in miru.
pohodnik0113. 08. 2008 |
Zanima me kakšna je cesta iz Mojstrane mimo Kovinarske koče do parkirišča pred zapornico? Prav tako bi rad vedel kje dobite ta zemljevid, ki prikazuje pot? Lepo prosim za odgovor. lp
velkavrh13. 08. 2008 |
Cesta mimo Kovinarske koče do zadnjega parkirišča pred zapornico je v slabem stanju.Voziti izredno počasi in previdno. Ni za avtomobile ,ki imajo nizko podvozje. Avto se vam v bistvu ne sme nič smiliti. Včeraj je bilo parkirišče že malo čez šest zjutraj polno. Največ pohodnikov se tu odpravlja na Planiko in od tu na Triglav, ker je to najlažja pot na Triglav.
Klin14. 08. 2008 |
Kako pa je s cesto do Kovinarske koče?
velkavrh14. 08. 2008 |
Slaba cesta je od konca asfalta proti Kovinarski koči, ki ki zavija desno, leva gre proti Bledu. Do Kovinarske koče je sigurno manjše zlo za avto kakor pa, če gremo do konca . Sicer pa se pohodniki ne ustrašijo slabe ceste. Dokaz sem vpisal že včeraj.
velkavrh12. 08. 2010 |
Spet sem šel k Staničevi koči iz Krme. Za to kočo mi je to najljubši pristop. Štartal sem tokrat iz Gorij prek Radovne do Krme. Pride v poštev, če smo iz Ljubljane,Kranja. Vedno sem dozdaj šel iz Mojstrane. Bil sem pozitivno presenečen, ker je makadam do Krme za čisto šolsko petico. Res je treba pohvaliti cestarje , ki skrbijo za to cesto. Do parkirišča v Krmi se tudi čisto v redu pripelje. Ta pot se za Staničevo manj uporablja, vendar sem srečal kolono dvajsetih planincev, ki se je po tej poti vračala iz Triglava v Krmo. Vreme je zdržalo. Triglav je imel danes okupacijo. Meni se zdi prav prijetno hoditi pod Rjavino.
cebelca18. 06. 2012 |
Je kdo pred kratkim hodil po tej poti? So na tej poti kakšna večja snežišča, ki bi znala bit še zasnežena?
Kokta22. 07. 2013 |
Nekaj manjših snežišč, ki se jih da prečiti brez težav. Se strinjam z velkavrhom, pot je res čudovita.
tango9. 09. 2018 |
Kar ne morem verjeti, da je lahko v teh dneh v triglavskem koncu tako malo obiskana pot, kot je zgornji del krožne ( del nad planino Zg. Krma) , ki sem jo danes prehodil. Klasično iz Krme do doma, nazaj pa v Krmo čez Travnato dolino. V tem delu tudi gamsi in svizci lahko uživajo v miru
Enka28. 09. 2019 |
Zanima me, če se dobi žig SPP, kadar je dom zaprt, in kje?