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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Dom na Kofcah / Tržič - Dom na Kofcah (via Kamnek)

Tržič - Dom na Kofcah (via Kamnek)

Starting point: Tržič (530 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3647°N 14,3103°E
Name of path: via Kamnek
Time of walking: 3 h 25 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 958 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1065 m
Map: Karavanke - osrednji del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 23.523
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 78
Number of comments: 10
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Ljubelj (Tržič), then turn right downhill before the petrol station in Bistrica pri Tržiču, where you will quickly reach Tržič. At the junction after the Mercator shop, turn left towards the Tržič Museum, and we continue along Koroška Road, which we follow through the town centre to the nearby pizzeria. Here, turn right through the old courtyard gate and then pass the pizzeria's guest parking lot and the children's playground to the parking lot next to the castle.
Path description:
From the parking lot next to the castle, first descend the stairs and then turn left along the wide path, which offers a beautiful view of Tržič. Just a little further on, you reach the chapel, where you continue straight ahead in the direction of the Radetzky Trail. Continue up the ascent along the gently sloping path, then an arrow on a tree points to the right, where you will quickly reach the nearby allotments. Above the allotments, the path enters the woods and starts to climb steeply. The well-marked trail continues past a couple of crossroads and then gradually moves on to an increasingly scenic ridge. Here, a marked trail branches off slightly to the left, bypassing the Kamnek peak, and we continue slightly to the right and, after 3 minutes of further walking, climb to the Kamnek lookout (Kamnik on the maps).
From Kamnjek we continue straight along the ridge, which is still overlooked, and then the trail turns into a low forest and begins to descend. When the path is laid, the path to the Waterfall branches off to the right, and the aforementioned path joins from the left, bypassing Kamnek.
Continue straight ahead and begin a gentle to moderate climb along the ridge of Pirmance. When the ridge becomes quite steep, the waymarked path turns left onto slightly less steep slopes, over which you continue crosswise to the right. After a few minutes the forest thins out a little and the path returns to the ridge, which is reached just at the small pass between the summits of Pirmance and Veliki vrh.
Here an unmarked trail branches off slightly to the left to Velika peak above Završnik (5 minutes), and we continue slightly to the right to the east side of the mountain, where we continue to cross the slopes of Velika peak. The slope quickly flattens out and the path leads us to a grassy ridge, along which we descend to the nearby road, enjoying beautiful views. Cross the wide macadam road and continue the ascent along the wide cart track in the direction of Kofc. At a nearby weekend house, cart track ends and we continue slightly right on a forest path which starts to climb steeply through the forest. The path continues to lead us along an occasionally quite steep ridge, and then both the path and the slope lay down and lead us to cart track. After cart track we descend to a small pass, where the path from the Završnik farm joins us from the left, and we continue slightly to the right and continue along a wide and gently sloping path, which in 10 minutes of further walking takes us to Kala, where there is a crossroads of several paths. Here, continue slightly to the right and walk a few steps to the nearby Shelter on the Kale.
From the shelter, continue along the macadam road, where you will quickly arrive at a marked crossroads. From the crossroads, continue left up the marked footpath (straight Dom na Kofcah past the chapel), which starts to climb steeply. After a few steps, the path flattens out and leads into lane of bushes, where you cross the view slopes to the right. On the other side, the path returns to the forest and starts to climb steeply along the edge of the cliffs. The path continues past a few small natural caves, before it lays down and leads us into a more plateau-like world. The way ahead crosses a worse forest road while overlooking the western part of Košuta, and then leads to a parking area at the end of the forest road leading to Kofce.
From the parking lot, continue along the wide cart track, which will take you up to mountain pasture Kofce in 15 minutes. From the point where we have reached the lower edge of the mountain pasture, we are only 5 minutes away from the mountain hut, which is an increasingly scenic walk across the pastures of the aforementioned mountain pasture.
zemljovid puta - Dom na Kofcah
On the way: Kamnek (873m), Zavetišče na Kalu (1112m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Planina Spodnja Dolga njiva, Tegoška planina, Planina Pungrat, Planina Ilovica, Zavetišče na planini Šija, Planina Zgornja Dolga njiva, Mala Košuta, Kofce gora, Toplar, Malo Kladivo, Veliki vrh (Košuta), Veliko Kladivo
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Tržič - Dom na Kofcah (via Kamnek)
Bojan_A25. 01. 2014
Danes sem pretekel to čudoviti pot. Priporočam!

mukica26. 01. 2014
Bojan,mi pa smp pozneje staopale po isti poi do Kofc,vrnile pa mimo kapele do Kala in po drugi v Tržič...res lepa razgibana potnasmeh
Bojan_A26. 01. 2014
Kdaj ste bili na turi? Jaz sem štartal s Tžiča ob pol enih in sem bil na Kofcah Nekaj čez drugo uro.

Kje je pa tista kapela pa ne vem.

Dobra pot, ni kaj.
peterr26. 01. 2014
Iz Kala na Kofce vodita dve markirani poti , ta po kateri si šel in druga mimo kapelice (poglej zgoraj v rubriki izleti z istim ciljem). Kapelic stoji kakih 200m pod sedanjim planinskim domom, kjer je stal nekdanji pl. dom zgrajen l.1927 in bil med vojno požgan.Takrat je veljal za enega največjih in najlepših pri nas.
Bojan_A26. 01. 2014
Hvala. To je potem še ena dobra varianta da ne greš nazaj po isti poti. nasmeh
slamca26. 01. 2014
Za nas domačine je to Kamnek. velik nasmeh
mukica27. 01. 2014
Me pa smo mal pred drugo šle nazaj...mežikanje
Bojan_A30. 01. 2014
In verjetno po drugi poti da se nismo srečali?
mukica30. 01. 2014
Ja,spustile smo se do kapele in po drugi do Kala....lepo smo zaokrožilemežikanje
kamen_spotike6. 03. 2023 12:10:00
Razgibana pot, ki te ne pusti ravnodušnega. Športna ura mi je namerila cca. 8km (v eno smer), ki pa sva jih brez hitenja opravila v dveh urah in pol. Skratka lep pohod (tudi štruklji niso bili "švoh" mežikanje ).

lep pozdrav pa varen korak
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