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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Rjavina / The Krma Valley - Rjavina (via Teme)

The Krma Valley - Rjavina (via Teme)

Starting point: The Krma Valley (930 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3851°N 13,9071°E
Destination: Rjavina (2532 m)
Name of path: via Teme
Time of walking: 5 h 20 min
Difficulty: difficult pathless terrain
Altitude difference: 1602 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1630 m
Map: TNP 1 : 50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
Views: 24.838
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 59
Number of comments: 17
Access to the starting point:
Leave the Gorenjska motorway at the Hrušica exit and follow the road towards Kranjska Gora. Just before the village of Dovje, the road branches off to the left and leads to Mojstrana (Vrata, Kot and Krma). Follow the road in the direction of the village of Radovna and the valleys of Krma and Kot. The relatively steep road then takes us past a TNP signboard, after which the road soon lays down and leads to a crossroads where the macadam road to the valley of Kot branches off to the right. Continue straight ahead on the road, which begins to descend. In the middle of the descent, the road to the Krma valley branches off to the right (straight ahead Radovna). A little further on, you come to the next crossroads, where you continue to the right in the direction of Krma. The macadam road then leads to Kovinarska hut, and we follow it further. Occasionally, a slightly worse road then leads us to the parking lot in front of the gate.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road past the gate to the extensive gravel deposits. A few minutes of easy walking on the gravel follows to a marked but sometimes harder to see crossroads. The footpath continues straight ahead, but signs point us right across the stream into the wods, where the path begins to climb gently. Only after about 40 minutes of walking does the path become steeper, but not to steep. At 1300m, the moderately steep path leads us out of the forest between dwarf pines. Here we start to get beautiful views of the nearby walls of the peaks above the Krma. The climb does not last long, however, as the path soon descends by a few metres and leads us to the beautiful mountain Vrtača. The walk across the beautiful grassy plain is very pleasant and scenic. On the other side, the path starts climbing again, this time through a rare forest. This climb does not last long either, and is interrupted by the Malo polje plain, where the path turns to the right. A moderately steep climb follows past a water trough to mountain pasture Zgornja Krma, where a shepherd's hut stands.
Just a few minutes above mountain pasture, the path leads to a crossroads at a small well. Continue to the right in the direction of Kredarica and Stanič's home (Planika on the left). After a few minutes of further walking, the gently sloping path leads us to the next crossroads, where we continue straight on in the direction of Stanič's home (left Kredarica). Continue almost horizontally along the path, which crosses a belt of sparse larch forest. The path then leaves the forest onto the viewing slopes and turns slightly to the left. At this point, where the marked path turns left, leave it and continue the ascent along an unmarked path which ascends a small unmarked valley (the turnoff is at about 2000 m). The path through this valley passes through dwarf pines and ascends only gently. The path becomes less and less visible and disappears completely towards the end of the valley. Turn left here towards Rjavina and after a short climb, you will reach a grassy slope where you will see the remains of a bomber from the Second World War. Continue to the right along the lower scree to enter the slightly more difficult crossing towards Temeno. The challenging part is very short, but some caution is needed as there is a lot of rubble on the way. There is then a short scramble up a fairly steep grassy slope and down to Temeno.
From Temeno, continue along the trackless trail straight up to the Rjavina summit. If you keep slightly right along the ridge, you will occasionally get a wonderful view of the Luknja stove. Once we reach the main ridge of Rjavina, we have only a few metres of easy climbing to the top.
zemljovid puta - Rjavina
On the way: Planina Zgornja Krma (1720m), Teme (2136m)
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Discussion about the trail The Krma Valley - Rjavina (via Teme)
lynx11. 08. 2008
Zanimiva tura. Odsvetujem v mokrem. Nad prehodom pod Temenom gnezdi krokar.
mili24. 07. 2010
Včeraj sva bili s prijateljico v tem koncu. Prehod iz Konjske doline je označen z velikim možicem. Na začetku sva ga zgrešili, ker je pot naprej še dobro vidna, v opisu pa piše, da zaviješ levo, ko se pot konča. Pri prehodu na teme je imela prijateljica bližnje srečanje z gadom - skoraj ga je prijela, nekaj kač pa je bilo tudi na Temenu. Zato previdno. Narava tu je res čudovita, včeraj pa tudi med spustom v Krmo nisva srečali niti enega človeka.
PFranci24. 11. 2012
Pod Zg.Krmo sem zavil na lovsko pot in nato malo višje v strmo grapo,kjer so mi gamsi uprizorili šolo plezanja.Višje sem se spet priključil lovski poti in zavil v dolino ki vodi proti Pršivcu.Malo pred koncem pa je treba slediti možice in zaviti levo na pot,ki pripelje do ostankov aviona.Od tu naprej sem šel kar naravnost po melišču do prečke pod steno in pod njo prečil na streho Rjavine in po njej do vrha.Danes zimska oprema ni bila potrebna.Nazaj sem šel po isti poti,le nižje sem šel mimo lovske koče.
metod20. 10. 2014
Odcep od markirane poti sem zgrešil, a se da "prosto po Prešernu" lepo priti do prehoda na Teme. Se je pa v takšnem primeru bolje držati višje, nad rušjem. In ne gor v vročini. Na strehi Rjavine žge!
darinka424. 08. 2018
Šli smo 22.8. po tem brezpotju oziroma po opisih.V štirih. Nobeden od nas več mlad. Nekaj možicev smo popravili. Ponekod ni prav ničesar. Pravo brezpotje. Sicer nismo zgrešili . Vsekakorlepa tura, čeprav tam nikogar ne srečaš. Kondicijsko zahtevna. Tam v tistem gruščnatem delu, krajšem, kjer je bilo potrebno plezanje je raslo ogromno planik. Ostanke bombnika smo si ogledali. In sestopili skozi Dovška vratca .
mornar2. 09. 2018
Darinka prosim če lahko poveš koliko je hoje iz krme do vrha, sem dokaj dobri hodec.Kako je tudi orijentacijsko pot sledljiva od ostankov letala naprej proti temenu.
darinka42. 09. 2018
Hitro nismo . Do Prgarce smo rabili kakšni dve uri. Nekaj pred sedmo zjutraj smo pričeli s hojo. In malo pred trinajsto smo bili na Rjavini. Pri ostankih bombnika smo se ustavili. Od Prgarce naprej greš desno, kjer je odcep za Staničev dom. Potem pa na višini 2000 m se prične brezpotje. Tam kjer imaš na desni strani pobočje Pršivca. Naprej je malo nerodno, če je kje kakšen možic viden je lažje, sicer se ponekod potka čisto malo vidi ali pa je sploh ni. Ko pa prideš do bombnika si pot nekako zarišeš po melišču in potem v steno. Ko si na travnatem ddelu pa greš samo še v strmo do vrha. Nas je tam ujel dež, pa ni bilo težav. V enem dnevu se da narediti turo. Sestop mimo okna skozi Dovška vratca pa je nekaj plezanja. . Mi si ne zadajamo ne vem kakšnega hitrega tempa. lp
Majdag2. 09. 2018
A niso ostanke letala ob čistilni akciji odstranili. Na TV je izgledalo tako..
darinka42. 09. 2018
Tu so ostanki ameriškega bombnika , ki se je l. 1945 zaletel v Rjavino. In eksplodiral v zraku. Umrlo je vseh 8 članov posadke, čeprov so sprva mislili, da se je pilot izstrelil. Deli bombnika so spravljeni na kupu in bodo tam najbrž tudi ostali. Kakšen del se vseeno najde še kje okrog.
garmont2. 09. 2018
Čistilna akcija pri kateri so naleteli na ostanke letala je bila na Kredarici.
Kar se pa tiče letnice padca letala pod Rjavino in števila mrtvih so različne razlage...
Majdag2. 09. 2018
Pisalo in govorilo se je vedno le o ostankih letala na poti čez Teme na Rjavino. Hvala Garmont, o teh razbitinah nisem vedela.nasmeh
mornar12. 07. 2019
Ker lani ni šlo bi šel sedaj čez Teme na Rjavino.Zanima me kako je s pristopom in sledljivostjo poti.Vkatero smer je treba od ostanka letala. da prideš do prehoda na Teme Hvala za odgovor in lep pozdrav.
garmont12. 07. 2019
Tako kot piše zgoraj v opisu. Držiš se desno čez melišče proti steni, ki jo imaš pred sano. Tu so opazne sledi predhodnikov, ki te povedejo v desno, skoraj vodoravno čez zahteven skalni prehod, kjer je treba malce poplezati, do trav Temena.
Od daleč zgleda prehod težje, kot je v resnici.mežikanje
garmont12. 07. 2019
...steno pred sabo, ne sano.nasmeh
mornar21. 07. 2019
Do kje se lahko kolikor toliko normalno pripelješ z normalnim avtomobilom, Hvala in l,p.
PFranci21. 07. 2019
Do konca ceste. nasmeh
hribba5. 09. 2021 14:42:03
V petek 3.9. sem se podal na to pot. Kljub gosti megli ravno na delu, kjer je najmanj potrebno, sem nekako pritipal do Temena.
Opis in vse slike najdete tukaj Rjavina čez Teme. Morda komu pomaga....
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