Tinčkova koča - Bielschitza/Svačica (via Zagon)
Starting point: Tinčkova koča (1070 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,4228°N 14,1991°E |
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Name of path: via Zagon
Time of walking: 2 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way, partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 883 m
Altitude difference po putu: 883 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Žirovnica and Jesenice. After a few km of driving, you will come to a crossroads where the road to Žirovnica and Moste turns right (from Jesenice, left). Just a few metres further, at the next crossroads, turn left into Moste (right into Žirovnica). Continue past the memorial to the fallen fighters, where the road starts to climb uphill under the railway line. At the top of the hill, turn right (at the Vila Karin sign) and we continue towards Završniškem jezero and Valvasor's home. The road then bends and leads to a crossroads where the road to Valvasor's home branches off to the left, and we continue straight ahead on the initially still asphalted road. The road soon becomes macadam, and we follow it to a parking area near Tinček's hut. The road is often in a rather bad condition in the upper part.
Path description:
From the parking lot, turn left onto a wide track (straight ahead along the worse road, the cottage at the source of the Završnice River), which initially passes a few holiday cottages. After a few minutes, the wide path or cart track turns into a footpath that crosses a torrent and then climbs steeply. The steep and little-visited path leads us higher up to a hunting lodge from which we get some views of the surrounding area.
The increasingly less visible path, along which a few small cairns have been placed, joins the marked path from the hut at the source of the Završnice towards Stolo.
Continue to the left and the path, surrounded by lush bushes, soon leads us into the high mountain cirque, where the path from the house at Zelenica joins from the right. Continue left in the direction of Stol along the path, which climbs steeply for a short time and then leads us into the plateau world between Bielschitza and Srednja peja.
Here, continue sharp right in the direction of Klagenfurter Hutte (straight Stol). The way ahead soon climbs steeply over a short rocky jump, then lays down and quickly leads us to the Belščica saddle, where we reach the border ridge.
Go right again and continue the ascent along the track, which climbs up a grassy slope surrounded by dwarf pines. Follow this increasingly scenic path to the top of the hill on which the cross stands.
Discussion about the trail Tinčkova koča - Bielschitza/Svačica (via Zagon)
metod25. 03. 2012 |
23.3.: Že na začetku sem zgrešil izhodišče in se nato orientiral po zemljevidu. Stezico sem našel šele pri lovski koči, naprej pa jo spet izgubil. Zelo težko je bila sledljiva, višje gori pa je sploh nisem iskal; je bilo med ruševjem še kar nekaj snega, ki se je prediral, zato je bila hoja naporna. Sicer pa lep in miren predel. Še enkrat bom poskusil, ko sneg odleze.
Suriljana6. 10. 2012 |
Danes sem želela iti po opisani poti. Zanima me, če je treba pri drugem ''vikendu'' ob poti zaviti rahlo desno? Ker sem jaz danes pri tem vikendu šla naravnost in po zelo strmem brezpotju hodila še dobro uro, dokler nisem na razgledni ''jasi'' med macesni malce počila in se obrnila. Nisem našla ne poti ne lovske koče, je bil pa kljub temu lep in zelo športen ''izlet''.
Anansie24. 05. 2017 |
Danes sva s prijateljico opravili to pot s fokusom na iskanje prave usmeritve v Zagon. Pot ni problema najti, je kokretna steza, ki vodi vse do priključitvi spodnji poti na Stol.
andi23. 09. 2017 |
Težave verjetno zato, ker zgornji opis opisuje redkeje uporabljano različico (?). Če se uporabi novejši opis katere od drugih gora (npr Vrtača, Srednji vrh), je pot relativno enostavno slediti v obeh smereh.
anica.zu@gmail.com18. 08. 2019 |
Tudi jaz nisem našla poti skozi Zagon, zato sem šla mimo Doma pri izviru Završnice, na sedlo Šija, strmo proti Vrtači, potem po melišču dol in desno na Svačico, kar pa pot podaljše skoraj za eno uro. Nazaj sem pa šla po spodnji poti, ki gre na Stol in pri podrti bajti desno dol skozi Zagon. Res je pot dol lažje sledljiva ali pa bolj logična. Pri Tinčkovi koči bi resnično lahko bila ena tablica za začetno pot.